B+ trees offer significant value by providing efficient data retrieval in block-oriented storage applications like file systems and databases. A B+ tree is nothing more than a tree (with a particularly high fanout or order, which we shall refer to as m) that satisfies the following conditions:
- An internal node (nodes that aren't the root or leaves) must have a number of children d such that ⌈m/2⌉ ≤ d ≤ m
- The root node may have at least 2 children and up to m children
- The number of keys k that an internal node may carry is ⌈m/2⌉ - 1 ≤ k ≤ m - 1
- Leaf nodes have no children, but the number of dictionary pairs k that a single leaf node may carry is ⌈m/2⌉ - 1 ≤ k ≤ m - 1
A B+ tree is similar to a B tree except that all the dictionary pairs lie in the leaf nodes.
This program was developed, compiled, run, and tested only with Java Development Kit 1.8.0_201 (Java 8). To compile the program, run the following command:
$ javac bplustree.java
To execute the program, run the following command:
$ java bplustree <input_file>
For the program to work properly, ensure that the input_file follows the format:
- The first line must contain Initialize(m) where m is the order of the B+ tree
- All subsequent lines may contain only the following operations:
- Insert(key, value) where key is an integer and value is a floating point number
- Delete(key) where key is the key of the dictionary pair you would like to delete
- Search(key) where key is the key of the dictionary pair whose value you would like to find
- Search(lowerBound, upperBound) where all values of dictionary pairs whose keys fall within lowerBound ≤ key ≤ upperBound will be recorded
Output for each search query will be recorded within a file titled output_file.txt.
Insert(21, 0.3534)
Insert(108, 31.907)
Insert(56089, 3.26)
Insert(234, 121.56)
Insert(4325, -109.23)
Delete (108)
Insert(102, 39.56)
Insert(65, -3.95)
Delete (102)
Delete (21)
Insert(106, -3.91)
Insert(23, 3.55)
Search(23, 99)
Insert(32, 0.02)
Insert(220, 3.55)
Delete (234)
3.55, -3.95