This repository contains an analysis and article about Danish solar thermal district heating.
The folder R has scripts for processing data abd generating plots.
01_solar_heat_data.R scrapes the hourly heat data from the website.
02_voroni_example.R has the locations of the sites manually defined and generates a voroni shape file (which represents the area around a plant that could theoretically supply energy) and also bins the sites into municipality polygons.
03_data_analysis.R combines the data from with the voronoi and municipality polygons and generates a tmap gif or png.
Additionally danish_electricity_API.R downloadeds historic electricity data from the Danish national grid equivelent.
uk_consumption.R creates a plot of domestic energy consumption from UK government data.
eu_solar.R downloads data from the eu database of solar thermal plants.
The folder Rmd has the article on district heating ( and a folder with original images used in it.