Feel free to reach me via digitally signed and / or encrypted email. This is the pubkey in case you need.
pgp --fingerprint-details 0x1CC9B912
Key Fingerprint: 0x1CC9B912 (0x9D1DF7131CC9B912)
E501 7F00 D1DA 3D17 2B20 71CC 9D1D F713 1CC9 B912
Subkey Fingerprint: 0x9A3D1BDA (0x88672F0F9A3D1BDA)
E63D AFB2 2A69 9FCB BB71 8E84 8867 2F0F 9A3D 1BDA
HOW-TO: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/digitally-signing-and-encrypting-messages