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Contains the Julia package developed during Lift-Off Fellowship at University of Adelaide


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Contains the Julia package developed during Lift-Off Fellowship at UoA. This package implements the coupled problem of wave-induced motion of ice-shelves and icebergs.

How to get it

To download the package, clone the repository, change directory and start Julia using

git clone [email protected]:Balaje/iceFEM.jl.git
cd iceFEM.jl
julia --project=.

Example 1

Solve the ice-shelf example under the shallow-water and finite depth (potential flow) assumption. Set the ice-shelf and fluid properties:

using iceFEM

# Define the dimensional parameters of the ice and fluid
ρᵢ = 922.5; # Density of Ice
E = 2e9; ν = 0.33;
L = 40000; h = 200;
ρₒ = 1025; # Density of Ocean
xg = 0; k0 = 0; # Position of Grounding line and spring constant of bedrock (0 if not available)
H = 500; # Ocean Depth
g = 9.8; # Acceleration due to gravity
ice = Ice(ρᵢ, E, ν, L, h);
fluid = Fluid(ρₒ, k0, g, H, xg);

Now we solve the frequency domain problem

# Solve the frequency domain problem
ω = 2π/500;
Aₚ = g/(1im*ω);
sol1 = solve(ice, fluid, ω , FreeClamped(), FiniteDepth(4)); # Solve the finite depth problem using 4 modes
R1 = sol1.aₘ[1]/Aₚ;
sol2 = solve(ice, fluid, ω , FreeClamped(), ShallowWater()); # Solve the shallow water problem
R2 = sol2.a₀[1]/Aₚ;
Aₚ = g/(1im*ω);

# Show the reflection coeffcients
@show R1 abs(R1);
@show R2 abs(R2);

The FreeClamped() variable defines the type of boundary condition at $x=0$ and $x=L$, respectively. Here $L$ is the length of the ice. For example, FreeClamped() denotes an ice that is Free at $x=0$ and Clamped at $x=L$. The ice can be FreeClamped(), FreeFree(), FreeHinged() and FreeBedrock(). Note for the FreeBedrock() case, correct (non-zero) parameters must be specified in the for the fluid, for example:

xg = 0.7*L; k0 = 10^6; # Position of Grounding line and spring constant of bedrock (0 if not available)
fluid = Fluid(ρₒ, k0, g, H, xg);

The fluid is governed by ShallowWater() assumption or the FiniteDepth(NModes) assumption with NModes terms. Simply using FiniteDepth() defaults to using 3 modes in the expansion.

The methods available for solve currently are as follows:

solve(Ice::Ice, Fluid::Fluid, ω) # Defaults to ShallowWater() and FreeClamped()
solve(Ice::Ice, Fluid::Fluid, ω, ptype::Union{FreeClamped,FreeHinged}, ::ShallowWater)
solve(Ice::Ice, Fluid::Fluid, ω, fd::FiniteDepth) # Defaults to FreeClamped()
solve(Ice::Ice, Fluid::Fluid, ω, ptype::Union{FreeClamped,FreeHinged}, fd::FiniteDepth)
solve(Ice::Ice, Fluid::Fluid, ω, ::FreeBedrock, fd::FiniteDepth)
solve(ice::Ice, fluid::Fluid, ω, ::FreeFree, fd::FiniteDepth)
solve(ice::Ice, fluid::Fluid, ω, ptype, femodel::FiniteElementModel; verbosity)
solve(ice::Ice, fluid::Fluid, ω, ::FreeFree, fd::FiniteDepth, ::ReissnerMindlinIce; μ)

We can obtain the displacement profiles and plot them

using Plots

x = 0:0.01:sol1.ndp.geo[1];

plt = plot(x, abs.(u₁(x, sol1)));
plot!(plt, x, abs.(u₁(x, sol2)));

Similarly we can obtain the slope/shear force/bending moment

Slope = ∂ₓu₁(x, sol1);
BendingMoment = ∂ₓ²u₁(x, sol1);
ShearForce = ∂ₓ³u₁(x, sol1);

Example 2

Same as in Example 1, but with moving bedrock. The bedrock is modelled as a spring with spring constant $k_0$ that provides a vertical force on the ice-shelf. Set the ice-shelf and fluid properties:

L = 10000
ρᵢ = 922.5
Eᵢ = 2e9
ν = 0.33
h = 200
ice = Ice(ρᵢ, Eᵢ, ν, L, h)

ρₒ = 1025.0
g = 9.8
H = 500
k₀ = 10^6
ϵ = 0.7
fluid = Fluid(ρₒ, k₀, g, H, ϵ*L) # The grounding line position is a fraction of the ice-length.

We then solve the coupled problem using (1) The finite-depth model (2) The finite-element model and compare the results.

ω = 2π/100
solFD = solve(ice, fluid, ω, FreeBedrock(), FiniteDepth(4));

For the finite element model, a mixed boundary condition relating the displacement and slope (Dirichlet BCs) with the bending moment and the shear force (Natural BCs) is implemented. The details of the finite element model can be set using the FiniteElementModel variable.

fe_model = FiniteElementModel(2, (100,20), 6, 4) # dim, partition, nev, NModes
solFE = solve(ice, fluid, ω, FreeBedrock(), fe_model)

To visualize the result, we use the function u₁ for the ice above the fluid and the function u₂ for the ice above the bedrock.

x₁ = 0:0.01:solFE.ndp.geo[4];
x₂ = solFE.ndp.geo[4]:0.01:solFE.ndp.geo[1];

# Compute the displacement of the ice
U₁FE = u₁(x₁, solFE); U₁FD = u₁(x₁, solFD);
U₂FE = u₂(x₂, solFE); U₂FD = u₂(x₂, solFD);

# Plot the results and label accordingly
p₁ = plot(x₁, abs.(U₁FE), label="FEM \$ (x < x_g) \$", linecolor=:red, linewidth=2);
plot!(p₁, x₁, abs.(U₁FD), label="EMM \$ (x < x_g) \$", linecolor=:blue, linewidth=2, linestyle=:dash);
plot!(p₁, x₂, abs.(U₂FE), label="FEM \$ (x > x_g) \$", linecolor=:green, linewidth=1);
plot!(p₁, x₂, abs.(U₂FD), label="EMM \$ (x > x_g) \$", linecolor=:black, linewidth=1, linestyle=:dash);
xlabel!(p₁, "x (non Dim)");
ylabel!(p₁, "\$ |u| \$ (in m)")
Comparison of the Eigenfunction matching solution with the Finite Element solution

We observe a good agreement between the finite depth solution and the finite element solution. We also observe that the waves are attenuated beyond the grounding line. A smaller value of $k_0$ makes the bedrock less stiff, and we can observe the waves propagating throughout the ice without damping.

Example 3 - Order of convergence

In this example, we verify the rate of convergence of the finite element method based on modal expansion for the FreeClamped ice-shelf. We use modified expressions for the Euler-Bernoulli in-vacuo modes to get stable expressions for high frequencies. See this paper here. We use the FiniteDepth(8) solution (eigenfunction matching with 4 modes) as the exact solution. The full code is given here in the examples/ folder. We test this for 4 incident frequncies:

Order of convergence of the Finite Element solution

For the test here, we choose our exact solution and approximate solution as:

# Exact Eigenfunction matching solution using 8 terms in the expansion.
solFD = iceFEM.solve(ice, fluid, ω, FreeClamped(), FiniteDepth(8)) 

# Finite element solution on a uniform domain with 40 in-vacuo modes for the ice and 8 modes for the ocean.
fe_model = FiniteElementModel(2, partition, 40, 8)
solFE = iceFEM.solve(ice, fluid, ω, FreeClamped(), fe_model; verbosity=0)

Since the default setting uses $P_1$ Lagrange finite element method, the rate of convergence is $\approx 2$. Note that the convergence also depends on the number of in-vacuo modes of the ice. Too few modes for the in-vacuo ice may erode the rate of convergence. However, sometimes fewer modes can be used to obtain a decent approximation.

NOTE: The regularized expressions have been coded for the FreeClamped() beam only. Other beam types are not available yet and is WIP.


Contains the Julia package developed during Lift-Off Fellowship at University of Adelaide







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