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My Personalized Development Environment (PDE) with Neovim


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This repo contains all my neovim configs files, which I use. Now made with lazy.nvim Now this doesn't uses Mason, so you would have to install all of the lsp yourself.

For most of time of this configs existence I did everything on the main branch, but that is changed now i experiment and use the dev branch and will only merge stuff once in a while to the main, so now this will be way more stable.

🛠️ If you also want to use it

I use it with nvim-nightly but it also works with latest stable nvim

I recommend use bob:

Bob is a neovim version manager, which you can use to download any version of neovim supported by Bob

To use it just install it with AUR:

yay -Sy --needed --noconfirm bob-bin

Or with Cargo:

# NOTE: this will build from source
cargo install --git

And then you can just do:

bob use nightly

Also note you will need to add bob's nvim install folder to your path for that add this to your bashrc/zshrc

export XDG_DATA_HOME=$HOME/.local/share
export PATH=$XDG_DATA_HOME/bob/nvim-bin:$PATH

But this will also work:

sudo pacman -Sy --needed --noconfirm neovim

Or after installation of bob:

bob use stable
Neovim-nightly Installation

1. Neovim-nightly as an appimage

curl -LO && sudo chmod +x nvim.appimage

2. Build neovim from Source

#build dependencies
sudo pacman -Sy --needed --noconfirm git base-devel cmake unzip ninja tree-sitter curl
git clone && cd neovim && make CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo && sudo make install

3. Install neovim-git from AUR

yay -Sy neovim-nightly

Make a backup of your current nvim folder

mv ~/.config/nvim ~/.config/nvim.backup

Clone the repository and open nvim

For main branch

git clone ~/.config/nvim && nvim

Optional dependencies

These are all the optional dependencies if you don't want anything just remove them neovim should work fine either way

LSP dependencies as now these configs don't use mason, so you will have to install them yourself

These may not be up to date so please look at lua/rj/lsp/lsp-conf.lua for the list of all servers

sudo pacman -Sy --needed --noconfirm lua-language-server rust-analyzer \
	bash-language-server typescript-language pyright taplo-cli \
	tailwindcss-language-server vscode-html-languageserver yaml-language-server
yay -S jdtls lemminx
sudo npm i -g vscode-langservers-extracted docker-langserver

For null-ls to work for formatting and stuff

sudo pacman -S --needed --noconfirm stylua prettier astyle zsh autopep8 python-black
yay -S beautysh shellcheck-bin proselint

Other dependencies

sudo pacman -S --needed --noconfirm ripgrep npm unzip yarn

Automating the whole process of installing neovim, also its dependencies and then applying the config

Note: this will install a lot of dependencies so use it only after reading the script and if you know what you are doing, I will not be responsible if you break anything on your system

bash <(curl -s


You can change the startup-screen if you don't like this one go to lua/rj/plugins/alpha-themes and read the readme there image image image image

Uninstallation and Cleanup

rm -rf $HOME/.config/nvim $HOME/.local/share/nvim $HOME/.cache/nvim


The credit goes to Neovim-from-scratch and its author Christian who made this awesome repo and video playlist, this is from where I learned how to make and structure the configs and actually made it work, I used his configs as a base for most of the plugins and modified them for my needs. also I took configs and ideas from Lunarvim, Astronvim, LazyVim and nvim-basic-ide



My Personalized Development Environment (PDE) with Neovim







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  • Lua 98.8%
  • Shell 1.2%