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Awesome npm resources and tips. With repository stars⭐ and forks🍴


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Awesome npm Awesome 🌎 npm

Awesome 🌎 npm resources and tips

npm is a package manager for the JavaScript programming language and comes bundled in the 🌎 Node.js runtime.

Please read the contribution guidelines before contributing.





  • 🌎 npms - Superb package search with deep analysis of package quality using a 🌎 myriad of metrics.
  • 🌎 NodeICO - Package badges.
  • 🌎 - Package discovery.
  • npm-stat - Statistics charts for packages.
  • npmgraph - Visualization of dependencies.
  • npm trends - Compare package download counts over time.
  • 🌎 npm-compare - Easily search and compare packages.
  • 🌎 npm-top - npm users by downloads.
  • npm semver calculator - Visually explore what versions of a package a semver range matches.
  • 🌎 - Redirects to the GitHub repo of an npm package.
  • 🌎 moiva - Discover and compare packages.

Browser extensions

  • 🌎 Octo-Linker - Chrome extension to navigate across npm packages on GitHub with ease.
  • 🌎 npm-hub - Chrome extension to explore npm dependencies on GitHub repos.
  • 🌎 github-npm-stats - View npm download stats on GitHub.
  • 🌎 npm-search-update - Chrome extension to quickly search for dependencies and monitor changes from the npm registry.


  •    466⭐     35🍴 zsh-better-npm-completion) - Better ZSH completion for npm.
  •   8258⭐    185🍴 npkill) - Easily find and remove old and heavy node_modules folders.



  •   7555⭐    298🍴 np) - A better npm publish.
  •    737⭐     23🍴 publish-please) - Publish packages safely and gracefully.
  •    102⭐     10🍴 npm-release) - Making releasing to npm so easy a kitten could probably do it™.
  •     84⭐      7🍴 pkgfiles) - List all files which would be published in a package.
  •   7988⭐    531🍴 release-it) - Automate releases for Git repositories and/or npm packages. Changelog generation, GitHub/GitLab releases, etc.
  •  20696⭐   1672🍴 semantic-release) - Fully automated package publishing.


  •    284⭐     26🍴 npm-name) - Check whether a package name is available on npm.
  •    236⭐     62🍴 package-json) - Get the package.json of a package from the npm registry.
  •     53⭐     14🍴 latest-version) - Get the latest version of an npm package.
  •     52⭐      8🍴 npm-keyword) - Get a list of npm packages with a certain keyword.
  •     57⭐     13🍴 npm-user) - Get user info of an npm user.
  •     32⭐      6🍴 npm-email) - Get the email of an npm user.
  •      3⭐      0🍴 npm-user-packages) - Get packages by an npm user.
  •     27⭐      1🍴 dpn) - Get the dependents of a user's npm packages.
  •     51⭐     17🍴 npm-stats) - Get data from an npm registry.
  •    114⭐     60🍴 npm-cli-login) - Log in to npm.
  •   2806⭐    248🍴 nrm) - Registry manager.
  •    482⭐     68🍴 npm-register) - Easy to set up and maintain npm registry and proxy.
  •  16347⭐   1368🍴 verdaccio) - Lightweight private npm proxy registry.
  • 🌎 cloudsmith - A fully managed package management SaaS with support for public and private npm registries (and many others).


  •    198⭐     10🍴 npm-home) - Open the npm page of a package.
  •    191⭐      9🍴 gh-home) - Open the GitHub page of a package.
  •    968⭐     70🍴 david) - Check if your package dependencies are out of date.
  •   6579⭐    237🍴 npm-check) - Check for outdated, incorrect, and unused dependencies, as well as interactive update.
  •    341⭐     29🍴 npm-upgrade) - Update outdated npm dependencies interactively.
  •    774⭐     47🍴 npm-shrinkwrap) - A consistent shrinkwrap tool.
  •   2530⭐    149🍴 npm-windows-upgrade) - Upgrade npm on Windows.
  •    743⭐     82🍴 generator-nm) - Scaffold out an npm package.
  •    159⭐     14🍴 package-up) - Find the closest package.json file.
  •    258⭐     18🍴 read-package-up) - Read the closest package.json file.
  •    196⭐     48🍴 normalize-package-data) - Normalize package metadata.
  •    120⭐     14🍴 package-config) - Get namespaced config from the closest package.json.
  •    104⭐     12🍴 npm-run-path) - Run locally installed binaries in the terminal by name like with global ones.
  •   1158⭐     82🍴 local-npm) - Use npm 🌎 offline.
  •     92⭐     11🍴 npe) - CLI for inspecting and editing properties in package.json.
  •     20⭐      0🍴 engine-deps) - Manage Node.js version specific dependencies with ease.
  •      4⭐      0🍴 enpeem-search) - Search packages by scraping the npm web search.
  •     48⭐      1🍴 npm-issues) - Search known issues of all your packages at once.
  •     42⭐      1🍴 john) - Make npm3's flat dependencies easier to find and sort.
  •    932⭐     35🍴 ntl) - Interactive CLI menu to list & run npm tasks.
  •      9⭐      1🍴 decheck) - Explore dependencies of npm packages in the command-line.
  •    793⭐     38🍴 shrinkpack) - Lock down your dependencies and install offline.
  •    122⭐      3🍴 redrun) - Expand scripts from package.json to improve execution speed.
  •    424⭐     26🍴 package-size) - Get the bundle size of an npm package.
  •    757⭐     41🍴 synp) - Convert yarn.lock to package-lock.json and vice versa.
  •   5715⭐    239🍴 npm-run-all) - CLI tool to run multiple npm-scripts in parallel or serial.
  •    816⭐     47🍴 onchange) - Watch files and folders and run a command when something changed.
  •     72⭐      2🍴 cli-error-notifier) - Sends native desktop notifications when npm scripts fail.
  •   1007⭐     42🍴 luna) - App to manage npm dependencies.
  •   1229⭐     39🍴 emma-cli) - Interactive CLI package search utility.
  •    783⭐     35🍴 lockfile-lint) - Lint lockfiles for improved security and trust policies to mitigate malicious package injection and insecure lockfile resources.


  •  41427⭐   2722🍴 yarn) - Fast, reliable, and secure dependency management.
  •   8411⭐   3130🍴 npm) - The official client.
  •  29444⭐    991🍴 pnpm) - Fast, disk space efficient package manager.


Update to the latest npm version

$ npm install --global npm

  2530⭐    149🍴 Windows users, read more.)

Command aliases

  • npm i npm install
  • npm i -Dnpm install --save-dev
  • npm tnpm test
  • npm itnpm install && npm test
  • npm rnpm uninstall
  • npm unnpm uninstall
  • npm upnpm update

Shell aliases

Speed up your common npm tasks.

In your .zshrc/.bashrc:

alias ni='npm install'
alias nid='npm install --save-dev'
alias nig='npm install --global'
alias nt='npm test'
alias nit='npm install && npm test'
alias nk='npm link'
alias nr='npm run'
alias ns='npm start'
alias nf='npm cache clean && rm -rf node_modules && npm install'
alias nlg='npm list --global --depth=0'

Don't add to package.json when installing

By default npm adds packages you install to the dependencies field in package.json (since v5). You can prevent this by specifying the --no-save flag. You can add a package to devDependencies with --save-dev/-D:

$ npm install --save-dev ava

Run scripts

You can easily 🌎 run scripts using npm by adding them to the "scripts" field in package.json and run them with npm run <script-name>. Run npm run to see available scripts. Binaries of locally install packages are made available in the PATH, so you can run them by name.

	"name": "awesome-package",
	"scripts": {
		"cat": "cat-names"
	"dependencies": {
		"cat-names": "^1.0.0"
$ npm run cat

All package.json properties are 🌎 exposed as environment variables:

	"name": "awesome-package",
	"scripts": {
		"name": "echo $npm_package_name"
$ npm run name

Passing options to commands

You can pass options to the command you are using in your npm script by adding -- --flag like in the example below. The -- 🌎 marks the end of options parsing, so npm run will just ignore it and pass it to the command.

	"name": "awesome-package",
	"scripts": {
		"xo": "xo",
		"xo:fix": "npm run xo -- --fix",

Adding the -- --fix option is like executing xo --fix.

Silent option

npm run has a --silent option which is especially useful when combining npm scripts.

Imagine you have a setup for linting your JavaScript files like the following:

	"name": "awesome-package",
	"scripts": {
		"xo": "xo",
		"xo:fix": "npm run xo --silent -- --fix",

Using the --silent option reduces the output in the terminal. See 🌎 this comparison.

Lifecycle scripts

npm comes with predefined 🌎 lifecyle scripts which are excuted under specific conditions if they are defined in your package.json.

	"name": "awesome-package",
	"scripts": {
		"prepublishOnly": "nsp check"
	"devDependencies": {
		"nsp": "^3.0.0"

This will be executed automatically before your npm package is published to the registry via npm publish to check for known vulnerabilties in your dependencies.

Note: prepublishOnly is available since npm v4.0.0. See 🌎 npm docs.

npm start and npm test

npm start and npm test are also lifecycle scripts but are not executed automatically.

	"name": "awesome-package",
	"scripts": {
		"start": "node server.js",
		"test": "ava"
	"devDependencies": {
		"ava": "^1.0.0"

Therefore they can be executed simply with:

$ npm test
$ npm start

pre and post scripts

These are special lifecycle scripts which can be used to run scripts automatically in sequence.

	"name": "awesome-package",
	"scripts": {
		"pretest": "eslint .",
		"test": "ava"
	"devDependencies": {
		"eslint": "^4.19.0",
		"ava": "^1.0.0"
$ npm test

This will lint your files before running your tests. The tests will not run if linting fails. Or more generally spoken: the following script won’t be executed if one of the scripts running in sequence exits with an exit code other than 0.

Note: pre and post scripts can also be used for your custom npm scripts. So npm run foo will also run prefoo and postfoo if defined.

Run script with npx

npm 🌎 comes bundled with npx (Since v5.2.0) — a tool to execute package binaries. Each command is executed either from the local node_modules/.bin directory, or from a central cache, installing any packages needed in order for <command> to run.

	"name": "awesome-package",
	"dependencies": {
		"cat-names": "^1.0.0"

If the binary is already installed, it will be executed from node_modules/.bin.

$ npx cat-names

But if the binary is missing, it will be installed first.

$ npx dog-names
npx: installed 46 in 3.136s

Run commands with different Node.js versions

With npx (Comes bundled with npm v5.2.0 or newer) and the 🌎 node-bin package, you can easily try out code in different Node.js versions without having to use a version manager like nvm,   1604⭐    137🍴 nave), or  18819⭐    739🍴 n).

$ npx [email protected] -- node --version

Link local packages

Sometimes it can be useful to have a local version of a package as a dependency. You can use npm link to link one local package into another. Run npm link in the package you want to use. This creates a global reference. Then go into your original package and run npm link <package-name> to link in the other package.

$ cd rainbow
$ npm link
$ cd ../unicorn
$ npm link rainbow

You can now use rainbow as a dependency in the unicorn package.

Install a package from GitHub

npm supports using a shorthand for installing a package directly from a GitHub repo:

$ npm install sindresorhus/chalk

Let's target a specific commit as the main branch is a moving target:

$ npm install 'sindresorhus/chalk#51b8f32'

Specify either a commit SHA, branch, tag, or nothing.

You can also install Git dependencies with semver: (Requires npm v5 or newer)

$ npm install 'sindresorhus/chalk#semver:^2.0.0'

Install a specific version of a package

$ npm install [email protected]

List top-level installed packages and their version

$ npm ls --depth=0

Command help

Get help docs for a command:

$ npm help <command>


$ npm help install

Standalone version of a package

Quickly get a standalone version of a package that is browserified and usable in the browser.<package-name>[@<version>]


Great for prototyping, but download the file or use Browserify yourself for production.







  4478⭐    256🍴 sindresorhus/awesome-npm)