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SME financing platform (APIs)

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We are building an SME financing platform solution that would help small and medium entreprises gain access to financial services and manage, track and ensure the effective implementation the financing project. This repo contains the backend part (APIs) of the project. The fontend is here.

API docs UI

This project uses:

  • poetry as a dependecy manager; configuration in pyproject.toml
  • flake8: for linting
  • black: for formatting
  • pytest: for running tests


SMEs are a crucial contributor to industry in emerging markets, contributing up to 60% of total employment. However, 200 million SMEs lack access to affordable financial services and credit. When firms gain access to financial services such as credit and insurance, they can accumulate assets, expand their firms, make more productive investments and create jobs.


How would someone use what you have built, include URLs to the deployed app, service e.t.c when you have it setup


You should have Python 3.7+ and git installed.

1. Clone the repo

git clone

2. Change into repo directory

cd team-214-backend

3. Install poetry

Poetry is a dependecy manager for python.

On windows, you will need powershell to install it:

(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -UseBasicParsing).Content | python

After that you will need to restart the shell to make it operational.

On linux and other posix systems (mac included):

curl -sSL | python

To check that it is correctly installed, you can check the version:

poetry --version

May be the latest stable version is not installed with the installation script, to update poetry, you can run:

poetry self update

4. Install project dependecies

With poetry installed, you should install project dependecies by running

poetry install

This will install all the dependencies found in pyproject.toml, that includes pytest for running tests and flake8, linter for the project.

5. Start the project

With the dependencies installed, you can start the project by running:

python run

Additional commands

  • Lint: poetry run flake8

  • Run tests using the command: poetry run pytest

  • Install dependencies: poetry add <dependency>

  • Install dev dependencies: poetry add --dev <dev-dependency>


List the team behind this project. Their names linked to their Github, LinkedIn, or Twitter accounts should siffice. Ok to signify the role they play in the project, including the TTL and mentor


If this project sounds interesting to you and you'd like to contribute, thank you! First, you can send a mail to [email protected] to indicate your interest, why you'd like to support and what forms of support you can bring to the table.