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gnome glib

Chris Vine edited this page Jan 17, 2020 · 19 revisions

When using the scheme (gnome gtk) bindings of guile-gnome with guile, in order to provide await semantics on gtk+ callbacks it will normally be necessary to use the 'await' and 'resume' procedures provided by the a-sync procedure in the (a-sync coroutines) module directly (calling 'resume' in the gtk+ callback when ready, and waiting on that callback using 'await'). However when launching timeouts, file watches or idle events on the glib main loop, convenience procedures are possible similar to those provided for the event loop in the (a-sync event-loop) module. These are set out below.

Note that the g-idle-add procedure in guile-gnome is suspect - there appears to be a garbage collection issue, and if you call the procedure often enough in a single or multi-threaded program it will eventually segfault. g-io-add-watch is also broken in guile-gnome, so this library uses its own glib-add-watch procedure which is exported publicly in case it is useful to users. In consequence, consider using the support for g-golf and guile-gi which is provided by guile-a-sync2 instead.

Most of the scheme files provided by this library are by default compiled by this library to bytecode. That is not the case with this module, so as not to create a hard dependency on guile-gnome.

Including this module will automatically enable suspendable ports in order to support the await-glib-read-suspendable, await-glib-write-suspendable and await-glib-getline procedures. To disable suspendable ports again, uninstall-suspendable-ports! can be called, but this means that those procedures can no longer be used while suspendable ports are disabled. In addition, any port using those procedures must be made non-blocking using fcntl as follows:

(fcntl *port* F_SETFL (logior O_NONBLOCK
                      (fcntl *port* F_GETFL)))

The (a-sync gnome-glib) module provides the following procedures:

(await-glib-task-in-thread await resume thunk [handler])

This is a convenience procedure which will run 'thunk' in its own thread, and then post an event to the default glib main loop when 'thunk' has finished. This procedure calls 'await' in the default glib main loop and will return the thunk's return value. It is intended to be called in a waitable procedure invoked by a-sync. If the optional 'handler' argument is provided, then it will be run in the default glib main loop if 'thunk' throws and its return value will be the return value of this procedure; otherwise the program will terminate if an unhandled exception propagates out of 'thunk'. 'handler' should take the same arguments as a guile catch handler (this is implemented using catch).

This procedure must (like the a-sync procedure) be called in the same thread as that in which the default glib main loop runs, where the result of calling 'thunk' will be received. As mentioned above, the thunk itself will run in its own thread.

Exceptions may propagate out of this procedure if they arise while setting up (that is, before the worker thread starts), which shouldn't happen unless memory is exhausted or pthread has run out of resources. Exceptions arising during execution of the task, if not caught by a handler procedure, will terminate the program. Exceptions thrown by the handler procedure will propagate out of g-main-loop-run.

This procedure uses g-idle-add: see the introductory remarks about that.

Here is an example of the use of await-glib-task-in-thread:

(define main-loop (g-main-loop-new #f #f))
(a-sync (lambda (await resume)
          (simple-format #t "1 + 1 is ~A\n"
                         (await-glib-task-in-thread await resume
                                                    (lambda ()
                                                      (+ 1 1))))
          (g-main-loop-quit main-loop)))
(g-main-loop-run main-loop)

(await-glib-task await resume thunk)

This is a convenience procedure for use with glib, which will run 'thunk' in the default glib main loop. This procedure calls 'await' and will return the thunk's return value. It is intended to be called in a waitable procedure invoked by a-sync. It is the single-threaded corollary of await-glib-task-in-thread. This means that (unlike with await-glib-task-in-thread) while 'thunk' is running other events in the main loop will not make progress, so blocking calls should not be made in 'thunk'.

When 'thunk' is executed, this procedure is waiting on 'await', so 'await' and 'resume' cannot be used again in 'thunk' (although 'thunk' can call a-sync to start another series of asynchronous operations with a new await-resume pair). For that reason, await-glib-yield is usually more convenient for composing asynchronous tasks. In retrospect, this procedure offers little over await-glib-yield, apart from symmetry with await-glib-task-in-thread.

This procedure must (like the a-sync procedure) be called in the same thread as that in which the default glib main loop runs.

Exceptions may propagate out of this procedure if they arise while setting up (that is, before the task starts), which shouldn't happen unless memory is exhausted. Exceptions arising during execution of the task, if not caught locally, will propagate out of g-main-loop-run.

This procedure uses g-idle-add: see the introductory remarks about that.

Here is an example of the use of await-glib-task:

(define main-loop (g-main-loop-new #f #f))
(a-sync (lambda (await resume)
          (simple-format #t "1 + 1 is ~A\n"
                         (await-glib-task await resume
                                          (lambda ()
                                            (+ 1 1))))
          (g-main-loop-quit main-loop)))
(g-main-loop-run main-loop)

(await-glib-yield await resume)

This is a convenience procedure for use with glib, which will surrender execution to the default glib main loop, so that code in other a-sync or compose-a-sync blocks can run. The remainder of the code after the call to await-glib-yield in the current a-sync or compose-a-sync block will execute on the next iteration through the loop. It is intended to be called within a waitable procedure invoked by a-sync (which supplies the 'await' and 'resume' arguments). It's effect is similar to calling await-glib-task with a task that does nothing.

This procedure must (like the a-sync procedure) be called in the same thread as that in which the default glib main loop runs.

This procedure should not throw any exceptions unless memory is exhausted.

This procedure is first available in version 0.7 of this library.

This procedure uses g-idle-add: see the introductory remarks about that.

Here is an example of the use of await-glib-yield:

(define main-loop (g-main-loop-new #f #f))
(a-sync (lambda (await resume)
	  (display "In first iteration through event loop\n")
	  (await-glib-yield await resume)
	  (display "In next iteration through event loop\n")))
	  (g-main-loop-quit main-loop)))
(g-main-loop-run main-loop)

(await-glib-generator-in-thread await resume generator proc [handler])

This is a convenience procedure for acting asynchronously on values yielded by generator procedures. The 'generator' argument is a procedure taking one argument, namely a yield argument (see the documentation on the make-iterator procedure for further details). This await-glib-generator-in-thread procedure will run 'generator' in its own worker thread, and whenever 'generator' yields a value will cause 'proc' to execute in the default glib main loop.

'proc' should be a procedure taking a single argument, namely the value yielded by the generator. If the optional 'handler' argument is provided, then that handler will be run in the default glib main loop if 'generator' throws; otherwise the program will terminate if an unhandled exception propagates out of 'generator'. 'handler' should take the same arguments as a guile catch handler (this is implemented using catch).

This procedure calls 'await' and will return when the generator has finished or, if 'handler' is provided, upon the generator throwing an exception. This procedure will return #f if the generator completes normally, or 'guile-a-sync-thread-error if the generator throws an exception and 'handler' is run (the 'guile-a-sync-thread-error symbol is reserved to the implementation and should not be yielded by the generator).

This procedure is intended to be called in a waitable procedure invoked by a-sync. It must (like the a-sync procedure) be called in the same thread as that in which the default glib main loop runs. As mentioned above, the generator itself will run in its own thread.

Exceptions may propagate out of this procedure if they arise while setting up (that is, before the worker thread starts), which shouldn't happen unless memory is exhausted or pthread has run out of resources. Exceptions arising during execution of the generator, if not caught by a handler procedure, will terminate the program. Exceptions thrown by the handler procedure will propagate out of g-main-loop-run. Exceptions thrown by 'proc', if not caught locally, will also propagate out of g-main-loop-run.

This procedure is first available in version 0.4 of this library.

This procedure uses g-idle-add: see the introductory remarks about that.

Here is an example of the use of await-glib-generator-in-thread:

(define main-loop (g-main-loop-new #f #f))
(a-sync (lambda (await resume)
          (await-glib-generator-in-thread await resume
                                          (lambda (yield)
                                            (let loop ((count 0))
                                              (when (< count 5)
                                                (yield (* 2 count))
                                                (loop (1+ count)))))
                                          (lambda (val)
                                            (display val)
          (g-main-loop-quit main-loop)))
(g-main-loop-run main-loop)

(await-glib-generator await resume generator proc)

This is a convenience procedure for acting asynchronously on values yielded by generator procedures. The 'generator' argument is a procedure taking one argument, namely a yield argument (see the documentation on the make-iterator procedure for further details). This await-glib-generator procedure will run 'generator', and whenever 'generator' yields a value will cause 'proc' to execute in the default glib main loop - each time 'proc' runs it will do so as a separate event in the main loop and so be multi-plexed with other events. 'proc' should be a procedure taking a single argument, namely the value yielded by the generator.

This procedure is intended to be called in a waitable procedure invoked by a-sync. It is the single-threaded corollary of await-glib-generator-in-thread. This means that (unlike with await-glib-generator-in-thread) while 'generator' is running other events in the main loop will not make progress, so blocking calls (other than to the yield procedure) should not be made in 'generator'.

This procedure must (like the a-sync procedure) be called in the same thread as that in which the default glib main loop runs.

When 'proc' executes, 'await' and 'resume' will still be in use by this procedure, so they may not be reused by 'proc' (even though 'proc' runs in the event loop thread).

Exceptions may propagate out of this procedure if they arise while setting up (that is, before the task starts), which shouldn't happen unless memory is exhausted. Exceptions arising during execution of the generator, if not caught locally, will propagate out of await-glib-generator. Exceptions thrown by 'proc', if not caught locally, will propagate out of g-main-loop-run.

This procedure is first available in version 0.4 of this library.

This procedure uses g-idle-add: see the introductory remarks about that.

Here is an example of the use of await-glib-generator:

(define main-loop (g-main-loop-new #f #f))
(a-sync (lambda (await resume)
          (await-glib-generator await resume
                                (lambda (yield)
                                  (let loop ((count 0))
                                    (when (< count 5)
                                      (yield (* 2 count))
                                      (loop (1+ count)))))
                                (lambda (val)
                                  (display val)
          (g-main-loop-quit main-loop)))
(g-main-loop-run main-loop)

(await-glib-timeout await resume msecs thunk)

This is a convenience procedure for use with a glib main loop, which will run 'thunk' in the default glib main loop when the timeout expires. This procedure calls 'await' and will return the thunk's return value. It is intended to be called in a waitable procedure invoked by a-sync. The timeout is single shot only - as soon as 'thunk' has run once and completed, the timeout will be removed from the event loop.

In practice, calling await-glib-sleep may often be more convenient for composing asynchronous code than using this procedure. That is because, when 'thunk' is executed, this procedure is waiting on 'await', so 'await' and 'resume' cannot be used again in 'thunk' (although 'thunk' can call a-sync to start another series of asynchronous operations with a new await-resume pair). In retrospect, this procedure offers little over await-glib-sleep.

This procedure must (like the a-sync procedure) be called in the same thread as that in which the default glib main loop runs.

Exceptions may propagate out of this procedure if they arise while setting up (that is, before the first call to 'await' is made), which shouldn't happen unless memory is exhausted. Exceptions thrown by 'thunk', if not caught locally, will propagate out of g-main-loop-run.

Here is an example of the use of await-glib-timeout:

(define main-loop (g-main-loop-new #f #f))
(a-sync (lambda (await resume)
          (simple-format #t
                         "Timeout ~A\n"
                         (await-glib-timeout await resume
                                             (lambda ()
          (g-main-loop-quit main-loop)))
(g-main-loop-run main-loop)

(await-glib-sleep await resume msecs)

This is a convenience procedure for use with a glib main loop, which will suspend execution of code in the current a-sync or compose-a-sync block for the duration of 'msecs' milliseconds. The event loop will not be blocked by the sleep - instead any other events in the event loop (including any other a-sync or compose-a-sync blocks) will be serviced. It is intended to be called within a waitable procedure invoked by a-sync (which supplies the 'await' and 'resume' arguments).

Calling this procedure is equivalent to calling await-glib-timeout with a 'proc' argument comprising a lambda expression that does nothing.

This procedure must (like the a-sync procedure) be called in the same thread as that in which the default glib main loop runs.

This procedure should not throw any exceptions unless memory is exhausted.

This procedure is first available in version 0.7 of this library.

Here is an example of the use of await-glib-sleep:

(define main-loop (g-main-loop-new #f #f))
(a-sync (lambda (await resume)
          (display "Entering sleep\n")
          (await-glib-sleep await resume 500)
          (display "Timeout expired\n")
          (g-main-loop-quit main-loop)))
(g-main-loop-run main-loop)

(glib-add-watch ioc cond func [context])

This procedure replaces guile-gnome's g-io-add-watch procedure, which won't compile. It attaches a watch on a g-io-channel object to the main context provided, or if none is provided, to the default glib main context (the main program loop). It returns a glib ID which can be passed subsequently to the g-source-remove procedure. It should be possible to call this procedure in any thread.

'ioc' is the g-io-condition object to which the watch is to be attached, and 'cond' is a list of symbols (being 'in, 'out, 'pri, 'hup, 'err and 'nval) comprising the events for which the watch is established.

'func' is executed when an event occurs, and takes two arguments: first the g-io-channel object to which the watch has been attached, and second a g-io-condition object indicating the watch condition which has been met (note: the interface for g-io-condition objects is broken in guile-gnome at present). The watch is ended either by 'func' returning #f, or by applying g-source-remove to the return value of this procedure. Otherwise the watch will continue.

File watches in guile-gnome are implemented using a GIOChannel object, and unfortunately GIOChannel support in guile-gnome is decaying. The only procedure that guile-gnome provides to read from a GIOChannel object is g-io-channel-read-line, which does not work. One is therefore usually left with having to read from a guile port (whose underlying file descriptor is 'fd') using guile's port input procedures, but this has its own difficulties, which means that one of the following approaches should be adopted (i) the port has to be unbuffered (say by using the open-file or fdopen procedure with the '0' mode option or the R6RS open-file-input-port procedure with a buffer-mode of none, or by calling setvbuf), or (ii) 'proc' must deal with everything in the port's buffer by calling drain-input, or by looping on char-ready? before returning, or (iii) the port's ordinary input procedures should be used with suspendable ports using the await-read-suspendable! procedure in the (a-sync await-ports) module, such as with await-glib-getline. This is because otherwise, if the port is buffered, once the port is read from there may be further characters in the buffer to be dealt with even though the GIOChannel watch does not trigger because there is nothing new to make the file descriptor ready for reading.

(await-glib-read-suspendable await resume port proc)

'proc' is a procedure taking a single argument, to which the port will be passed when it is invoked. The purpose of 'proc' is to carry out i/o operations on 'port' using the port's normal read procedures. 'port' must be a suspendable non-blocking port. This procedure will return when 'proc' returns, as if by blocking read operations, with the value returned by 'proc'. However, the glib main loop will not be blocked by this procedure even if only individual characters or bytes comprising part characters are available at any one time. It is intended to be called in a waitable procedure invoked by a-sync (which supplies the 'await' and 'resume' arguments). 'proc' must not itself explicitly apply 'await' and 'resume' as those are potentially in use by the suspendable port while 'proc' is executing.

Prior to version 0.14, 'proc' could only return a single value. From version 0.14, 'proc' may return any number of values.

This procedure must (like the a-sync procedure) be called in the same thread as that in which the default glib main loop runs.

Exceptions (say, from 'proc' because of port or conversion errors) will propagate out of this procedure in the first instance, and if not caught locally will then propagate out of g-main-loop-run.

This procedure will not call 'await' if the read operation(s) in 'proc' can be effected immediately without waiting: instead, after reading this procedure would return straight away without invoking the glib main loop.

As an example of how to use await-glib-read-suspendable, here is the implementation of await-glib-getline:

(define (await-glib-getline await resume port)
  (await-glib-read-suspendable await resume port
                               (lambda (p)
                                 (read-line p))))

(await-glib-getline await resume port)

This procedure is provided mainly to retain compatibility with the guile-a-sync library for guile-2.0, because it is trivial to implement with await-glib-read-suspendable (and is implemented by await-glib-read-suspendable).

It is intended to be called in a waitable procedure invoked by a-sync, and reads a line of text from a non-blocking suspendable port and returns it (without the terminating '\n' character). See the documentation on the await-glib-read-suspendable procedure for further particulars about this procedure.

Here is an example of the use of await-glib-getline:

(define main-loop (g-main-loop-new #f #f))
(a-sync (lambda (await resume)
          (display "Enter a line of text at the keyboard\n")
          (let ((port (open "/dev/tty" O_RDONLY)))
            (fcntl port F_SETFL (logior O_NONBLOCK
                                (fcntl port F_GETFL)))
            (simple-format #t
                           "The line was: ~A\n"
                           (await-glib-getline await resume
          (g-main-loop-quit main-loop)))
(g-main-loop-run main-loop)

(await-glib-getblock await resume port size)

This procedure is provided mainly to retain compatibility with the guile-a-sync library for guile-2.0, because an implementation is trivial to implement with await-glib-read-suspendable (and is implemented by await-glib-read-suspendable).

It is intended to be called in a waitable procedure invoked by a-sync, and reads a block of data, such as a binary record, of size 'size' from a non-blocking suspendable port 'port'. This procedure and will return a pair, normally comprising as its car a bytevector of length 'size' containing the data, and as its cdr the number of bytes received and placed in the bytevector (which will be the same as 'size' unless an end-of-file object was encountered part way through receiving the data). If an end-of-file object is encountered without any bytes of data, a pair with eof-object as car and #f as cdr will be returned.

See the documentation on the await-glib-read-suspendable procedure for further particulars about this procedure.

This procedure is first available in version 0.6 of this library.

(await-glib-write-suspendable await resume port proc)

'proc' is a procedure taking a single argument, to which the port will be passed when it is invoked. The purpose of 'proc' is to carry out i/o operations on 'port' using the port's normal write procedures. 'port' must be a suspendable non-blocking port. This procedure will return when 'proc' returns, as if by blocking write operations, with the value returned by 'proc'. However, the glib main loop will not be blocked by this procedure even if only individual characters or bytes comprising part characters can be written at any one time. It is intended to be called in a waitable procedure invoked by a-sync (which supplies the 'await' and 'resume' arguments). 'proc' must not itself explicitly apply 'await' and 'resume' as those are potentially in use by the suspendable port while 'proc' is executing.

Prior to version 0.14, 'proc' could only return a single value. From version 0.14, 'proc' may return any number of values.

This procedure must (like the a-sync procedure) be called in the same thread as that in which the default glib main loop runs.

Exceptions (say, from 'proc' because of port or conversion errors) will propagate out of this procedure in the first instance, and if not caught locally will then propagate out of g-main-loop-run.

This procedure will not call 'await' if the write operation(s) in 'proc' can be effected immediately without waiting: instead, after writing this procedure would return straight away without invoking the glib main loop.

As an example of how to use await-glib-write-suspendable, here is the implementation of await-glib-put-string:

(define (await-glib-put-string await resume port text)
  (await-glib-write-suspendable await resume port
                                (lambda (p)
                                  (put-string p text)
                                  ;; enforce a flush when the current
                                  ;; write-waiter is still in operation
                                  (force-output p))))

(await-glib-put-bytevector await resume port bv)

This procedure is provided mainly to retain compatibility with the guile-a-sync library for guile-2.0, because it is trivial to implement with await-glib-write-suspendable (and is implemented by await-glib-write-suspendable).

It is intended to be called in a waitable procedure invoked by a-sync, and will write a bytevector to the port.

See the documentation on the await-glib-write-suspendable procedure for further particulars about this procedure.

This procedure is first available in version 0.6 of this library.

As mentioned in relation to the await-glib-write-suspendable procedure, write exceptions will propagate out of this procedure in the first instance, and if not caught locally (say by placing a catch block immediately around this procedure) will then propagate out of g-main-loop-run. So one way of testing for EPIPE is as follows:

(define main-loop (g-main-loop-new #f #f))
(a-sync (lambda (await resume)
	  (catch 'system-error
		 (lambda ()
		   (await-glib-put-bytevector await resume port bv))
		 (lambda args
		   (if (= (system-error-errno args) EPIPE)
			 ... do something to cater for EPIPE ...)
			 ;; possibly rethrow the exception
			 (apply throw args)))))
	  (g-main-loop-quit main-loop)))
(g-main-loop-run main-loop)

(await-glib-put-string await resume port text)

This procedure is provided mainly to retain compatibility with the guile-a-sync library for guile-2.0, because it is trivial to implement with await-glib-write-suspendable (and is implemented by await-glib-write-suspendable).

It is intended to be called in a waitable procedure invoked by a-sync, and will write a string to the port.

If CR-LF line endings are to be written when outputting the string, the '\r' character (as well as the '\n' character) must be embedded in the string.

See the documentation on the await-glib-write-suspendable procedure for further particulars about this procedure.

This procedure is first available in version 0.5 of this library.

As mentioned in relation to the await-glib-write-suspendable procedure, write exceptions will propagate out of this procedure in the first instance, and if not caught locally (say by placing a catch block immediately around this procedure) will then propagate out of g-main-loop-run. So one way of testing for EPIPE is as follows:

(define main-loop (g-main-loop-new #f #f))
(a-sync (lambda (await resume)
	  (catch 'system-error
		 (lambda ()
		   (await-glib-put-string await resume port "test"))
		 (lambda args
		   (if (= (system-error-errno args) EPIPE)
			 ... do something to cater for EPIPE ...)
			 ;; possibly rethrow the exception
			 (apply throw args)))))
	  (g-main-loop-quit main-loop)))
(g-main-loop-run main-loop)