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A PyTorch implementation of Geometry-Complete SE(3)-Equivariant Perceptron Networks (GCPNets)


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PyTorch Lightning Config: Hydra Paper


Update: Also consider checking out our new diffusion generative model, GCDM, that uses GCPNet to improve equivariant diffusion models for 3D molecule generation in multiple ways. GitHub and paper.

Update: Also consider checking out the new ProteinWorkshop benchmark which features GCPNet as a state-of-the-art geometric GNN for representation learning of 3D protein structures. GitHub and paper.

Update: Also consider checking out the new GCPNet-EMA codebase which deploys GCPNet as a fast, state-of-the-art quality assessment method for 3D protein structures. GitHub and paper.



A PyTorch implementation of Geometry-Complete SE(3)-Equivariant Perceptron Networks (GCPNets)

Table of contents

How to run

Install Mamba

wget "$(uname)-$(uname -m).sh"
bash Mambaforge-$(uname)-$(uname -m).sh  # accept all terms and install to the default location
rm Mambaforge-$(uname)-$(uname -m).sh  # (optionally) remove installer after using it
source ~/.bashrc  # alternatively, one can restart their shell session to achieve the same result

Install dependencies

# clone project
git clone
cd gcpnet/

# create conda environment
mamba env create -f environment.yaml
conda activate gcpnet  # note: one still needs to use `conda` to (de)activate environments

# install local project as package
pip3 install -e .

GCPNet Tasks and Models

Download data for tasks

# initialize data directory structure
mkdir -p data
mkdir -p data/ATOM3D
mkdir -p data/ATOM3D/LBA
mkdir -p data/ATOM3D/PSR
mkdir -p data/CATH
mkdir -p data/RS/final_data_splits

# fetch, extract, and clean-up preprocessed data
cd data/
tar -xzf NMS.tar.gz
rm NMS.tar.gz
cd ../

Download data for the RS task by navigating to and downloading the three files train_RS_classification_enantiomers_MOL_326865_55084_27542.pkl, validation_RS_classification_enantiomers_MOL_70099_11748_5874.pkl, and test_RS_classification_enantiomers_MOL_69719_11680_5840.pkl. Once downloaded, please store them in data/RS/final_data_splits.

Note: The ATOM3D datasets (i.e., the LBA and PSR datasets) as well as the CATH dataset we use will automatically be downloaded during execution of src/ or src/ if they have not already been downloaded. However, data for the NMS and RS tasks must be downloaded manually.

How to train models

Train model with default configuration

# train on CPU
python3 src/ trainer=cpu

# train on GPU
python3 src/ trainer=gpu

Train model with chosen experiment configuration from configs/experiment/

python3 src/ experiment=experiment_name.yaml

Train a model for the ligand-binding affinity (LBA) task

python3 src/ experiment=gcpnet_lba.yaml

Train a model for the protein structure ranking (PSR) task

python3 src/ experiment=gcpnet_psr.yaml

Train a model for one of the Newtonian many-body system (NMS) tasks

python3 src/ experiment=gcpnet_nms_{small/small_20body/static/dynamic}.yaml

Train a model for the rectus/sinister (RS) classification task

python3 src/ experiment=gcpnet_rs.yaml

Train a model for the computational protein design (CPD) task

python3 src/ experiment=gcpnet_cpd.yaml

Note: You can override any parameter from command line like this

python3 src/ trainer.max_epochs=20 datamodule.batch_size=64

New: For tasks that may benefit from it, you can now enable E(3) equivariance (i.e., scalar-wise chirality-insensitivity) within GCPNet from the command line like this

python3 src/ model.module_cfg.enable_e3_equivariance=true

How to evaluate models

Reproduce our results for the LBA task


python3 src/ datamodule=atom3d_lba model=gcpnet_lba logger=csv trainer.accelerator=gpu trainer.devices=1 ckpt_path="$lba_model_1_ckpt_path"
python3 src/ datamodule=atom3d_lba model=gcpnet_lba logger=csv trainer.accelerator=gpu trainer.devices=1 ckpt_path="$lba_model_2_ckpt_path"
python3 src/ datamodule=atom3d_lba model=gcpnet_lba logger=csv trainer.accelerator=gpu trainer.devices=1 ckpt_path="$lba_model_3_ckpt_path"
LBA Model 1
┃        Test metric        ┃       DataLoader 0        ┃
│   test/PearsonCorrCoef    │    0.6116969585418701     │
│         test/RMSE         │    1.3517177104949951     │
│   test/SpearmanCorrCoef   │    0.6094594597816467     │
│         test/loss         │    1.8178036212921143     │

LBA Model 2
┃        Test metric        ┃       DataLoader 0        ┃
│   test/PearsonCorrCoef    │    0.6073298454284668     │
│         test/RMSE         │    1.3492789268493652     │
│   test/SpearmanCorrCoef   │    0.6127785444259644     │
│         test/loss         │     1.812593936920166     │

LBA Model 3
┃        Test metric        ┃       DataLoader 0        ┃
│   test/PearsonCorrCoef    │    0.6037312150001526     │
│         test/RMSE         │     1.35466730594635      │
│   test/SpearmanCorrCoef   │    0.5983302593231201     │
│         test/loss         │    1.8261266946792603     │

Reproduce our results for the PSR task


python3 src/ datamodule=atom3d_psr model=gcpnet_psr logger=csv trainer.accelerator=gpu trainer.devices=1 ckpt_path="$psr_model_ckpt_path"
PSR Model
┃         Test metric         ┃        DataLoader 0         ┃
│    test/GlobalKendallTau    │     0.6764563159385293      │
│ test/GlobalPearsonCorrCoef  │     0.8706125931497829      │
│ test/GlobalSpearmanCorrCoef │     0.8685365401327472      │
│    test/LocalKendallTau     │     0.3854801857584887      │
│  test/LocalPearsonCorrCoef  │     0.6155098974748984      │
│ test/LocalSpearmanCorrCoef  │     0.5341097968923214      │
│          test/loss          │     0.01934020034968853     │

Reproduce our results for each of the NMS tasks


python3 src/ datamodule=nms datamodule.data_mode=small model=gcpnet_nms logger=csv trainer.accelerator=gpu trainer.devices=1 ckpt_path="$nms_small_model_ckpt_path"
python3 src/ datamodule=nms datamodule.data_mode=small_20body model=gcpnet_nms logger=csv trainer.accelerator=gpu trainer.devices=1 ckpt_path="$nms_small_20body_model_ckpt_path"
python3 src/ datamodule=nms datamodule.data_mode=static model=gcpnet_nms logger=csv trainer.accelerator=gpu trainer.devices=1 ckpt_path="$nms_static_model_ckpt_path"
python3 src/ datamodule=nms datamodule.data_mode=dynamic model=gcpnet_nms logger=csv trainer.accelerator=gpu trainer.devices=1 ckpt_path="$nms_dynamic_model_ckpt_path"
NMS Small Model
┃        Test metric        ┃       DataLoader 0        ┃
│         test/RMSE         │    0.08386920392513275    │
│         test/loss         │   0.007034041918814182    │

NMS Small 20-Body Model
┃        Test metric        ┃       DataLoader 0        ┃
│         test/RMSE         │    0.08451084792613983    │
│         test/loss         │   0.007142083253711462    │

NMS Static Model
┃        Test metric        ┃       DataLoader 0        ┃
│         test/RMSE         │    0.08549366146326065    │
│         test/loss         │    0.00730916578322649    │

NMS Dynamic Model
┃        Test metric        ┃       DataLoader 0        ┃
│         test/RMSE         │    0.13143806159496307    │
│         test/loss         │   0.017275962978601456    │

Reproduce our results for the RS task


python3 src/ datamodule=rs model=gcpnet_rs logger=csv trainer.accelerator=gpu trainer.devices=1 ckpt_path="$rs_model_1_ckpt_path"
python3 src/ datamodule=rs model=gcpnet_rs logger=csv trainer.accelerator=gpu trainer.devices=1 ckpt_path="$rs_model_2_ckpt_path"
python3 src/ datamodule=rs model=gcpnet_rs logger=csv trainer.accelerator=gpu trainer.devices=1 ckpt_path="$rs_model_3_ckpt_path"
RS Model 1
┃        Test metric        ┃       DataLoader 0        ┃
│       test/Accuracy       │    0.9873061776161194     │
│          test/F1          │    0.9871618151664734     │
│         test/loss         │   0.041416414082050323    │

RS Model 2
┃        Test metric        ┃       DataLoader 0        ┃
│       test/Accuracy       │    0.9882097840309143     │
│          test/F1          │    0.9880651235580444     │
│         test/loss         │    0.03607247397303581    │

RS Model 3
┃        Test metric        ┃       DataLoader 0        ┃
│       test/Accuracy       │    0.9867754578590393     │
│          test/F1          │    0.9865953326225281     │
│         test/loss         │    0.03678417205810547    │

Reproduce our results for the CPD task


python3 src/ datamodule=cath_cpd model=gcpnet_cpd logger=csv trainer.accelerator=gpu trainer.devices=1 ckpt_path="$cpd_model_ckpt_path"
CPD Model
┃         Test metric          ┃         DataLoader 0         ┃         DataLoader 1         ┃         DataLoader 2         ┃
│          test/loss           │      1.8619296550750732      │      1.8619296550750732      │      1.8619296550750732      │
│     test/perplexity/all      │      6.061273574829102       │      6.061273574829102       │      6.061273574829102       │
│    test/perplexity/short     │      8.223138809204102       │      8.223138809204102       │      8.223138809204102       │
│ test/perplexity/single_chain │      8.603355407714844       │      8.603355407714844       │      8.603355407714844       │
│      test/recovery/all       │     0.40316206216812134      │     0.40316206216812134      │     0.40316206216812134      │
│     test/recovery/short      │      0.3333333432674408      │      0.3333333432674408      │      0.3333333432674408      │
│  test/recovery/single_chain  │      0.3285714387893677      │      0.3285714387893677      │      0.3285714387893677      │


GCPNet builds upon the source code and data from the following projects:

We thank all their contributors and maintainers!

Citing this work

If you use the code or data associated with the GCPNet models within this package or otherwise find such work useful, please cite:

  title={Geometry-Complete Perceptron Networks for 3D Molecular Graphs},
  author={Morehead, Alex and Cheng, Jianlin},


A PyTorch implementation of Geometry-Complete SE(3)-Equivariant Perceptron Networks (GCPNets)







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