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ui5-tools Extension

VSCode extension for ui5 developers. This extension is not intended to replace ui5 cli, its main objective is to provide a fast and global workspace configuration to work with multi root workspaces and projects deployed to on premise systems (Gateway).


You can find examples of vscode workspace configuration in this repository.



  • Automatic less builder. Looks for styles.less and PROJECTFOLDER.less
  • Automatic themes builder. Build library.source.less themes
  • Configurator commands for odata proxy, resources proxy and replace strings


  • Handles AppCachebuster in localhost (by default only in PROD mode). Only use this feature to test your cachebuster behaviour with no deployment needed.
  • Configurable proxy to one o multiple odata service (Gateway, Other, None). Command alt+c alt+o
  • Supports .env file for odata service authentication. Example of .env file:
  • Configurable proxy to resources (Gateway, CDN SAPUI5, CDN OpenUI5, Local Runtime, None). Command alt+c alt+u
  • Configurable UI5 version (when using gateway proxy, extension will detect sapui5 version automatically)
  • Live reload browser, css and images hot reload
  • Typescript support (ESM)
  • Built in localhost home page server, with apps launchpad,, docs (md files), links, server info...
  • Built in launchpad for resources: Gateway, CDN SAPUI5 and Runtime. Configurable with file fioriSandboxConfig.json
  • Server uses folder hierarchy. For product apps and Z apps, is possible to emulate gateway bsp paths
  • Start server in development mode alt+s alt+s or production mode alt+s alt+p (launches appFolder/libraryFolder or distFolder folder of each project)
  • Multiple comands: start alt+s alt+s, restart alt+s alt+r... (check commands secction)


  • Component-preload.js, checking configured ui5 version for correct build. Build your project by doing right click in project folder or alt+b alt+b and select project
  • Dbg files creation
  • Typescript support (ESM)
  • Build less files (looks for styles.css, PROJECTFOLDERNAME.less or library.source.less)
  • Uglify files
  • Replace strings
  • Build one project alt+b alt+b or all apps alt+b alt+a in one command
  • Building preload (Component-preload and library-preload) process uses openui5-preload
  • Building theme (library.source.less) process uses less-openui5
  • Building styles (styles.less and PROJECTFOLDER.less) process uses less


  • Gateway deploy, process includes build process. Deploy your project doing right click in project folder or alt+d alt+d and select project
  • ui5-tools.json file located at project folder, with deployment configuration: ui5-tools.json example
  • Create, update and save last order in ui5-tools.json file (configurable)
  • Autoprefix BSP name in order text while creation (optional)
  • Supports .env file for gateway authentication.
  • Deploy process uses ui5-nwabap-deployer-core , so the extension uses the same configuration in file ui5-tools.json (property deployer.options)


  • Import BSP directly from Gateway systems alt+i alt+i
  • Supports .env file for gateway authentication.

String replacer

  • Default replace patterns <% TIMESTAMP %>, <% ISODATE %>, <% DMY %>, <% YMD %>, <% MYD %>
  • Create custom replacements like <% CUSTOMKEY %> in workspace environment (configurable with command alt+c alt+r)
  • Suports custom computed date format, replacements using dayjs during the build process:
"ui5-tools.builder.replaceKeysValues": [
    "value": "COMPUTED_DATE_FORMAT",
    "param": "DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:SS"


General Settings

  • ui5-tools.appFolder: Transpiled folder for applications (js) | default: webapp
  • ui5-tools.libraryFolder: Transpiled folder for libraries (js) | default: src
  • ui5-tools.distFolder: Destination folder in your project (final build) | default: dist
  • ui5-tools.ui5Version: UI5 library version for CDN proxy in server and build correct preload files: 1.71.63
  • ui5-tools.verbose: Log al messages false

Server Settings

  • Server name | default: UI5 Server
  • ui5-tools.server.port: Set custom port of UI5 Server | default: 3000
  • ui5-tools.server.startOnLaunch: Start server at launch vscode | default: false
  • ui5-tools.server.openBrowser: Open browser al launch server | default: true
  • Activate live reload | default: true
  • ui5-tools.server.timeout: Server timeout (ms), 0 for disable timeout | default: 60000
  • ui5-tools.server.watchExtensions: Extensions to listen for live reload | default: css,js,json,xml,html,properties
  • ui5-tools.server.protocol: Should use http or https | default: http
  • ui5-tools.server.odataProxy: Proxy all odata calls to a server | default: None
  • ui5-tools.server.odataUri: Your odata server uri url (example: http: odataProxy Other accepts multiple uris (example: http:, http:
  • ui5-tools.server.odataSecure: Verify odataProxy SSL Certs | default: false
  • ui5-tools.server.odataMountPath: The mountpath for 'Other' odataProxy. Accepts multiple paths, respecting the same order that odataUri for odataProxy type Other | default: /odata
  • ui5-tools.server.resourcesProxy: Proxy all odata calls to a Gateway, CDN or Local Runtime (proxy all url begining with /resources) | default: CDN SAPUI5
  • ui5-tools.server.resourcesUri: Your resources server url (example: http:
  • ui5-tools.server.proxyDestinations: Your own list of destinations | default: []
  • ui5-tools.server.resourcesSecure: Verify resourcesProxy SSL Certs | default: false
  • ui5-tools.server.cacheBuster: Activate cacheBuster in server mode: | Default: None

Builder Settings

  • ui5-tools.builder.debugSources: Create debug js files when building | default: true
  • ui5-tools.builder.uglifyPreload: Uglify Component-preload.js when building. If uglifySources is activated, this flag is redundant | default: false
  • ui5-tools.builder.uglifySources: Uglify Component-preload.js and all js files when building | default: true
  • ui5-tools.builder.uglifySourcesExclude: Exclude uri for uglify, generate a RelativePattern to exclude, can be n separated by comma | default: ``
  • ui5-tools.builder.preloadSrc: Array with all patterns to include/exclude in Component-preload.js | default: "**/*.js", "**/*.fragment.html", "**/*.fragment.json", "**/*.fragment.xml", "**/*.view.html", "**/*.view.json", "**/*.view.xml", "**/*.properties", "!**/*-dbg.js"
  • ui5-tools.builder.buildLess: Auto build less files into css when saving changes | default: true
  • ui5-tools.builder.replaceStrings: Replace strings when building | default: true
  • ui5-tools.builder.replaceExtensions: File extensions to look for keys to replace | default: xml,js,json,properties
  • ui5-tools.builder.replaceKeysValues: Key/Value pair list. Replace <% key %> with 'value' while building the project | default: [ { "key": "TIMESTAMP", "value": "COMPUTED_DATE_TIMESTAMP" }, { "key": "ISODATE", "value": "COMPUTED_DATE_ISO" }, { "key": "DMY", "value": "COMPUTED_DATE_DMY" }, { "key": "YMD", "value": "COMPUTED_DATE_YMD" }, { "key": "MYD", "value": "COMPUTED_DATE_MYD" } ]

Deployer Settings

  • ui5-tools.deployer.autoSaveOrder: Saves de transport number in ui5-tools.json file | default: true
  • ui5-tools.deployer.autoPrefixBSP: Auto prefix BSP name in all transport texts while creation | default: false
  • ui5-tools.deployer.rejectUnauthorized: Reject deployments in servers with misconfigured certificates

Importer Settings

  • ui5-tools.importer.uri: Source gateway system to import BSPs | default: ``


General Commands

  • ui5-tools.general.refreshProjects: Search for UI5 projects | Shortcut: alt+g alt+r
  • ui5-tools.general.showOutput: Open the extension output | Shortcut: alt+g alt+o

Server Commands

  • ui5-tools.server.startDevelopment: Start server in development mode (appFolder/libraryFolder) | Shortcut: alt+s alt+s
  • ui5-tools.server.startProduction: Start server in production mode (distFolder) | Shortcut: alt+s alt+p
  • ui5-tools.server.startBuildProduction: Build workspace and start server in production mode | Shortcut: alt+s alt+b
  • ui5-tools.server.stop: Stop server | Shortcut: alt+s alt+x
  • ui5-tools.server.restart: Restart server | Shortcut: alt+s alt+r
  • ui5-tools.server.toggle: Toggle server | Shortcut: alt+s alt+t

Builder Commands

  • Build ui5 project | Shortcut: alt+b alt+b
  • ui5-tools.builder.buildAll: Build workspace | Shortcut: alt+b alt+a

Deployer Commands

  • ui5-tools.deployer.deploy: Build and deploy project | Shortcut: alt+d alt+d
  • ui5-tools.deployer.deployOnly: Deploy project | Shortcut: alt+d alt+o
  • ui5-tools.deployer.deployMultiple: Build and deploy multiple projects | Shortcut: alt+m alt+m

Importer Commands

  • ui5-tools.importer.import: Import BSP from Gateway system | Shortcut: alt+i alt+i

Configurator Commands

  • ui5-tools.configurator.odataProvider: Configure odata provider | Shortcut: alt+c alt+o
  • ui5-tools.configurator.ui5Provider: Configure ui5 provider | Shortcut: alt+c alt+u
  • ui5-tools.configurator.replaceStrings: Configure replace strings | Shortcut: alt+c alt+r
  • ui5-tools.configurator.uninstallRuntime: Uninstall SAPUI5 Runtime | Shortcut: alt+c alt+d


  • Build option in project folder menu (right click)
  • Build and deploy option in project folder menu (right click)
  • Deploy option in project folder menu (right click)


Carlos Orozco Jiménez
Carlos Orozco Jiménez
David Perez Bris
David Perez Bris
Santiago de Arriba Cortijo
Santiago de Arriba Cortijo
Joaquim Monserrat Companys
Joaquim Monserrat Companys
