Chill&chat is a free and open-source mobile chat application that can send messages instantly to anyone around the world with a Chill&chat account. It's an amazing way to socialize and connect with your friends, especially in lockdown!
This repository is licensed under the MIT License and is free for use. Please see the LICENSE file for a full license.
Copyright (C) 2021-2023 Alvin cheng
You are welcome to contribute to this project at any time. To contribute, please fork the project and make changes in the forked repository. Then make a pull request under the Pull request tab. Please make sure your code has passed all tests, and the code explanation is clear before submitting, and please make sure to follow the GitHub official community guidelines when submitting any code to the Chill&chat repository.
I look forward to seeing your contributions to Chill&chat!
If you have found any bug(s) please post them in the Issues tab in this repository. Please explain the problem and post any error messages or codes, also include a list of instructions to reproduce this bug or problem.
For support and more information regarding Chill&chat products and services, please contact us with the details below and quote "Chill&chat" in your post:
Email: [email protected]
Chill&chat ID: fa3b185c-6d04-41ea-8082-10cc594ad8f6
To download the app via the apple app store, please click the link below.
Please click the button below to go to the releases tab and install the version you like!
To use the preview version of Chill&chat, please click here. Please note that the preview version requires the Expo Go Application and a expo account. Further more, please also note that the preview version is very in consistent and often skip or contains releases that can be unstable and buggy.
To get the latest code, please enter the command below into your terminal to clone it:
git clone
We will ensure that all users' private information will be private no matter what, even to the developers.
Private data is kept safe in a database with top-of-the-line safety and encryption, we also ensure no data is sold or shared with any third parties.
We will also make sure to listen to any community safety concerns or complaints.
We will ban and delete accounts of users that are unruly or share inappropriate data.
Developers will be active to eliminate security issues/bugs
All the above will be enforced to ensure Chill&chat is safe!
Alvin cheng - Software engineer
Brianna cheng - UI&UX designer
Jonathan yao
❤️ Made With Love ❤️