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背景 Background

1,项目立项背景请查阅 docs/

1,Project background please refer to docs/

简介 Description


1,A backend project of image/video processing tool developed by Node.js, which depends on Libvips, FFmpeg, Webp-converter and so on. Express.js is used as the service framework, Sqlite3 is used as the application database, and Sequelize is used as the ORM framework.


1,本项目依赖于Sharp库,如果遇到下载缓慢的情况,你可以使用镜像源来加速下载,具体配置可查阅 Sharp官方文档。或者在安装依赖前在终端中分别执行 npm config set sharp_binary_host ""npm config set sharp_libvips_binary_host "" 1, This project depends on the Sharp library. If you encounter slow download, you can use the mirror source to accelerate the download. You can refer to Sharp Official Documentation for specific configuration. Or execute npm config set sharp_binary_host "" and npm config set sharp_libvips_binary_host "" in the terminal before installing dependencies.

运行环境 Runtime Environment

1,基于现代前端的基础环境如Node.js等安装不过多介绍,执行 npm installyarn 安装依赖,在Windows环境下,你可能需要添加前缀来使用yarn,如 npx yarn

1,Based on the basic environment of modern front-end such as Node.js, there is no need to introduce the installation in detail. Execute npm install or yarn to install dependencies. In the Windows environment, you may need to add a prefix to use yarn, such as npx yarn.

开发 Development

1,执行 tsc --watch 启动开发模式 1, Execute tsc --watch to start the development mode

配置图片库路径 Configure the path of the image library

1,请修改 configs/index.ts 中的 rootPath cachePath 等名称中带有Path的配置项,指向你的图片库路径。

1,Please modify the configuration item with Path in the name of rootPath cachePath in configs/index.ts to point to your image library path.

编译 Compile

1,执行 tsc 编译项目,编译结果位于 dist 目录下

1,Execute tsc to compile the project, the compilation result is located in the dist directory

数据预处理 Data Preprocessing

1,注意,执行预处理任务前,你需要先执行 tsc 编译项目。

1,Note that before executing the preprocessing task, you need to first execute tsc to compile the project.

2,你可在项目启动前执行图片库预处理任务,这是一个多进程的任务,启动后会自动开始预处理图片库,执行 创建图片缩略图 计算图片pHash特征值 等任务,执行预处理任务后,你的后续接口请求会更快得到响应。

2,You can execute the image library preprocessing task before starting the project. This is a multi-process task. After starting, it will automatically start preprocessing the image library and execute tasks such as Create Image Thumbnail Calculate Image pHash Feature Value. After executing the preprocessing task, your subsequent interface requests will get a faster response.

3,推荐你在服务启动前或设备空闲时执行预处理任务,执行 node ./dist/worker/index.js 即可。

3,It is recommended that you execute the preprocessing task before the service starts or when the device is idle. Execute node ./dist/worker/index.js to do so.

启动服务(热更新) Start Service (Hot Update)

1,执行 nodemon dist/app.js 启动热更新式的服务,当你改动任意TS文件,会自动编译JS文件,然后服务会自动重启。

1,Execute nodemon dist/app.js to start the hot update service. When you change any TS file, the JS file will be automatically compiled, and the service will automatically restart.

启动服务(进程守护) Start Service (Process Guard)

1,执行 pm2 start dist/app.js 启动进程守护式的服务,此模式启动的服务在报错进程退出后,会自动重启。更多文档请查阅pm2官网。

1,Execute pm2 start dist/app.js to start the process guard service. The service started in this mode will automatically restart after the error process exits. For more documents, please refer to the pm2 official website.


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