(https://www.paypal.me/neonexxa) LaraCTF is a laravel based web application framework build with simple code and syntax. We believe the participant must have prepared for the tournament wouldn't want their focus to be distracted by improper interface. LaraCTF attempts to drive the participant towards the enjoyment and the excitement of competitions.
LaraCTF is accessible, yet easy, providing tools needed for large competitions. An easy control admin panel, time controller, round setting, marks analytics, with full drive unit test to give you the excellency of scoreboard.
Documentation for the scoreboard is still under development.
LaraCTF is now contributed solely by Neonexxa. Expected release date is 3/11/2016.
I would love anyone who would like to be part of the contributor, and leave comments for the development. Please send an e-mail to Neonexxa at [email protected].
The LaraCTF is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.