An initiative of Ouinex Exchange and BizUnity
A Technical analysis library for AvaloniaUI, based on ScottPlot DataVisualization Library (v 4.1.63).
StockPlot (will) allow you to have a full Stock Market Analysis module in your application only by using a single UserControl and a single class.
StockPlot are in a very early stage (started in April 2023). A lot of features need to be created before deploying a proper and working Nuget Package. Some refactoring may need to be done a couple of time, **do not use it in a production yet. ** Play around, do not hesitate to contribute <3 .
- Display the price using Candlesticks or Bars (OHLC) with a full live datas update support :
- Update the last bar (OHLC).
- Add a new bar.
- Automaticaly update the indicator(s) on price updating.
- Working using Background dispatcher.
- Display studies.
- Add indicator on price.
- Add sub indicator.
- Auto hide or show the X axis. (Only the last Plot X axis need to be shown).
- Auto link the X axis with sub indicators and main price area.
- Shared cross hair between price area and sub charts.
- Display & modify properties of an indicator.
- Allowing the user to choose the price type (candle, OHLC or line).
- Add the line type chart.
- Allowing the user to customize the charts and price colors.
- Ability to change the parametters of an indicator.
- Ability to change the visual parametter of an indicator (eg : line style, line color, ...).
- For both of those previous point, we need to create and add a PropertyGrid Control.
- Display the list of working indicators on price.
- Add an horizontal line on a specified price (Y Axis).
- Add a vertical line on a specified time (X Axis).
- Add a limited line (X1,Y1,X2,Y2).
- Add Fibonacci retracement.
- Add Andrew Pitchfork.
- ...
- Save and load a preset of indicators.
- Save and load a preset of draws.
From you IDE, add the reference to StockPlot.Charts. This library contains all the controls and logics.
In your Window or UserControl add the reference to StockPlot.Charts :
Add the StockChart control in your axaml code :
<stockPlot:StockChart CandleDownColor="OrangeRed"
- In your C# code, find the StockChart control :
StockChart _chart = this.Find<StockChart>("StockChart");
- Create a new StockPricesModel and provide the StockChart control with it :
var model = new StockPricesModel();
_chart.PricesModel = model;
- FullFill the model with datas. For this exemple we will use Binance API using Binance.NET library. With this exemple, price is working in live using WebSocket.
var client = new BinanceClient();
var request = await client.SpotApi.ExchangeData.GetUiKlinesAsync("BTCUSDT", Binance.Net.Enums.KlineInterval.OneMinute, limit: 500);
if (request.Success)
var bars = request.Data.Select(x => new OHLC((double)x.OpenPrice,
// Append the all bars
var socket = new BinanceSocketClient();
await socket.SpotStreams.SubscribeToKlineUpdatesAsync("BTCUSDT", Binance.Net.Enums.KlineInterval.OneMinute, async (data) =>
await Dispatcher.UIThread.InvokeAsync(() =>
var candle = data.Data.Data;
var toUpdate = model.Prices.FirstOrDefault(x => x.DateTime == candle.OpenTime);
// Check if the data time are the same as the last. If not, it means we have to add a new bar
if (toUpdate != null)
toUpdate.Volume = (double)candle.Volume;
toUpdate.High = (double)candle.HighPrice;
toUpdate.Close = (double)candle.ClosePrice;
toUpdate.Low = (double)candle.LowPrice;
// Update the last bar
var newBar = new OHLC((double)candle.OpenPrice,
candle.OpenTime, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1));
// Append the new bar
}, DispatcherPriority.Background);
It is very easy to fullfill the chart with datas just by using Append() and UpdateBar(). **