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Canasta CLI - Recent Enhancements & New Commands for wiki farm support

We're excited to introduce a series of enhancements and new commands to the Canasta CLI. These changes aim to provide users with more flexibility and power in managing their MediaWiki instances and wiki farms.

Table of Contents



Description: Creates a Canasta installation. Enhanced to support wiki farm setup with the -f flag.

Usage: sudo canasta create [flags]

  • -p, --path: Canasta directory.
  • -o, --orchestrator: Orchestrator to use for installation (default: "docker-compose").
  • -i, --id: Canasta instance ID.
  • -w, --wiki: Name of the wiki.
  • -n, --domain-name: Domain name (default: "localhost").
  • -a, --WikiSysop: Initial wiki admin username.
  • -s, --password: Initial wiki admin password.
  • -f, --yamlfile: Initial wiki yaml file for wiki farm setup.
  • -k, --keep-config: Keep the config files on installation failure.
  • -r, --override: Name of a file to copy to docker-compose.override.yml.
  • --rootdbpass: Read root database user password from .root-db-password file or prompt for it if file does not exist (default password: "mediawiki").
  • --wikidbuser: The username of the wiki database user (default: "root").
  • --wikidbpass: Read wiki database user password from .wiki-db-password file or prompt for it if file does not exist (default password: "mediawiki").

YAML Format for Wiki Farm: To create a wiki farm, you first need to create a YAML file with the following format:

  - id: [WIKI_ID] # Example: "mywiki1"
    url: [WIKI_URL] # Example: ""

Then run the following:

sudo canasta create -f [yamlfile] # Example: "wikis.yaml"


Description: Manage Canasta extensions. Enhanced to target a specific wiki within the farm using the -w flag.


  • list: Lists all the installed Canasta extensions.
  • enable: Enables specified extensions.
  • disable: Disables specified extensions.


sudo canasta extension [subcommand] [flags]


  • -i, --id: Specifies the Canasta instance ID.
  • -p, --path: Specifies the Canasta installation directory.
  • -w, --wiki: Specifies the ID of a specific wiki within the Canasta farm.