This repo is to have a quick wired up experiement area for testing out web3 component.
To start writing code, either navigate to /WebApp/app/components/ScratchPad
or search for BEGIN SCRATCH PAD
- JS Framework: React + Typescript
- SEO & Metadata: Helmet.js
- Blockchain components: Ethers.js + web3-react
- Styling: JSS + Material UI
- State management: Redux + Redux-Saga + Reselect
- Template generation: Plop + Handlebars.js
- Compiling: Webpack + Babel
- Forms & Validation: Formik + Yup
- Notifications: Toastify
First, run yarn to install the workspace dependancies:
yarn install
For running a local instance use the command:
yarn start:dev
Frontend boilerplate designed & crafted originally by @panterazar
General updates & modifications by @RyRy79261