This project is about implementing the very efficient priority queue data structure proposed by Peter van Emde Boas, supporting following operations:
Operation | Time |
IsEmpty | O(1) |
Min | O(1) |
Max | O(1) |
Member | O(log log u) |
Successor | O(log log u) |
Predecessor | O(log log u) |
Insert | O(log log u) |
Delete | O(log log u) |
Note: the predecessor operation is not implemented yet.
As you can see, the special thing about van Emde Boas trees is that they scale with the universe size (upper bound of the largest number to possibly insert), rather than with the number of items inserted. Moreover O(log log u) makes those operations almost as efficient as constant time (e.g. log_2(log_2(2^64)) = log_2(64) = 6).
If you haven't done already, install dotnet to your dev machine. Following commands show how to install dotnet onto Ubuntu 20.04.
wget -O packages-microsoft-prod.deb
sudo dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb
rm -rf packages-microsoft-prod.deb
sudo apt-get update; \
sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https && \
sudo apt-get update && \
sudo apt-get install -y dotnet-sdk-5.0
# official tutorial:
Download the source code by cloning this git repository.
git clone
cd VebTrees
Now you can run the benchmark tests using following command:
# run the unit tests
dotnet test --runtime linux-x64 --configuration Release
# run the benchmarks
dotnet run --project VebTrees.Benchmark --configuration Release --runtime win-x64
This software is available under the terms of the MIT license.