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Releases: CosAnca/nucleum

New configuration method and new CLI tool

01 Feb 23:57
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Nucleum can now run on a default built-in configuration that will read from the ./src directory and output into a ./public directory.

Breaking changes

The config directory and its content have been removed and replaced with a single optional config file, named nucleum.config.js. See the default configuration inside config-defaults.js file.

For custom advanced behavior of Nucleum, you can create a nucleum.config.js file in the root of your project directory (next to package.json).

nucleum.config.js is a regular Node.js module, not a JSON file. It gets used by the Nucleum build phases, and it's not included in the browser build.


  • Move Sass processing to dart-sass as node-sass is no longer maintained.
  • Add more reset declaration blocks for better element styles consistency across browsers.
  • Remove _vertical-rythm.scss file and reset margins on all elements by default.
  • Update dependencies (sticking to Webpack 4 for now because of webpack-hot-middleware incompatibilities).

NEW 🎉🚀

There's a new Nucleum CLI tool to help you kick-start a new project in seconds. Give it a try: yarn create nucleum-project.
Find out more by reading the create-nucleum-project documentation.

Change sass linting tool and update dependencies

29 Apr 16:04
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  • Replace sass-lint with stylelint and create stylelint-config-nucleum
  • Replace u-width classes created to manipulate the grid layout with grid item object modifiers, like o-grid__item—span-6-col or o-grid__item—push-3-col@medium
  • Add pug-lint and prettier-pug
  • Add _generic.scss utility file where we can reset or override default behaviours
  • Update purgecss configuration to match the library config api
  • Fix .editorconfig file not getting generated on nucleum init

Fix SVG sprite task issue in dev mode

13 Mar 20:59
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  • Fix an issue with the SVG sprite task that failed to run properly in development mode
  • Update dependencies

Change critical css configuration

20 Jan 23:26
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  • The siteUrl configuration property in critical css has been moved from path-config.json file into task-config.js file.
  • Critical css package has also been updated to the @next version to fix an issue with gulp tasks not ending the process.
  • All other dependencies have been updated.

Fix critical css siteUrl property query and update dependencies

13 Dec 13:33
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Fix critical css task issue and update dependencies

Remove css and js linting

20 Oct 09:06
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Remove css and js linting

Fix critical css task when not enabled

18 Oct 16:48
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Fix critical css task

Fix sass-lint config file path

18 Oct 16:47
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Fix sass-lint config file path

Update dependencies and add new features

18 Oct 12:09
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  • Ability to generate critical css
  • Option to pass extra postcss plugins through stylesheets config
  • Sass linting console reports
  • JS linting console reports
  • postcss-svg plugin
  • New sass partial called _variables to output CSS Custom Properties
  • Breakout utility classes
  • Responsive classes for flex utilities
  • Responsive classes for position utilities
  • Responsive classes for text alignment utilities


  • Update object media to use flexbox
  • Update colors
  • Move visual baseline mixin into the _debug file

Update minimum supported node.js version

22 Jul 22:28
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  • Update minimum supported node.js version to >=11.10.1