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Added functionality to Make Transects
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Mitchell Harley committed Jan 25, 2022
1 parent 7690dc9 commit cd1a6bd
Showing 1 changed file with 87 additions and 0 deletions.
87 changes: 87 additions & 0 deletions GUI/CSPGmakeTransectFiles.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
function CSPGmakeTransectFiles(handles)

%Get data from handles
data = get(handles.oblq_image,'UserData');
data_plan = get(handles.plan_image,'UserData');

%First, check if image has already been rectified
fileparts = CSPparseFilename(data.fname);
rect_path = strrep(data.pname,'Processed','Rectified');
rect_path = strrep(rect_path,'Registered','Rectified'); %For Registered images
rect_name = strrep(data.fname,'snap','plan'); %Rectified is called plan to keep with Argus conventions
rect_name = strrep(rect_name,'timex','plan'); %For timex images
if ~exist(fullfile(rect_path,rect_name),'file')
ButtonName = warndlg('Image has not been rectified. To make a transect file you need to first rectify an image','Image has not been rectified');
disp('Welcome to the Transect File Creator. To start, click on the area in the rectified image on right that evenly spans the beach and water. This forms the region of interest where shorelines can be detected.')
%h = impoly(handles.plan_image,'closed',1);
%ROI = getPosition(h);
ROI = drawpolygon(handles.plan_image,'InteractionsAllowed','none'); %Use drawpolygon as it is cleaner. Might have some issues if people dont have certain toolboxes or matlab versions?
disp('Now click on area that approximates the coastline, start with the area closest to the station and moving away to the farfield. This will be used to determine the orientation of the transects.')
%h = impoly(handles.plan_image,'closed',0);
%sl = getPosition(h);
sl = drawpolyline(handles.plan_image,'Color','Green','InteractionsAllowed','none');
marker_dist = 5; %Spacings of the transects. Set nominally to 5m but could be higher resolution
%x = sl(:,1)';
%y = sl(:,2)';
x = sl.Position(:,1)'; %For when using drawpolyline
y = sl.Position(:,2)'; %For when using drawpolyline
dist_from_start = cumsum( [0, sqrt((x(2:end)-x(1:end-1)).^2 + (y(2:end)-y(1:end-1)).^2)] );
marker_locs = 0 : marker_dist : dist_from_start(end); %replace with specific distances if desired
marker_indices = interp1( dist_from_start, 1 : length(dist_from_start), marker_locs);
marker_base_pos = floor(marker_indices);
weight_second = marker_indices - marker_base_pos;
marker_x = x(marker_base_pos) .* (1-weight_second) + x(marker_base_pos+1) .* weight_second;
marker_y = y(marker_base_pos) .* (1-weight_second) + y(marker_base_pos+1) .* weight_second;
m = (marker_y(2:end)-marker_y(1:end-1))./(marker_x(2:end)-marker_x(1:end-1));
marker_locs(end) = []; %Needed to get alongshore distances correct
d = -500:0.1:500;
X = NaN(length(d),length(m));
Y = X;
for i = 1:length(marker_x)-1
tangent = -(1/m(i));
r = sqrt(1+tangent^2);
xx = marker_x(i)+d./r;
yy = marker_y(i)+d.*(tangent/r);
X(:,i) = xx';
Y(:,i) = yy';
%I = find(~inpolygon(X,Y,ROI(:,1),ROI(:,2)));
I = find(~inpolygon(X,Y,ROI.Position(:,1),ROI.Position(:,2))); %For when using drawpolygon
X(I) = NaN;
Y(I) = NaN;
X2ends = NaN(2,length(m));
Y2ends = NaN(2,length(m));
Icut = [];
for i = 1:length(m)
I = find(~isnan(X(:,i)));
if ~isempty(I)
X2ends(1,i) = X(I(1),i);
X2ends(2,i) = X(I(end),i);
Y2ends(1,i) = Y(I(1),i);
Y2ends(2,i) = Y(I(end),i);
hold on
Icut = [Icut i];
marker_locs(Icut) = [];
I = find(isnan(X2ends(1,:)));
X2ends(:,I) = [];
Y2ends(:,I) = [];
marker_locs(I) = [];
SLtransects.x = X2ends;
SLtransects.y = Y2ends;
SLtransects.alongshore_distances = marker_locs;

%Save transect file?
button = questdlg('Do you want to save this transect file?','Save transect file?','Yes','No','No');
switch button
case 'Yes'
savefname = inputdlg('Please write filename of transect file','Transect file name');
save([transect_dir filesep savefname{1} '.mat'],'SLtransects')
disp('Transect file has been saved! Please make sure you update the database accordingly')

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