I am a 22 year old, senior year student of Wroclaw University of Sciene and Technology, passionate about backend engineering utilising OOP languages such as Java and Python. I am looking forward to pursue my programming adventure in a form of internships related with various forms of object oriented programming. During my learning process, I worked with Java (including JavaFX and JavaEE), Python, Assembly, C++, SQL, Kotlin, React, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Matlab and LabView. Out of which I mostly enjoyed:
- Java: made some projects utilising JavaFX with Hibernate and Apache Commons Math, JavaEE with Tomcat servlets, SpringBoot with SpringSecurity JWT implemented. I also coded a bunch of Android apps utilising some of the popular libraries.
- Python: I worked with Python during my HarvardX "CS50 Introduction to computer science" course, where I made some programs responsible for recovering lost .JPG files, applying filters to photos, browsing large databases. Recently I used this language to code an app responsible for comparing nucleotide sequences making use of different alignment algorythms and input types.
- Kotlin: I just started my journey with this language, developing the "Health Over Wealth" Android app, mimicking popular fitness app.
- Assembly: Besides the fact being definitely more "low-level" programming language, I enjoyed working with this language during my studies. I used Atmel Studio with Atmega 128A microcontroller for learning. In my senior thesis, I am working on a system utlising Arduino Uno WiFi coded in C++ with a backend server in SpringBoot architecture.