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UCSCXenaTools is an R package downloading and exploring data from UCSC Xena data hubs, which are a collection of UCSC-hosted public databases such as TCGA, ICGC, TARGET, GTEx, CCLE, and others. Databases are normalized so they can be combined, linked, filtered, explored and downloaded.

Table of Contents


Install stable release from CRAN with:


You can also install devel version of UCSCXenaTools from github with:

# install.packages("remotes")
remotes::install_github("ShixiangWang/UCSCXenaTools", build_vignettes = TRUE)

Data Hub List

All datasets are available at

Currently, UCSCXenaTools supports 10 data hubs of UCSC Xena.

If any url of data hub is changed or a new data hub is online, please remind me by emailing to [email protected] or opening an issue on GitHub.


Download UCSC Xena datasets and load them into R by UCSCXenaTools is a workflow with generate, filter, query, download and prepare 5 steps, which are implemented as XenaGenerate, XenaFilter, XenaQuery, XenaDownload and XenaPrepare functions, respectively. They are very clear and easy to use and combine with other packages like dplyr.

To show the basic usage of UCSCXenaTools, we will download clinical data of LUNG, LUAD, LUSC from TCGA (hg19 version) data hub.

XenaData data.frame

UCSCXenaTools uses a data.frame object (built in package) XenaData to generate an instance of XenaHub class, which records information of all datasets of UCSC Xena Data Hubs.

You can load XenaData after loading UCSCXenaTools into R.

#> =========================================================================
#> UCSCXenaTools version
#> Github page:
#> Documentation:
#> If you use it in published research, please cite:
#> Wang, Shixiang, et al. "The predictive power of tumor mutational burden
#>     in lung cancer immunotherapy response is influenced by patients' sex."
#>     International journal of cancer (2019).
#> =========================================================================

#> # A tibble: 6 x 17
#>   XenaHosts XenaHostNames XenaCohorts XenaDatasets SampleCount DataSubtype
#>   <chr>     <chr>         <chr>       <chr>        <chr>       <chr>      
#> 1 https://… publicHub     Acute lymp… mullighan20… 30          copy number
#> 2 https://… publicHub     Acute lymp… mullighan20… 159         phenotype  
#> 3 https://… publicHub     Acute lymp… mullighan20… 129         copy number
#> 4 https://… publicHub     Breast Can… Caldas2007/… 242         phenotype  
#> 5 https://… publicHub     Breast Can… Caldas2007/… 220         copy number
#> 6 https://… publicHub     Breast Can… Caldas2007/… 135         gene expre…
#> # … with 11 more variables: Label <chr>, Type <chr>,
#> #   AnatomicalOrigin <chr>, SampleType <chr>, Tags <chr>, ProbeMap <chr>,
#> #   LongTitle <chr>, Citation <chr>, Version <chr>, Unit <chr>,
#> #   Platform <chr>


Select datasets.

# The options in XenaFilter function support Regular Expression
XenaGenerate(subset = XenaHostNames=="tcgaHub") %>% 
  XenaFilter(filterDatasets = "clinical") %>% 
  XenaFilter(filterDatasets = "LUAD|LUSC|LUNG") -> df_todo

#> class: XenaHub 
#> hosts():
#> cohorts() (3 total):
#>   TCGA Lung Adenocarcinoma (LUAD)
#>   TCGA Lung Cancer (LUNG)
#>   TCGA Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma (LUSC)
#> datasets() (3 total):
#>   TCGA.LUAD.sampleMap/LUAD_clinicalMatrix
#>   TCGA.LUNG.sampleMap/LUNG_clinicalMatrix
#>   TCGA.LUSC.sampleMap/LUSC_clinicalMatrix

Query and download.

XenaQuery(df_todo) %>%
  XenaDownload() -> xe_download
#> This will check url status, please be patient.
#> All downloaded files will under directory /var/folders/mx/rfkl27z90c96wbmn3_kjk8c80000gn/T//RtmpauJGeg.
#> The 'trans_slash' option is FALSE, keep same directory structure as Xena.
#> Creating directories for datasets...
#> Downloading TCGA.LUAD.sampleMap/LUAD_clinicalMatrix.gz
#> Downloading TCGA.LUNG.sampleMap/LUNG_clinicalMatrix.gz
#> Downloading TCGA.LUSC.sampleMap/LUSC_clinicalMatrix.gz

Prepare data into R for analysis.

cli = XenaPrepare(xe_download)
#> [1] "list"
#> [1] "LUAD_clinicalMatrix.gz" "LUNG_clinicalMatrix.gz"
#> [3] "LUSC_clinicalMatrix.gz"

Browse datasets

Create two XenaHub objects:

  • to_browse - a XenaHub object containing a cohort and a dataset.
  • to_browse2 - a XenaHub object containing 2 cohorts and 2 datasets.
XenaGenerate(subset = XenaHostNames=="tcgaHub") %>%
    XenaFilter(filterDatasets = "clinical") %>%
    XenaFilter(filterDatasets = "LUAD") -> to_browse

#> class: XenaHub 
#> hosts():
#> cohorts() (1 total):
#>   TCGA Lung Adenocarcinoma (LUAD)
#> datasets() (1 total):
#>   TCGA.LUAD.sampleMap/LUAD_clinicalMatrix

XenaGenerate(subset = XenaHostNames=="tcgaHub") %>%
    XenaFilter(filterDatasets = "clinical") %>%
    XenaFilter(filterDatasets = "LUAD|LUSC") -> to_browse2

#> class: XenaHub 
#> hosts():
#> cohorts() (2 total):
#>   TCGA Lung Adenocarcinoma (LUAD)
#>   TCGA Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma (LUSC)
#> datasets() (2 total):
#>   TCGA.LUAD.sampleMap/LUAD_clinicalMatrix
#>   TCGA.LUSC.sampleMap/LUSC_clinicalMatrix

XenaBrowse() function can be used to browse dataset/cohort links using your default web browser. At default, this function limits one dataset/cohort for preventing user to open too many links at once.

# This will open you web browser

XenaBrowse(to_browse, type = "cohort")
# This will throw error
#> Error in XenaBrowse(to_browse2): This function limite 1 dataset to browse.
#>  Set multiple to TRUE if you want to browse multiple links.

XenaBrowse(to_browse2, type = "cohort")
#> Error in XenaBrowse(to_browse2, type = "cohort"): This function limite 1 cohort to browse. 
#>  Set multiple to TRUE if you want to browse multiple links.

When you make sure you want to open multiple links, you can set multiple option to TRUE.

XenaBrowse(to_browse2, multiple = TRUE)
XenaBrowse(to_browse2, type = "cohort", multiple = TRUE)


More features and usages please read online documentations.


API functions can be used to query specified data (e.g. expression of a few genes for a few samples) or information instead of downloading the entire dataset.

If you want to use APIs provided by UCSCXenaTools to access Xena Hubs, please read this vignette.


Wang, Shixiang, et al. "The predictive power of tumor mutational burden 
    in lung cancer immunotherapy response is influenced by patients' sex." 
    International journal of cancer (2019).


This package is based on XenaR, thanks Martin Morgan for his work.



Please note, code from XenaR package under Apache 2.0 license.


📦An R package downloading and exploring data from UCSC Xena data hubs






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  • R 87.3%
  • XQuery 12.7%