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Awesome Readme Template

An awesome README template for your projects!

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📔 Table of Contents

🌟 About the Project

📷 Screenshots


👾 Tech Stack


🎯 Features

  • Login / Register
  • Logout
  • Forgot Password
  • Read Data from Firestore
  • Write Data to Firestore
  • Update Data to Firestore
  • Delete Data to Firestore
  • Upload Image to Firestore
  • Update Image to Firestore
  • Delete Image to Firestore
  • Update Profile
  • Update Password
  • Delete Account

🧰 Getting Started

⚙️ Installation

Install with npm

  npm install

🧪 Running Tests

To run tests, run the following command

  yarn test test

🏃 Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd my-project

Install dependencies

  yarn install

Start the server

  yarn start

🚩 Deployment

To deploy this project run

  yarn deploy

👀 Usage

Use this space to tell a little more about your project and how it can be used. Show additional screenshots, code samples, demos or link to other resources.

import Component from "my-project";

function App() {
  return <Component />;

🧭 Roadmap

  • Todo 1
  • Todo 2

👋 Contributing

Contributions are always welcome!

See for ways to get started.

📜 Code of Conduct

Please read the Code of Conduct


  • Question 1

    • Answer 1
  • Question 2

    • Answer 2

⚠️ License

Distributed under the no License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.

🤝 Contact

Your Name - @twitter_handle -

Project Link:

💎 Acknowledgements

Use this section to mention useful resources and libraries that you have used in your projects.