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Releases: Azure/azure-sdk-for-go


31 Jul 02:09
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2.0.0 (2024-07-31)

Breaking Changes

  • Type of FileSystemResourceProperties.StorageSKU has been changed from *StorageSKU to *string
  • ProvisioningStateNotSpecified from enum ProvisioningState has been removed
  • Enum StorageSKU has been removed
  • Field InitialCapacity of struct FileSystemResourceProperties has been removed
  • Field ClusterLoginURL, PrivateIPs of struct FileSystemResourceUpdateProperties has been removed

Features Added

  • New field TermUnit in struct MarketplaceDetails


29 Jul 03:48
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0.1.0 (2024-07-29)

Other Changes

The package of is using our next generation design principles.

To learn more, please refer to our documentation Quick Start.


26 Jul 06:01
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6.0.0 (2024-07-26)

Breaking Changes

  • Function *ManagedClustersClient.GetOSOptions has been removed
  • Struct OSOptionProfile has been removed
  • Struct OSOptionProperty has been removed
  • Struct OSOptionPropertyList has been removed

Features Added

  • New value NetworkPolicyNone added to enum type NetworkPolicy
  • New value NodeOSUpgradeChannelSecurityPatch added to enum type NodeOSUpgradeChannel
  • New field DaemonsetEvictionForEmptyNodes, DaemonsetEvictionForOccupiedNodes, IgnoreDaemonsetsUtilization in struct ManagedClusterPropertiesAutoScalerProfile


25 Jul 03:44
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3.2.0 (2024-07-25)

Features Added

  • New field NotifyKeyspaceEvents in struct CommonPropertiesRedisConfiguration
  • New field DisableAccessKeyAuthentication in struct CreateProperties
  • New field DisableAccessKeyAuthentication in struct Properties
  • New field DisableAccessKeyAuthentication in struct UpdateProperties


25 Jul 08:42
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1.6.0 (2024-07-26)

Features Added

  • New value ProvisioningStateCanceled added to enum type ProvisioningState
  • New struct EffectiveOutboundIP
  • New struct LoadBalancerProfile
  • New struct ManagedOutboundIPs
  • New field LoadBalancerProfile in struct NetworkProfile


25 Jul 08:01
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6.0.0 (2024-07-25)

Breaking Changes

  • Struct FirewallPacketCaptureParametersFormat has been removed
  • Field ID, Properties of struct FirewallPacketCaptureParameters has been removed

Features Added

  • New value BastionHostSKUNamePremium added to enum type BastionHostSKUName
  • New enum type ProbeNoHealthyBackendsBehavior with values ProbeNoHealthyBackendsBehaviorAllProbedDown, ProbeNoHealthyBackendsBehaviorAllProbedUp
  • New function *InboundSecurityRuleClient.Get(context.Context, string, string, string, *InboundSecurityRuleClientGetOptions) (InboundSecurityRuleClientGetResponse, error)
  • New field ConnectionResourceURI in struct AuthorizationPropertiesFormat
  • New field EnableSessionRecording in struct BastionHostPropertiesFormat
  • New field Filter in struct ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClientListOptions
  • New field DurationInSeconds, FileName, Filters, Flags, NumberOfPacketsToCapture, Protocol, SasURL in struct FirewallPacketCaptureParameters
  • New field Identity in struct FlowLog
  • New field Identity in struct FlowLogInformation
  • New field NoHealthyBackendsBehavior in struct ProbePropertiesFormat
  • New field NetworkIdentifier in struct ServiceEndpointPropertiesFormat
  • New field Identity in struct VirtualNetworkGateway


25 Jul 04:01
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7.1.0 (2024-07-26)

Features Added

  • New field ProtocolTypes in struct VolumePatchProperties


25 Jul 03:42
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3.1.0 (2024-07-26)

Features Added

  • New enum type BCDRSecurityLevel with values BCDRSecurityLevelExcellent, BCDRSecurityLevelFair, BCDRSecurityLevelGood, BCDRSecurityLevelNotSupported, BCDRSecurityLevelPoor
  • New enum type EncryptionState with values EncryptionStateDisabled, EncryptionStateEnabled, EncryptionStateInconsistent
  • New enum type IdentityType with values IdentityTypeSystemAssigned, IdentityTypeUserAssigned
  • New enum type InfrastructureEncryptionState with values InfrastructureEncryptionStateDisabled, InfrastructureEncryptionStateEnabled
  • New function NewBackupInstancesExtensionRoutingClient(azcore.TokenCredential, *arm.ClientOptions) (*BackupInstancesExtensionRoutingClient, error)
  • New function *BackupInstancesExtensionRoutingClient.NewListPager(string, *BackupInstancesExtensionRoutingClientListOptions) *runtime.Pager[BackupInstancesExtensionRoutingClientListResponse]
  • New function *ClientFactory.NewBackupInstancesExtensionRoutingClient() *BackupInstancesExtensionRoutingClient
  • New struct CmkKekIdentity
  • New struct CmkKeyVaultProperties
  • New struct EncryptionSettings
  • New struct StopProtectionRequest
  • New struct SuspendBackupRequest
  • New field ResourceGuardOperationRequests in struct AzureBackupRecoveryPointBasedRestoreRequest
  • New field ResourceGuardOperationRequests in struct AzureBackupRecoveryTimeBasedRestoreRequest
  • New field ResourceGuardOperationRequests in struct AzureBackupRestoreRequest
  • New field ResourceGuardOperationRequests in struct AzureBackupRestoreWithRehydrationRequest
  • New field ResourceGuardOperationRequests in struct BackupInstance
  • New field XMSAuthorizationAuxiliary in struct BackupInstancesClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions
  • New field XMSAuthorizationAuxiliary in struct BackupInstancesClientBeginDeleteOptions
  • New field Parameters, XMSAuthorizationAuxiliary in struct BackupInstancesClientBeginStopProtectionOptions
  • New field Parameters, XMSAuthorizationAuxiliary in struct BackupInstancesClientBeginSuspendBackupsOptions
  • New field XMSAuthorizationAuxiliary in struct BackupInstancesClientBeginTriggerRestoreOptions
  • New field BcdrSecurityLevel, ResourceGuardOperationRequests in struct BackupVault
  • New field XMSAuthorizationAuxiliary in struct BackupVaultsClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions
  • New field XMSAuthorizationAuxiliary in struct BackupVaultsClientBeginUpdateOptions
  • New field ResourceGuardOperationRequests in struct DeletedBackupInstance
  • New field XMSAuthorizationAuxiliary in struct DppResourceGuardProxyClientUnlockDeleteOptions
  • New field ResourceModifierReference in struct KubernetesClusterRestoreCriteria
  • New field ResourceModifierReference in struct KubernetesClusterVaultTierRestoreCriteria
  • New field ResourceGuardOperationRequests in struct PatchBackupVaultInput
  • New field EncryptionSettings in struct SecuritySettings


25 Jul 07:58
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6.0.0 (2024-07-26)

Breaking Changes

  • Type of SecurityPostureReference.ExcludeExtensions has been changed from []*VirtualMachineExtension to []*string

Features Added

  • New struct SecurityPostureReferenceUpdate
  • New field IsOverridable in struct SecurityPostureReference
  • New field SecurityPostureReference in struct VirtualMachineScaleSetUpdateVMProfile


25 Jul 08:01
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5.1.0-beta.2 (2024-07-25)

Breaking Changes

  • Struct NetworkMonitoring has been removed
  • Field Monitoring of struct NetworkProfile has been removed

Features Added

  • New value ManagedClusterSKUNameAutomatic added to enum type ManagedClusterSKUName
  • New value OutboundTypeNone added to enum type OutboundType
  • New enum type Operator with values OperatorDoesNotExist, OperatorExists, OperatorIn, OperatorNotIn
  • New enum type PodLinkLocalAccess with values PodLinkLocalAccessIMDS, PodLinkLocalAccessNone
  • New enum type UndrainableNodeBehavior with values UndrainableNodeBehaviorCordon, UndrainableNodeBehaviorSchedule
  • New function *ClientFactory.NewLoadBalancersClient() *LoadBalancersClient
  • New function NewLoadBalancersClient(string, azcore.TokenCredential, *arm.ClientOptions) (*LoadBalancersClient, error)
  • New function *LoadBalancersClient.CreateOrUpdate(context.Context, string, string, string, LoadBalancer, *LoadBalancersClientCreateOrUpdateOptions) (LoadBalancersClientCreateOrUpdateResponse, error)
  • New function *LoadBalancersClient.BeginDelete(context.Context, string, string, string, *LoadBalancersClientBeginDeleteOptions) (*runtime.Poller[LoadBalancersClientDeleteResponse], error)
  • New function *LoadBalancersClient.Get(context.Context, string, string, string, *LoadBalancersClientGetOptions) (LoadBalancersClientGetResponse, error)
  • New function *LoadBalancersClient.NewListByManagedClusterPager(string, string, *LoadBalancersClientListByManagedClusterOptions) *runtime.Pager[LoadBalancersClientListByManagedClusterResponse]
  • New function *ManagedClustersClient.BeginRebalanceLoadBalancers(context.Context, string, string, RebalanceLoadBalancersRequestBody, *ManagedClustersClientBeginRebalanceLoadBalancersOptions) (*runtime.Poller[ManagedClustersClientRebalanceLoadBalancersResponse], error)
  • New struct AdvancedNetworking
  • New struct AdvancedNetworkingObservability
  • New struct AutoScaleProfile
  • New struct Component
  • New struct ComponentsByRelease
  • New struct LabelSelector
  • New struct LabelSelectorRequirement
  • New struct LoadBalancer
  • New struct LoadBalancerListResult
  • New struct LoadBalancerProperties
  • New struct RebalanceLoadBalancersRequestBody
  • New field ComponentsByReleases in struct AgentPoolUpgradeProfileProperties
  • New field UndrainableNodeBehavior in struct AgentPoolUpgradeSettings
  • New field IfMatch, IfNoneMatch in struct AgentPoolsClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions
  • New field IfMatch in struct AgentPoolsClientBeginDeleteOptions
  • New field ETag in struct ManagedCluster
  • New field ETag in struct ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfile
  • New field ETag in struct ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties
  • New field ComponentsByReleases in struct ManagedClusterPoolUpgradeProfile
  • New field IfMatch, IfNoneMatch in struct ManagedClustersClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions
  • New field IfMatch in struct ManagedClustersClientBeginDeleteOptions
  • New field IfMatch in struct ManagedClustersClientBeginUpdateTagsOptions
  • New field AdvancedNetworking, PodLinkLocalAccess in struct NetworkProfile
  • New field Autoscale in struct ScaleProfile