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MUSE-RP(Multiplayer UDP Service Extension-Reliable Protocol) is a fully configurable and open source videogame RUDP protocol, written in C#. Inspired by TCP mechanisms, MUSE-RP attempts to incorporate the best of both worlds: TCP (reliability) and UDP (speed). It was implemented to provide a solution to the need for a protocol that can be adapted to the specific characteristics of video games.


Client-Server architecture

Use of specific classes for the execution of a client or a server. Both inherit from the Host class, which can be modified and configured to create other types of architectures.

Two communication channels

Two delivery modes through two different channels and ports:

  • Fully reliable, inspired by TCP.
  • Partially reliable, whose tolerable loss percentage is customizable.

Both of them guarantee an orderly delivery.

Connection-oriented mechanisms

Implementation of INIT and END messages to initiate and terminate connections.

Ping messages

Use of a custom ping mechanism, whose RTT calculation is used to adapt the timers that trigger message retransmissions. It also closes connections that have not answered within a certain (and configurable) time. The ping interval is also configurable by the programmer.

Fast retrasmission

Like TCP, MUSE-RP will retransmit the oldest unacknowledged message if it receives three duplicate ACKs.

Message Handlers

Use of message type handlers that simplify the development of the application.

Lightweight header

MUSE-RP uses a 11 byte header for each package. big image


A sample implementation of MUSE-RP in a multiplayer video game developed with Unity:

Client example configuration

	ConnectionInfo serverInfo = new ConnectionInfo("", 7777, 0);
	HostOptions options = new HostOptions()
            maxConnections = 1,
            timeOut = 30000,
            timePing = 1000,
            windowSize = 1000,
            timerTime = 200,
	    messageHandler =  new MessageHandler(),
            waitTime = 1

	options.messageHandler.AddHandler(1, (message,source)=>Console.WriteLine("New friend just connected"));
	options.messageHandler.AddHandler(2, (message,source)=>Console.WriteLine("Server received my message"));
	int timeOutConnection = 30000;
	int connectionTries = 3;
	bool useProcessingThread = true;
        Client client = new Client(options, serverInfo, timeOutConnection, connectionTries, useProcessingThread);
	client.AddOnConnectedHandler(()=>client.SendToServer(1,reliable,ASCIIEncoding.GetBytes("Hello there!")));

Server example configuration

        HostOptions options = new HostOptions()
            maxConnections = 20,
            timeOut = 30000,
            timePing = 1000,
            reliablePort = 7777,
            noReliablePort = 7778,
            windowSize = 1000,
            timerTime = 200,
            reliablePercentage = 80,
            messageHandler =  new MessageHandler(),
            waitTime = 1
	bool reliable = true;
	options.messageHandler.AddHandler(1, (message,source)=>{
		Console.WriteLine("Message Received from client:" + ASCIIEncoding.GetString(;
		server.SendToAll(1, reliable, null);
	bool useProcessingThread = true;
	Server server = new Server(options, useProcessingThread);
	server.AddPingHandler((m, s) => Debug.Log("Ping!"));
        server.onEndReceived += () => Debug.Log("End received");
        server.onSendEnd += () => Debug.Log("Sended an End");


MUSE-RP is a videogame RUDP protocol, written in C#.







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