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Project Engage

Brief Overview

This project bridges the gap between a student's application to different Spark roles, and Spark's staff workflow in reviewing applications. The problem at hand is that applicants do not have a user friendly and easy to navigate system to apply to positions, the same can be said for the Spark! staff regarding the reviewing of applications.

Goal: This project has the potential to bring the website to fruition and become easy-to-navigate for both the students applying and admin receiving and reviewing the applications.

Pull Requests Submitted by the Spark! Applicant Student Portal Group (Fall 2022 CS519):

  • Export CSV
  • Update with bugs and overview of the Project
  • Expand button error
  • Add comments to illustrate where the bug is and how we plan to fix it

To add yourself to the repository, open a PR modifying COLLABORATORS, entering your GitHub username in a newline.

Actions Status License

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.

Calling Firebase functions

With an authenticated @firebase/app object,

firebase.functions().httpsCallable("name-of-function")(input_data).then(data => {...})

For more info on the types of functions, visit the official Firebase Documentation.

Making a Firestore transaction

With an authenticated @firebase/app object,

import { db } from "../firebase/init";
db.collection("name-of-collection").doc("doc-identifier").action().then(data => {...})

For more info on actions that can be performed, visit the official Firebase Documentation.

Installing firebase emulator and importing data

npm install -g firebase-tools
firebase login
firebase projects:list
firebase use spark-project-engage

Next export data from Cloud Firestore. Unzip file and put folder into local machine.

  • I named the folder "DevData" and put it in the root directory
  • If you name it something else, make sure to put it into gitignore

To start the emulators run:

firebase emulators:start --import=./DevData

or run this shortcut:

npm run start-emulator

Switching between staging and production

We have two projects on Firebase:

  • spark-project-engage: Production environment.
  • spark-project-engage-staging: Testing environment.

To see which one is active for Firebase CLI, run

$ firebase use

To switch between these two projects, run

$ firebase use <PROJECT_ID or ALIAS> 

ALWAYS RUN firebase use FIRST before deploying!


After running the buildscript, run the following command after installing the Firebase CLI to deploy the website as well as the functions.

firebase deploy

To deploy only functions,

firebase deploy --only functions

To deploy a specific function,

firebase deploy --only functions:(function name)

User Flow Arch


To contribute to Project Engage, view our contribution guide.


Azamat and John were able to implement functionality which would allow an administrator to download the student applications currently on screen, and represent them in CSV format. New dependencies were required, so they were placed in package.json.

Quick overview of existing different bugs:

Double Login Bug- Upon initial login, when logging in as a student, the user would be pushed back to the homepage after logging in, and would be prompted to login again. Trello link:

Expand button bug- Profile now matches the user when the application expand button is clicked and the profile closes when the expand button is double-clicked or when there is no application open Trello link: ,

Resume opening bug- Bug in which an admin sees a corrupted file in place of user's resume when viewing student's profile. Bug couldn't be reproduced. Trello link:


Raquel and Abby fixed the expand error bug. The profile now matches the user when the application expand button is clicked and the profile closes when the expand button is double-clicked or when there is no application open. Comments have been added to the code to explain the logic.