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Templex is a template for latex report without installing anything on your machine. It works with containerization.
The project is based on TinyTex a lightweight and easy to maintain LaTeX distribution.


You will need either

  • docker
  • podman and buildah

The output result will be a container defined as the following schema.

podman run --rm -ti --volume "`pwd`:/data" --entrypoint "/data/" "templex"

               Templex container
              │      - TinyTex      │
              │      - entr      ┌──────────┐
              │      - ...       │ENTRYPOINT│─┐
              │                  └──────────┘ │
              │  ┌───────────────┐  │         │
              │  │ VOLUME (/data)│  │         │
              │  └───────┬───────┘  │         │
              └──────────┼──────────┘         │
                         │                    │
             ┌───────────┴────────────┐       │
             │  ./                    │       │
             │  ├── build/            │       │
             │  ├── images/           │       │
             │  ├── src/              │       │
             │  ├── Dockerfile        │       │
             │  ├──*       │       │
             │  ├──* ◄───────┘
             │  ├── LICENSE           │
             │  └──         │

Installation & usage

Run the script which will use either podman or docker.
If the image doesn't exist yet it will build it before running it within a container.


The latex compilation chain is made in order to provide autoreload with entr command. If you want to customize your compilation you can change the script

Here is what latex_compilation does

find -name *.tex | entr xelatex -shell-escape -output-directory=./build ./src/rapport.tex 
# on each files given bu the find command if any change happend then entr will trigger the xeltex command
# The xelatex command will take your source code from /src directory 
# And the output will be found in the build directory

If you need a package that is not installed you will have to add it within the Dockerfile and rebuild your image.

RUN tlmgr install packages ... yourpackage
# then rebuild the image

Things to do

  • I will soon add the image to a registry.
  • Add some utils scripts for latex