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This was our submission for the Girls in Tech, San Francisco, Hacking for Humanity hackathon. This hackathon aimed to innovate for social change for girls and women, by women, tackling relevant topics. We were inspired by how the cost of education can be a barrier to many women. Scholarships are advertised online, but in disparate locations and different scholarships are geared toward different groups and have different requirements. It can be difficult to find scholarships that are geared toward women and that fit a specific person. Our goal is to make it easy to find and remember to apply to everything available.


  • Scrapes the web for scholarships for women.
  • Allows users to create a profile and find scholarships that match them.
  • Allows users to get complete information on a scholarships and save scholarships for later use.
  • Sends email reminders to users before scholarship deadlines.

Tech Stack

Python, Flask, sendgrid, beautiful-soup, postgres, HTML, CSS, javascript

About the Developers:

We all recently graduated from Hackbright Academy's full-time Software Engineering Fellowship (Cohort Ada, June 2017), learning full-stack web development and computer science fundamentals in preparation for a career in software engineering.


I previously spent time working in biotech and was involved in DNA sequencing services streamlining protocols for commercial sequencing prep kits. I realized the critical role that technology increasingly plays in this field, and others, and I'm interested in making contributions in the tech space. I am excited about building my skills, meeting the future of automation and problem solving on a larger platform. Find me on LinkedIn!


Hi! My name is Karen Hsing and I'm a software engineer. Prior to Hackbright I was an account manager at a marketing agency where I led our marketing team and worked with 15 different clients from the tech, lifestyle, and hospitality industries to create personalized solutions for their different marketing needs, including branding, digital marketing, event sponsorships, and more. I'm currently seeking a full-time software developer role in the San Francisco Bay Area. Feel free to reach out to me to say hi at [email protected] or connect with me on LinkedIn!


I am a former teacher who is transitioning into a career in full stack software engineering. I'm excited by problem solving and helping others. I look forward to continuing my passion for learning and using my strong communication and collaboration skills in my future career as an engineer. Find me on LinkedIn!