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Containerized Application for Testing Purposes



Get the latest binary.

$ curl -sL | tar xz

Run Toad:

$ ./Toad

Check the release:

$ ./Toad --get release

Health check:

$ ./Toad --get health

To run on stateful mode:

# If stateful, it will use redis by default
$ export IS_STATEFUL=true

# Redis configs
$ export REDIS_HOST=localhost
$ export REDIS_PORT=6379

Test it:

# Home
$ curl http: -v

# Health check
$ curl http: -v

# Get State (Only Stateful Mode)
$ curl http: -v

# Change State (Only Stateful Mode)
$ curl http: -v

# Reset State (Only Stateful Mode)
$ curl http: -v

# Enable Host (Only Stateful Mode)
$ curl http: -v

# Disable Host (Only Stateful Mode)
$ curl http: -v

# Enable All Hosts (Only Stateful Mode)
$ curl http: -v

# Disable  All Hosts (Only Stateful Mode)
$ curl http: -v

Deploy on Kubernetes

$ kubectl apply -f deployment/k8s/configs.yaml --record

$ kubectl get configmaps configs -o yaml

$ kubectl apply -f deployment/k8s/redis.yaml --record

$ kubectl apply -f deployment/k8s/toad.yaml --record

$ kubectl get deployments -o wide
$ kubectl get svc -o wide

$ kubectl get pods -o wide
$ kubectl logs $PodName

Deployment Strategies

Ramped: release a new version on a rolling update fashion, one after the other.

$ kubectl apply -f deployment/k8s/ramped/toad_ramped_strategy.yaml --record

Recreate: terminate the old version and release the new one.

$ kubectl apply -f deployment/k8s/recreate/toad_recreate_strategy.yaml --record

Blue/Green: release a new version alongside the old version then switch traffic.

$ kubectl apply -f deployment/k8s/blue_green/toad_blue_green_strategy.yaml --record

# Create service to load balance the old version (blue)
$ kubectl apply -f deployment/k8s/blue_green/switch_to_blue.yaml --record

# Create service to load balance the new version (green)
$ kubectl apply -f deployment/k8s/blue_green/switch_to_green.yaml --record

Canary: release a new version to a subset of users, then proceed to a full rollout.

$ ~

Kubernetes Ingresses

It allow you to flexibly route traffic from outside your Kubernetes cluster to Services inside of your cluster.

$ kubectl apply -f
$ kubectl get pods -n ingress-nginx \
  -l --watch
$ kubectl get svc --namespace=ingress-nginx

$ kubectl apply -f deployment/k8s/ingress/toad.yaml --record

$ kubectl get ingress
$ kubectl describe ingress toad-ing1
$ kubectl describe ingress toad-ing2

$ curl http:
$ curl http:

$ curl http:
$ curl http:

$ curl http:
$ curl http:


For transparency into our release cycle and in striving to maintain backward compatibility, Toad is maintained under the Semantic Versioning guidelines and release process is predictable and business-friendly.

See the Releases section of our GitHub project for changelogs for each release version of Toad. It contains summaries of the most noteworthy changes made in each release.

Bug tracker

If you have any suggestions, bug reports, or annoyances please report them to our issue tracker at

Security Issues

If you discover a security vulnerability within Toad, please send an email to [email protected]


We are an open source, community-driven project so please feel free to join us. see the contributing guidelines for more details.


© 2020, clivern. Released under MIT License.

Toad is authored and maintained by @clivern.