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phoenix: Phoenix Sepsis and Phoenix-8 Sepsis Criteria

Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. R-CMD-check codecov

Implementation of the Phoenix and Phoenix-8 Sepsis Criteria as described in:

  • "Development and Validation of the Phoenix Criteria for Pediatric Sepsis and Septic Shock" by Sanchez-Pinto, Bennett, DeWitt, Russell (2024)

  • "International Consensus Criteria for Pediatric Sepsis and Septic Shock" by Schlapbach, Watson, Sorce, (2024).

The best overview for this package is the R vignette which you can view locally after installing the R package via


or you can read it online here

The Phoenix Criteria has been implemented as an

  • R package
  • python module
  • SQL queries

The repository has been built with R as the primary and default language.




This package is not yet on CRAN - it will be soon!


Install the development version of phoenix directly from github via the remotes package:

if (!("remotes" %in% rownames(installed.packages()))) {
  warning("installing remotes from")
  install.packages("remotes", repo = "")


NOTE: If you are working on a Windows machine you will need to download and install Rtools.


The package comes with an example data set call sepsis. To get the Phoenix score and determine sepsis (score ≥ 2) and septic shock (score ≥ 2 and cardiovascular dysfunction, just call the phoenix function:


phoenix_scores <-
    # respiratory
      pf_ratio = pao2 / fio2,
      sf_ratio = ifelse(spo2 <= 97, spo2 / fio2, NA_real_),
      imv = vent,
      other_respiratory_support = as.integer(fio2 > 0.21),
    # cardiovascular
      vasoactives = dobutamine + dopamine + epinephrine +
                    milrinone + norepinephrine + vasopressin,
      lactate = lactate,
      age = age,
      map = dbp + (sbp - dbp)/3,
    # coagulation
      platelets = platelets,
      inr = inr,
      d_dimer = d_dimer,
      fibrinogen = fibrinogen,
    # neurologic
      gcs = gcs_total,
      fixed_pupils = as.integer(pupil == "both-fixed"),
    data = sepsis

#> 'data.frame':	20 obs. of  7 variables:
#>  $ phoenix_respiratory_score   : int  0 3 3 0 0 3 3 0 3 3 ...
#>  $ phoenix_cardiovascular_score: int  2 2 1 0 0 1 4 0 3 0 ...
#>  $ phoenix_coagulation_score   : int  1 1 2 1 0 2 2 1 1 0 ...
#>  $ phoenix_neurologic_score    : int  0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 ...
#>  $ phoenix_sepsis_score        : int  3 7 6 1 0 7 9 1 8 4 ...
#>  $ phoenix_sepsis              : int  1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 ...
#>  $ phoenix_septic_shock        : int  1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 ...
# 'data.frame':	20 obs. of  7 variables:
#  $ phoenix_respiratory_score   : int  0 3 3 0 0 3 3 0 3 3 ...
#  $ phoenix_cardiovascular_score: int  2 2 1 0 0 1 4 0 3 0 ...
#  $ phoenix_coagulation_score   : int  1 1 2 1 0 2 2 1 1 0 ...
#  $ phoenix_neurologic_score    : int  0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 ...
#  $ phoenix_sepsis_score        : int  3 7 6 1 0 7 9 1 8 4 ...
#  $ phoenix_sepsis              : int  1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 ...
#  $ phoenix_septic_shock        : int  1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 ...


The subdirectory python provided a module and example use. It is our goal to make this python code more robust and distribute it via PyPI soon.

You can read the article The Phoenix Septic Criteria in python for details and examples of using the python code as is.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import python.phoenix as phx
sepsis = pd.read_csv("./python/sepsis.csv")

    pf_ratio = sepsis["pao2"] / sepsis["fio2"],
    sf_ratio = sepsis["spo2"] / sepsis["fio2"],
    imv      = sepsis["vent"],
    other_respiratory_support = (sepsis["fio2"] > 0.21).astype(int).to_numpy(),
    vasoactives = sepsis["dobutamine"] + sepsis["dopamine"] + sepsis["epinephrine"] + sepsis["milrinone"] + sepsis["norepinephrine"] + sepsis["vasopressin"],
    lactate = sepsis["lactate"],
    age = sepsis["age"],
    map = sepsis["dbp"] + (sepsis["sbp"] - sepsis["dbp"]) / 3,
    platelets = sepsis['platelets'],
    inr = sepsis['inr'],
    d_dimer = sepsis['d_dimer'],
    fibrinogen = sepsis['fibrinogen'],
    gcs = sepsis["gcs_total"],
    fixed_pupils = (sepsis["pupil"] == "both-fixed").astype(int),
#>     phoenix_respiratory_score  phoenix_cardiovascular_score  phoenix_coagulation_score  phoenix_neurologic_score  phoenix_sepsis_score  phoenix_sepsis  phoenix_septic_shock
#> 0                           3                             2                          1                         0                     6               1                     1
#> 1                           3                             2                          1                         1                     7               1                     1
#> 2                           3                             1                          2                         0                     6               1                     1
#> 3                           0                             0                          1                         0                     1               0                     0
#> 4                           0                             0                          0                         0                     0               0                     0
#> 5                           3                             1                          2                         1                     7               1                     1
#> 6                           3                             4                          2                         0                     9               1                     1
#> 7                           0                             0                          1                         0                     1               0                     0
#> 8                           3                             3                          1                         1                     8               1                     1
#> 9                           3                             0                          0                         1                     4               1                     0
#> 10                          3                             3                          1                         2                     9               1                     1
#> 11                          1                             0                          0                         0                     1               0                     0
#> 12                          0                             0                          0                         0                     0               0                     0
#> 13                          2                             2                          1                         0                     5               1                     1
#> 14                          3                             3                          2                         0                     8               1                     1
#> 15                          0                             2                          1                         0                     3               1                     1
#> 16                          2                             2                          1                         0                     5               1                     1
#> 17                          3                             2                          2                         0                     7               1                     1
#> 18                          2                             2                          0                         0                     4               1                     1
#> 19                          0                             1                          1                         0                     2               1                     1


Read The Phoenix Sepsis Criteria in SQL article for details and examples of implementing the scoring rubrics in SQL. These examples are done in SQLite but will be easily translated into other SQL dialects.