Tracking human body motion has multiple applications in robotics, fitness, and medical fields. The purpose of this project is to obtain magnetometer (sensor) data and improve its reliability for accurately modeling the human body motion. Spatial tracking is achieved by using a low cost inertial measurement unit (IMU), which is the integration of an accelerometer, a gyroscope, and a magnetometer. Inevitably, the magnetometer readings cannot be accurate due to hard iron and soft iron errors. Hard iron errors are created by ferromagnetic materials that have a fixed spatial relationship with the magnetometer in the IMU, while soft iron errors are created by ferromagnetic materials that have a variable spatial relationship with the IMU. This project focusses on optimizing the spatial tracking algorithms and calibration methods for a magnetometer to compensate these errors.
You are welcome to read more details on this from either the papers inside the folder "papers", or check out a condensed derivation of it from my report on my site:
How to install gcc and openocd successfully?
1. Install git by running:
sudo apt-get install git-all
2. Clone the repository from Github to your local
3. Go to the folder gcc4mbed
4. Do gcc installation. Run:
If the operation system is 64-bit but the 32-bit binary files are going to execute/compile, run:
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential g++
sudo apt-get install libc6:i386 libncurses5:i386 libstdc++6:i386
5. If the installation is failed, go to "../Motion_Tracking_Using_Magnetometer/gcc4mbed/code/MPU9250AHARS" and open the file "makefile" to correct:
6. Now compile the makefile. Run:
then go back to gcc4mbed do:
again and this time it should work properly and gcc should be installed
7. Now we need to install openocd. First install hidapi. Run:
git clone
sudo apt-get install aptitude
sudo aptitude install pkg-config libusb-1.0-0-dev libudev-dev libfox-1.6-dev autotools-dev autoconf automake libtool
cd hidapi
./configure --prefix=/usr
sudo make install
8. Install Openocd. Go to the website "" and download the openocd, unzip it by running:
tar xf openocd-0.9.0.tar.bz2
apt-get build-dep openocd
cd openocd-0.9.0/
./configure --enable-aice --enable-amtjtagaccel --enable-armjtagew --enable-cmsis-dap --enable-dummy \
--enable-ftdi --enable-gw16012 --enable-jlink --enable-jtag_vpi --enable-opendous \
--enable-openjtag_ftdi --enable-osbdm --enable-legacy-ft2232_libftdi --enable-parport \
--disable-parport-ppdev --enable-parport-giveio --enable-presto_libftdi --enable-remote-bitbang \
--enable-rlink --enable-stlink --enable-ti-icdi --enable-ulink --enable-usb-blaster-2 \
--enable-usb_blaster_libftdi --enable-usbprog --enable-vsllink
sudo make install
9. Now we are good to run the board! First power up the board by connecting it to usb.
10. In one terminal, start openocd by running:
sudo openocd -f /usr/local/share/openocd/scripts/board/st_nucleo_f4.cfg
11. In ANOTHER terminal, go to "../Motion_Tracking_Using_Magnetometer/gcc4mbed/gcc-arm-none-eabi/bin", run:
You will see something like this in terminal:
12. In gdb, type:
(gdb) file ../Motion_Tracking_Using_Magnetometer/gcc4mbed/code/MPU9250AHARS/NUCLEO_F401RE/MPU9250AHARS.elf
(gdb) target remote :3333
(gdb) load
(gdb) monitor arm semihosting enable
(gdb) monitor reset
(gdb) continue
13. Now, open ONE MORE NEW TERMINAL and do the following (just test to see if you can retrieve info from the sensor):
- in the tools directory (you will have this directory once all 1-8 steps are finished correctly) you will find two scripts: and
- for this software the baud rate is 9600 - important to use correct baud rate
in tools.
sudo ./
sudo ./ /dev/ttyACM0 9600
14. If everything goes well, you will see something like this:
reset cdc_acm kernel module after unplugging SEGGER devices
523760 deg/s
mx = -326.062531 my = -32.385883 mz = 185.895309 mG
temperature = 30.099350 C
q0 = 0.684724
q1 = 0.016172
q2 = -0.013028
q3 = 0.728506
Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 79.745132 -2.372995 0.181496
average rate = 666.065247
ax = 2.014160 ay = 2.563477 az = 994.995117 mg
gx = 0.045873 gy = -0.024192 gz = 0.115313 deg/s
mx = -324.497986 my = -24.563194 mz = 190.422913 mG
temperature = 30.111332 C
Required python packages:
1. Download pyQtGraph from
2. sudo apt-get install python python-numpy python-opengl python-qt4 libqt4-opengl python-qt4-gl
3. sudo apt-get install python-pip
4. pip install pyserial
You also need to install Pygame for the animation of the "stickman"
To enable serial port on bluetooth communication:
~$ sudo hcitool scan
Scanning ...
00:02:C7:7D:F5:17 HC-06
~$ sudo rfcomm bind /dev/rfcomm0 <Device MAC address> 1
~$ ls -l /dev/rfcomm0
crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 216, 0 2008-12-14 23:15 /dev/rfcomm0
The author here would like to thank Vipul Vishnoi and Bernie Wu for the excellent teamwork, Dr. Thomas Johnson ( for the supervision, and the technical supports from Kinectic Reality (, who is also our industrial collaborator. This project was placed 2nd among 47 groups in the final capstone project competition in 2017.
You are also welcome to take a look at the video on this project: