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Broderick Labs Fluent Vaadin Flow(Use Lasted Vaadin Version & Lasted Java Version)


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Fluent Vaadin Flow

Inherits common Vaadin components --Broderick Labs

**If have any question can contact me via : **

Source code: Github Link
Need Java 15+ and Vaadin 19+, Better experience in China.

Component Flow Factory

use component factory to configure Vaadin components as builder mode in one line. You can use Vaadin Component Name + Factory to use this.

public abstract class FlowFactory<C extends Component, E extends FlowFactory<C, E>> implements IFlowFactory<C>,
        AttachNotifierFactory<C, FlowFactory<C, E>>,
        DetachNotifierFactory<C, FlowFactory<C, E>> {

public interface IFlowFactory<C extends Component> extends Supplier<C> {

1. Example For Button.

Button deleteButton = new ButtonFactory().text("delete").lumoSmall().lumoIcon().lumoTertiaryInline()
                        .icon(VaadinIcon.TRASH).clickListener(e -> remove(entity)).get();
Button menuButton = new ButtonFactory().icon(VaadinIcon.ELLIPSIS_DOTS_H.create())

2. Example For ComboBox<T> factory

ComboBox<Building> buildingComboBox = new ComboBoxFactory<Building>()
                .peek(r -> parameterMap.put("buildingId", () -> Optional.ofNullable(r.getValue()).map(Building::getId).orElse(-999)))
                .valueChangeListener(e -> searchButton.clickInClient())
                .valueChangeListener(e -> reloadFloors())
                .className(CLASS_NAME + "__building-combo-box").width("15em").lumoSmall()

3. Example For Date Picker

DatePicker datePicker = new DatePickerFactory().lumoSmall()

Warning: Date Picker, Time picker, Date Time Picker's Factory default use Chinese locale.


if you not accept can use

DatePicker datePicker1 = new DatePickerFactory(new DatePicker(), Locale.ENGLISH).get();

DatePicker datePicker2 = new DatePickerFactory(
    new DatePicker(), (Locale) null, (DatePicker.DatePickerI18n) null).get();

4. Example For Text Field

TextField textField = new TextFieldFactory().label("label 1").width("80vh")
    .suffixComponent(new Text("Km/s")).lumoSmall().get();

5. Support Components

  • AccordionFactory
  • AnchorFactory
  • AppLayoutFactory
  • ButtonFactory
  • CheckboxFactory
  • ComboBoxFactory
  • ComponentFactory
  • ContextMenuFactory
  • CustomFieldFactory
  • DatePickerFactory
  • DateTimePickerFactory
  • DetailsFactory
  • DialogFactory
  • DivFactory
  • EmailFieldFactory
  • FlexLayoutFactory
  • FormLayoutFactory
  • GenerateHtmlContainerFactory
  • GridFactory
  • H1Factory
  • H2Factory
  • H3Factory
  • H4Factory
  • H5Factory
  • H6Factory
  • HorizontalLayoutFactory
  • IconFactory
  • ImageFactory
  • ListBoxFactory
  • MenuBarFactory
  • NotificationFactory
  • NumberFieldFactory
  • PasswordFieldFactory
  • ProgressBarFactory
  • RadioButtonGroupFactory
  • SelectFactory
  • SpanFactory
  • SplitLayoutFactory
  • TabsFactory
  • TextAreaFactory
  • TextFieldFactory
  • TimePickerFactory
  • TreeGridFactory
  • UploadFactory
  • VerticalLayoutFactory

6. Support Base Component

  • AbstractFieldFactory
  • AbstractNumberFieldFactory
  • AbstractSinglePropertyFieldFactory
  • AttachNotifierFactory
  • BlurNotifierFactory
  • ClickNotifierFactory
  • CompositionNotifierFactory
  • ContextMenuBaseFactory
  • DetachNotifierFactory
  • FlexComponentFactory
  • FocusableFactory
  • FocusNotifierFactory
  • GeneratedVaadinButtonFactory
  • GeneratedVaadinCheckboxFactory
  • GeneratedVaadinComboBoxFactory
  • GeneratedVaadinContextMenuFactory
  • GeneratedVaadinDatePickerFactory
  • GeneratedVaadinEmailFieldFactory
  • GeneratedVaadinFormLayoutFactory
  • GeneratedVaadinNotificationFactory
  • GeneratedVaadinNumberFieldFactory GeneratedVaadinPasswordFieldFactory.jav
  • GeneratedVaadinProgressBarFactory
  • GeneratedVaadinRadioGroupFactory
  • GeneratedVaadinSelectFactory
  • GeneratedVaadinSplitLayoutFactory
  • GeneratedVaadinTabsFactory
  • GeneratedVaadinTextAreaFactory
  • GeneratedVaadinTextFieldFactory
  • GeneratedVaadinTimePickerFactory
  • GeneratedVaadinUploadFactory
  • HasAutocapitalizeFactory
  • HasAutocompleteFactory
  • HasAutocorrectFactory
  • HasComponentsFactory
  • HasDataGeneratorsFactory
  • HasDataProviderFactory
  • HasDataViewFactory
  • HasEnabledFactory
  • HasFilterableDataProviderFactory
  • HasHierarchicalDataProviderFactory
  • HasItemsAndComponentsFactory
  • HasItemsFactory
  • HasLazyDataViewFactory
  • HasListDataViewFactory
  • HasMenuItemsFactory
  • HasOrderedComponentsFactory
  • HasPrefixAndSuffixFactory
  • HasSizeFactory
  • HasStyleFactory
  • HasTextFactory
  • HasThemeFactory
  • HasValidationFactory
  • HasValueAndElementFactory
  • HasValueChangeModeFactory
  • HasValueFactory
  • HtmlComponentFactory
  • HtmlContainerFactory
  • InputNotifierFactory
  • KeyNotifierFactory
  • ListBoxBaseFactory
  • MenuItemBaseFactory
  • RouterLayoutFactory
  • SingleSelectFactory
  • SortEventSortNotifierFactory
  • SubMenuBaseFactory
  • ThemableLayoutFactory

Fluent Button


From left to right

1. Normal Button

 Button normal = new FluentButton(VaadinIcon.LIST, "普通按钮");

2. Primary Button

 Button primary = new FluentButton(VaadinIcon.CHECK_CIRCLE, "主要按钮").primary();

3. Primary Error Button

Button primaryError = new FluentButton(VaadinIcon.CHECK_CIRCLE, "主要按钮").primary().error();

4. Error Button

Button error = new FluentButton(VaadinIcon.INFO_CIRCLE, "错误按钮").error();

5. Error Dashed Button

Button errorDashed = new FluentButton(VaadinIcon.INFO_CIRCLE, "错误按钮").error().dashed();

6. Dashed Button

Button errorDashed = new FluentButton(VaadinIcon.DASHBOARD, "虚线按钮").dashed();

7. Link Button

Button link = new FluentButton(VaadinIcon.LINK, "连接按钮").link();

8. Inside static creator

    public static FluentButton saveButton() {
        return new FluentButton(VaadinIcon.CHECK_CIRCLE_O, "保存").primary();

    public static FluentButton updateButton() {
        return new FluentButton(VaadinIcon.EDIT, "修改").primary();

    public static FluentButton closeButton() {
        return new FluentButton(VaadinIcon.CLOSE_SMALL, "关闭");

    public static FluentButton cancelButton() {
        return new FluentButton(VaadinIcon.CLOSE_SMALL, "取消");

    public static FluentButton errorButton() {
        return new FluentButton(VaadinIcon.EXCLAMATION_CIRCLE_O, "错误");

8. Also can as Button Factory

    Button save = FluentButton.saveButton().primary().asFactory().clickListener(e -> {
                /* ... */


1. Ask Dialog


    new AskDialog("是否退出登录?", y -> logout()).build().open();

2. Message Dialog

2.1 normal (with title)


    new MessageDialog().message("这是一个则消息").header("提示").build().open();
2.2 normal (without title)


    new MessageDialog().message("这是一个则消息").build().open();
2.3 success (with title)


   new MessageDialog().message("这是一个则成功消息").header("成功").forSuccess().build().open();
2.4 Success (without title)


   new MessageDialog().message("这是一个则成功消息").forSuccess().build().open();
2.5 Warning (with title)


    new MessageDialog().message("这是一个则警告消息").header("警告").forWarning().build().open();
2.5 Warning (without title)


    new MessageDialog().message("这是一个则警告消息").forWarning().build().open();

3. Modal Dialog


    new ModalDialog().title("对话框")
            .content(new Div(new Span("Some contents...")))
            .content(new Div(new Span("Some contents...")))
            .content(new Div(new Span("Some contents...")))
            .addSaveButton(buttonClickEvent -> {

4. Download Dialog


new DownloadDialog("Room Export finished, please download.", 
                   new StreamResource(name, () -> stream)).build().open();


1. Normal mode


    new Pagination().totalData(1000).limit(10).init().build();

2. Tiny mode


    new Pagination().totalData(1000).limit(10).tinyMode().init().build();

3. Custom four component layout

3.1 Middle layout


    new Pagination().customLayout(new MiddleCustomPaginationLayout());

3.2 Custom layout

implements interface:

public interface ICustomPaginationLayout {

     * 自定义翻页组件布局
     * @param toolBar       tool bar 左中右布局
     * @param totalLabel    全部数据文本
     * @param pageContainer 翻页按钮
     * @param jumpField     跳转输入框
     * @param pageSize      单页数量选择框
    void apply(ToolBar toolBar,
               PaginationTotalLabel totalLabel,
               Div pageContainer,
               PaginationJumpField jumpField,
               PaginationPageSize pageSize

Such as middle:

public class MiddleCustomPaginationLayout implements ICustomPaginationLayout {
    public void apply(ToolBar toolBar, PaginationTotalLabel totalLabel, Div pageContainer, PaginationJumpField jumpField, PaginationPageSize pageSize) {
        toolBar.middle(totalLabel, pageContainer, pageSize);

with lambada:

ICustomPaginationLayout customPaginationLayout = 
                (toolBar, totalLabel, pageContainer, jumpField, pageSize) 
                        -> toolBar.middle(totalLabel, pageContainer, pageSize)

Chart Js


Official Link

China docs cdn

1. Direct to use

	new ChartJs("{}");

2. Use custom class


	VerticalBarChart chart = new VerticalBarChart()
        .withSize("99%", "300px")
        .addData(new LinkedHashMap<String, Double>())

base class

package org.bklab.flow.chartjs;

public abstract class AbstractChartJs<T extends AbstractChartJs<T>> extends VerticalLayout {
//	...
	protected abstract Chart createChart();
	public T build() {
        this.chartJs = new ChartJs(createChartJson());
        return (T) this;
//    ...

custom class

package org.bklab.ui.chart;

import be.ceau.chart.Chart;
import com.byteowls.vaadin.chartjs.config.BarChartConfig;
import com.byteowls.vaadin.chartjs.options.InteractionMode;
import com.byteowls.vaadin.chartjs.options.scale.Axis;
import com.byteowls.vaadin.chartjs.options.scale.LinearScale;
import org.bklab.flow.chartjs.AbstractChartJs;

public class VerticalBarChart extends AbstractChartJs<VerticalBarChart> {

    protected Chart createChart() {
        return new Chart() {
            public String getType() {
                return "line";

            public String toJson() {
                return createConfig().buildJson().toJson();

            public boolean isDrawable() {
                return false;

    public BarChartConfig createConfig() {
        BarChartConfig barConfig = new BarChartConfig();

        BarDataset dataset = new BarDataset().backgroundColor(getColorArray());
        data.forEach((k, v) -> dataset.addLabeledData(k, v.doubleValue()));
        double min = data.values().stream().mapToDouble(Number::doubleValue).min().orElse(0);
        min = min > 0 ? 0 : min;
        LinearScale linearScale = new LinearScale().ticks().min(min).callback(createFormatNumberFunction().getFunction()).and();

                .labels(data.keySet().toArray(new String[]{})).addDataset(dataset).and()
                .scales().add(Axis.Y, linearScale)

        return barConfig;

Button Selector


    Consumer<String> consumer = s -> new NotificationFactory(s)

    ButtonSelector buttonSelector = new ButtonSelector()
            .add("第1个", e -> consumer.accept("第1个"))
            .add("第2个", e -> consumer.accept("第2个"))
            .add("第3个", e -> consumer.accept("第3个"))
            .add("第4个", e -> consumer.accept("第4个"))
            .add("第5个", e -> consumer.accept("第5个"))
            .add("第6个", e -> consumer.accept("第6个"))

Empty Layout

1. normal


   new EmptyLayout();

2. custom message


     new EmptyLayout("未上传任何图片");

Badge Tag


    new BadgeTag("febs-tag-green", BadgeTagStyle.GREEN);
    new BadgeTag("febs-tag-green", BadgeTagStyle.BG_GREEN);
    // text, background, border
    new BadgeTag("febs-tag-green", "white", "black");

Drag Select Layout


    public void create() {
        DragSelectLayout<Room> dragSelectLayout = new DragSelectLayout<Room>()
        dragSelectLayout.containerHeight("40vh", "320px", "70vh");
        dragSelectLayout.getSelectedFooter().right(new DivFactory(selectCount, selectArea).displayGrid().textAlign("end").get());
        dragSelectLayout.addValueChangeListener(e -> {
            double sum = e.getValue().stream().mapToDouble(Room::getArea).sum();
            int size = e.getValue().size();
            selectCount.setText(size + " 房间");
            selectArea.setText(new DigitalFormatter(sum).toAreaWord());
        dragSelectLayout.getCandidateHeader().right(floorComboBox, keywordField);

    private Function<Room, Div> roomRender() {
        return room -> new DivFactory(
                new DivFactory().text(room.getRoomNo()).margin(0).textAlign("start").fontSize("var(--lumo-font-size-l)").get(),
                new DivFactory().text(String.format("%.2f ㎡", room.getArea())).margin(0).textAlign("start").fontSize("var(--lumo-font-size-s)").get()

Title Layout


    new TitleLayout().content(new Image(""))
        .title("Title Layout Header")/*.left().middle()*/

Tool Bar


Has left, middle, right components in one line.

 new ToolBar()
     .left(new TitleLabel("tool bar left"))
     .middle(new TitleLabel("tool bar middle"))
     .right(new TitleLabel("tool bar right 1"), new TitleLabel("tool bar right 2"));

Main App Layout



public class View extends MainAppLayout {

    public View() {
        appBar.logout(e -> UI.getCurrent().navigate(LoginView.class)).avatarName("Broderick Labs");

    public void buildNaviMenu(NaviMenu naviMenu) {
        naviMenu.addNaviItem(VaadinIcon.VAADIN_H, "组件库", ComponentDemoView.class);
        naviMenu.addNaviItem(VaadinIcon.DATABASE, "暂无数据", EmptyView.class);
        naviMenu.addNaviItem(VaadinIcon.PACKAGE, "翻页工具", PaginationView.class);

    public void buildUserIcon(Image image, ContextMenu contextMenu) {
        contextMenu.addItem("登录", e -> UI.getCurrent().navigate(LoginView.class));

    protected Class<? extends Component> defaultNavigationTarget() {
        return ComponentDemoView.class;

@Route(value = "empty", layout = View.class)
@PageTitle("empty --Broderick Labs")
public class EmptyView extends Div {

    public EmptyView() {
        add(new EmptyLayout("暂无数据"));

Fluent Crud View

@Route(value = RouteDefinition.SPACE_ADMIN, layout = MainView.class)
public class ExampleAdminView extends FluentCrudView<Room, Grid<Example>> {
    private final MultiSelectBox<Floor> floorComboBox;
    private final ComboBox<Building> buildingComboBox;

        floorComboBox = new MultiSelectBox<>();
        floorComboBox.getMultiSelectListBox().addSelectionListener(e -> reloadGridData());
        parameterMap.put("floors", () -> {
            Set<Floor> values = floorComboBox.getValues();
            return values == null || values.isEmpty() ? null : values;
    public ExampleAdminView() {
        addMenuColumn(new ExampleMenuBuilder());
        setSameEntityBiPredicate((a, b) -> a != null && b != null && a.getId() == b.getId());
    private void initGrid() {
    private void initConditions() {

    public Grid<Example> createGrid() {
        return new ExampleGrid();

    public Collection<Example> queryEntities(Map<String, Object> parameters) {
        return new ArrayList();

public class ExampleMenuBuilder implements IFluentMenuBuilder<Room, RoomGrid> {

    public void build(FluentCrudView<Example, Grid<Example>> fluentCrudView, ContextMenu contextMenu, Example example) {
          FluentMenuItem.create(VaadinIcon.EDIT, "edit floor")
              .add(contextMenu, menuItemClickEvent ->{});
          FluentMenuItem.forDelete("delete room")
              .add(contextMenu, menuItemClickEvent ->{});

More Components In This & More Components Adding

This still improving, More unlisted components are still being added.

Development instructions

JavaScript modules can either be published as an NPM package or be kept as local files in your project. The local JavaScript modules should be put in src/main/resources/META-INF/frontend so that they are automatically found and used in the using application.

If the modules are published then the package should be noted in the component using the @NpmPackage annotation in addition to using @JsModule annotation.

Starting the test/demo server:

  1. Run mvn jetty:run.
  2. Open https://localhost:8080 in the browser.

Publishing to Vaadin Directory

You can create the zip package needed for Vaadin Directory using

mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=1.0.0 # You cannot publish snapshot versions 
mvn install -Pdirectory

The package is created as target/fluent-vaadin-flow-*.*.*.zip

For more information or to upload the package, visit