A tiny tool to remotely trigger rosbag record through ROS or RSB topic trigger
python rosbag_remote_record.py -m ros -i /xtion/rgb/image_raw /something/else /another/topic -f testfile
rostopic pub /meka/rosbagremote/record std_msgs/Bool True
rostopic pub /meka/rosbagremote/record std_msgs/Bool False
rsb-toolscl0.15 send 'true' 'socket:/meka/rosbagremote/record'
rsb-toolscl0.15 send 'false' 'socket:/meka/rosbagremote/record'
Also look at:
python rosbag_remote_record.py --help
for user specified Remote Listen Scope/Topic use -t option
- Simply send a Bool value [ true = start recording | false = stop recording] to the above topic/scope
option -l NUM permits to limit recording NUM message in the rosbag, and automatically stopping (no need to send a stop command, although stop can still stop before NUM messages were received)
- Filename can be specified for each start/stop operation
- Use a String value containing [ filename:start | filename:stop ] to the extended trigger topic/scope, to be start/stop recording file called filename
- Either give the fullpath in the string (-f will then be ignored)
- Or give the filename only or partial path and provide a base directory with -d option which is prepended to the filename
- the extended trigger topic/scope is the standard topic with
at the end
rostopic pub /trigger/named std_msgs/String 'myfile:start'
rostopic pub /trigger/named std_msgs/String 'myfile:stop'