- Germany
Generative Agents: Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior
Docker-Compose und Dockerfiles
A React frontend for SpotifyVotingQueue
🖤 Create and share beautiful images of your source code
Material UI: Comprehensive React component library that implements Google's Material Design. Free forever.
One second to read GitHub code with VS Code.
🤖 Powerful asynchronous state management, server-state utilities and data fetching for the web. TS/JS, React Query, Solid Query, Svelte Query and Vue Query.
📘 Quick and Easy TypeScript Express Starter
Highly customizable notification snackbars (toasts) that can be stacked on top of each other
A comprehensive test suite for RFC 8259 compliant JSON parsers
Java library to create bots using Telegram Bots API
JDK main-line development https://openjdk.org/projects/jdk
zneix / haste-server
Forked from toptal/haste-serverVersion of hastebin continued by zneix
Collection of libraries to make Spigot development easier
A high performance general purpose code execution engine.
It counts how many times your GitHub profile has been viewed. Free cloud micro-service.