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Simulate the effect of drugs during total intrevenous anesthesia


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The Python Anesthesia Simulator (PAS) models the effect of drugs on physiological variables during total intravenous anesthesia. It is particularly dedicated to the control community, to be used as a benchmark for the design of multidrug controllers. The available drugs are Propofol, Remifentanil, and Norepinephrine, the outputs are the Bispectral index (BIS), Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP), Cardiac Output (CO), and Tolerance of Laryngoscopy (TOL). PAS includes different well-known models along with their uncertainties to simulate inter-patient variability. Blood loss can also be simulated to assess the controller's performance in a shock scenario. Finally, PAS includes standard disturbance profiles and metrics computation to facilitate the evaluation of the controller's performances.


Use pip to install the package:

    pip install git+

The package can be imported in your python script with:

    import python_anesthesia_simulator as pas


To cite PAS in your work, cite this paper:

Aubouin-Pairault et al., (2023). PAS: a Python Anesthesia Simulator for drug control. Journal of Open Source Software, 8(88), 5480,


  • To report a bug or request a feature please open an issue.
  • To contribute, you can fork the repository and ask for a pull request.

If you want to contact me for any reason, I'm available by mail.


├─── src
|   ├─── python_anesthesia_simulator           # Simulator library + metrics function
├── paper              # markdown paper for JOSS submition
├── tests              # files for testing the package
├── docs               # files for generating the docs
├── pyproject.toml      # packaging file
├── requirements.txt
└── .gitignore          


GNU General Public License 3.0

Project status

Published in the journal of Open Source Software!


Bob Aubouin--Paitault