Client to access Securitas Direct through the API used by the following mobile Apps:
If you have a working account in the app, the client should work as well.
API specification and known projects
NOTE: THIS PROJECT IS NOT IN ANY WAY ASSOCIATED WITH OR RELATED TO THE SECURITAS DIRECT-VERISURE GROUP COMPANIES. The information here and online is for educational and resource purposes only and therefore the developers do not endorse or condone any inappropriate use of it, and take no legal responsibility for the functionality or security of your alarms and devices.
pysecuritas is available on PyPI and officially supports Python 2.7 & 3.5+:
$ python -m pip install pysecuritas
usage: pysecuritas [options]
Python library to retrieve and interact with securitas devices.
positional arguments:
command ARM: arm all sensors (inside)
ARMDAY: arm in day mode (inside)
ARMNIGHT: arm in night mode (inside)
PERI: arm (only) the perimeter sensors
DARM: disarm everything (not the annex)
ARMANNEX: arm the secondary alarm
DARMANNEX: disarm the secondary alarm
EST: return the panel status
ACT_V2: get the activity log
MYINSTALLATION: Sensor IDs and other info
INS: Information of all installations
IMG: Take a picture (requires -s)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
Username used in the web page/mobile app.
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
Password used in the web page/mobile app.
Installation/Facility number (appears on the website).
-c COUNTRY, --country COUNTRY
Your country: ES, IT, FR, GB, PT ...
-l LANGUAGE, --language LANGUAGE
Your language: es, it, fr, en, pt ...
-s SENSOR, --sensor SENSOR
The sensor ID (to take a picture using IMG)
$ ./ -u michael -p mypassword -i 12345 -c GB -l en EST
You'll get a json with the API output:
"RES": "OK",
"STATUS": "0",
"MSG": "Your Alarm is deactivated",
"NUMINST": "12345"
You can use it as well as a python class so you can use it in your integrations: There three main api endpoints:
- alarm: provides access to alarm actions such as arm and disarm
- camera: takes snapshots from camera sensors
- installation: retrieves basic information about the installation
Example getting alarm status:
>>> from pysecuritas.core.session import Session
>>> from pysecuritas.api.alarm import Alarm
>>> session = Session(username, password, installation, country, language, sensor)
>>> session.connect()
>>> output = Alarm(session).get_status()
>>> output
OrderedDict([('RES', 'OK'), ('STATUS', '0'), ('MSG', 'Your Alarm is deactivated'), ('NUMINST', '12345')])