- Clone this repository in your workspace by running the command "git clone https://github.com/thecyriljacob/nsfw-words-filter" on the terminal.
- Open "chrome:https://extensions/" on your browser and turn ON Developer Mode.
- Click on "Load unpacked" and upload the "dns-extn" folder from your cloned repository.
- Now your extension is all setup.
- Go to line 2 of your content.js file and add custom words of your choice.
- Replace the id with the next number and add the domain of your choice.
- Save your file. Now go to your browser's extension manager by pasting "chrome:https://extensions/" on your browser.
- Find your extension and update your extension by clicking on the reload icon.
- Go to the website that you added to the blocklist and observe that you cannot access it anymore.