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Jour 1: Retour sur les bases : algorithmique

PRÉAMBULE (LE CODAGE )--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1

  1. Pourquoi les ordinateurs sont-ils « binaires » ? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
  2. La numérotation de position en base décimale ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2
  3. La numérotation de position en base binaire -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
  4. Le codage hexadécimal ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6

I NTRODUCTION A L ’ALGORITHMIQUE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8

  1. Qu’est-ce que l’algomachin ? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
  2. Faut-il être matheux pour être bon en algorithmique ? ------------------------------------------------------------- 9
  3. L’ADN, les Shadoks, et les ordinateurs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
  4. Algorithmique et programmation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
  5. Avec quelles conventions écrit-on un algorithme ? ----------------------------------------------------------------- 11

PARTIE 1 (LES VARIABLES ) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12

  1. A quoi servent les variables ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12
  2. Déclaration des variables ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12 2.1. Types numériques classiques----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 2.2. Autres types numériques ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 2.3. Type alphanumérique ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 2.4. Type booléen ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15
  3. L’instruction d’affectation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 3.1. Syntaxe et signification ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 3.2. Ordre des instructions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17
  4. Expressions et opérateurs------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19 4.1. Opérateurs numériques : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 4.3. Opérateurs logiques (ou booléens) : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21
  5. Deux remarques pour terminer ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21

PARTIE 2 (L ECTURE ET ÉCRITURE )------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23

  1. De quoi parle-t-on ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23
  2. Les instructions de lecture et d’écriture ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24

PARTIE 3 (LES TESTS ) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26

  1. De quoi s’agit-il ? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26
  2. Structure d’un test -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27
  3. Qu’est ce qu’une condition ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28
  4. Conditions composées ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29
  5. Tests imbriqués ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31
  6. De l’aiguillage à la gare de tri------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32
  7. Variables Booléennes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34

PARTIE 4 (ENCORE DE LA LOGIQUE )----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35

  1. Faut-il mettre un ET ? Faut-il mettre un OU ? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 35iii Cours Algorithmique Auteur : Christophe Darmangeat
  2. Au-delà de la logique : le style ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 37

PARTIE 5 (LES BOUCLES ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40

  1. A quoi cela sert-il donc ?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40
  2. Boucler en comptant, ou compter en bouclant ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 43
  3. Des boucles dans des boucles-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45
  4. Et encore une bêtise à ne pas faire ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46

Jour 2: Retour sur les bases : algorithmique(suite)

PARTIE 6 (LES TABLEAUX) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49

  1. Utilité des tableaux -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49
  2. Notation et utilisation algorithmique---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49
  3. Tableaux dynamiques ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52

PARTIE 7 (TECHNIQUES RUSÉES )-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55

  1. Tri d’un tableau : le tri par insertion --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55
  2. Un exemple de flag : la recherche dans un tableau----------------------------------------------------------------- 56
  3. Tri de tableau + flag = tri à bulles ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 58
  4. La recherche dichotomique --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 60

PARTIE 8 (TABLEAUX MULTIDIMENSIONNELS)----------------------------------------------------------------- 62

  1. Pourquoi plusieurs dimensions ?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 62
  2. Tableaux à deux dimensions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 63
  3. Tableaux à n dimensions------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 66

Jour 3 FreeCodeCamp

Revision HTML5 & CSS

Learn How freeCodeCamp Works Complete, Say Hello to HTML Elements Complete, Headline with the h2 Element Complete, Inform with the Paragraph Element Complete, Uncomment HTML Complete, Comment out HTML Complete, Fill in the Blank with Placeholder Text Complete, Delete HTML Elements Complete, Change the Color of Text Complete, Join a freeCodeCamp Study Group in Your City Complete, Become a Supporter Complete, Use CSS Selectors to Style Elements Complete, Use a CSS Class to Style an Element Complete, Style Multiple Elements with a CSS Class Complete, Change the Font Size of an Element Complete, Set the Font Family of an Element Complete, Import a Google Font Complete, Specify How Fonts Should Degrade Complete, Add Images to your Website Complete, Size your Images Complete, Add Borders Around your Elements Complete, Add Rounded Corners with a Border Radius Complete, Make Circular Images with a Border Radius Complete, Link to External Pages with Anchor Elements Complete, Nest an Anchor Element within a Paragraph Complete, Make Dead Links using the Hash Symbol Complete, Turn an Image into a Link Complete, Create a Bulleted Unordered List Complete, Create an Ordered List Complete, Create a Text Field Complete, Add Placeholder Text to a Text Field Complete, Create a Form Element Complete, Add a Submit Button to a Form Complete, Use HTML5 to Require a Field Complete, Create a Set of Radio Buttons Complete, Create a Set of Checkboxes Complete, Check Radio Buttons and Checkboxes by Default Complete, Nest Many Elements within a Single Div Element Complete, Give a Background Color to a Div Element Complete, Set the ID of an Element Complete, Use an ID Attribute to Style an Element Complete, Adjusting the Padding of an Element Complete, Adjust the Margin of an Element Complete, Add a Negative Margin to an Element Complete, Add Different Padding to Each Side of an Element Complete, Add Different Margins to Each Side of an Element Complete, Use Clockwise Notation to Specify the Padding of an Element Complete, Use Clockwise Notation to Specify the Margin of an Element Complete, Style the HTML Body Element Complete, Inherit Styles from the Body Element Complete, Prioritize One Style Over Another Complete, Override Styles in Subsequent CSS Complete, Override Class Declarations by Styling ID Attributes Complete, Override Class Declarations with Inline Styles Complete, Override All Other Styles by using Important Complete, Use Hex Code for Specific Colors Complete, Use Hex Code to Mix Colors Complete, Use Abbreviated Hex Code Complete, Use RGB values to Color Elements Complete, Use RGB to Mix Colors,

Revision Bootstrap

Use Responsive Design with Bootstrap Fluid Containers Complete, Make Images Mobile Responsive Complete, Center Text with Bootstrap Complete, Create a Bootstrap Button Complete, Create a Block Element Bootstrap Button Complete, Taste the Bootstrap Button Color Rainbow Complete, Call out Optional Actions with Button Info Complete, Warn your Users of a Dangerous Action Complete, Use the Bootstrap Grid to Put Elements Side By Side Complete, Ditch Custom CSS for Bootstrap Complete, Use Spans for Inline Elements Complete, Create a Custom Heading Complete, Add Font Awesome Icons to our Buttons Complete, Add Font Awesome Icons to all of our Buttons Complete, Responsively Style Radio Buttons Complete, Responsively Style Checkboxes Complete, Style Text Inputs as Form Controls Complete, Line up Form Elements Responsively with Bootstrap Complete, Create a Bootstrap Headline Complete, House our page within a Bootstrap Container Fluid Div Complete, Create a Bootstrap Row Complete, Split your Bootstrap Row Complete, Create Bootstrap Wells Complete, Add Elements within your Bootstrap Wells Complete, Apply the Default Bootstrap Button Style Complete, Create a Class to Target with jQuery Selectors Complete, Add ID Attributes to Bootstrap Elements Complete,

Revision Jquery

Learn how Script Tags and Document Ready Work Complete, Target HTML Elements with Selectors Using jQuery Complete, Target Elements by Class Using jQuery Complete, Target Elements by ID Using jQuery Complete, Delete your jQuery Functions Complete, Target the same element with multiple jQuery Selectors Complete, Remove Classes from an element with jQuery Complete, Change the CSS of an Element Using jQuery Complete, Disable an Element Using jQuery Complete, Change Text Inside an Element Using jQuery Complete, Remove an Element Using jQuery Complete, Use appendTo to Move Elements with jQuery Complete, Clone an Element Using jQuery Complete, Target the Parent of an Element Using jQuery Complete, Target the Children of an Element Using jQuery Complete, Target a Specific Child of an Element Using jQuery Complete, Target Even Numbered Elements Using jQuery Complete, Use jQuery to Modify the Entire Page,

Jour 4 Challenge FreeCodeCamp:

Tribute page, Laravel projet world cup initialisation du projet/creation bdd/1eres Vues

Jour 5:

Cours Algo

PARTIE 9 (LES FONCTIONS PRÉDÉFINIES) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 67

  1. Structure générale des fonctions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 67
  2. Les fonctions de texte ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 68
  3. Trois fonctions numériques classiques -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 70
  4. Les fonctions de conversion --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 73 PARTIE 10 (LES FICHIERS) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 74
  5. Organisation des fichiers --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 74
  6. Structure des enregistrements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 75
  7. Types d’accès ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------76
  8. Instructions (fichiers texte en accès séquentiel) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 77
  9. Stratégies de traitement --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------80
  10. Données structurées------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 81 6.1. Données structurées simples------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------81 6.2. Tableaux de données structurées-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------83
  11. Récapitulatif général------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------84

Creation appli vuejs add + delete todolist

Jour 6:

Lecture : Guide to Test-Driven Development :

Creation de tests sur phpunit: Model/Controller

Suivi du cours: -Cybersecurity and Its Ten Domains par University System of Georgia (semaine 1) -Testez l'interface de votre site (openclassroom)

Jour 7:

Generate and Download Screenshot of webpage without losing the styles in Javascript

Jour 8:

Revision bootstrap: cours openclassrooms:Prenez en main Bootstrap

Partie 1 - Premiers pas

1. Mise en route
2. Une grille ?
3. Un peu de pratique

Quiz : Quiz 1

Partie 2 - Mise en forme des éléments

1. Eléments de base
2. Les composants intégrés

Activité : Réalisez une page web simple

Partie 3 - Mise en forme avancée

1. Les plugins jQuery
2. Configurer Bootstrap

Activité : Réalisez une page web complexe avec des plugins JavaScript

Jour9: LaravelLike -Cours OPC: Adoptez une architecture MVC en PHP(revision 1/2)

Jour10: -LaravelPanneauAdministration -Modification style appli laravel de geocoding de graffs sur Lyon -Cours OPC: Adoptez une architecture MVC en PHP(revision 2/2)


Intro to Information Security from Georgia Institute of Technology Partie 1 et 2


Intro to Information Security from Georgia Institute of Technology Partie 3




Tracking.js: reconnaissance facial


Tracking.js: reconnaissance couleur


Chiffrer/Dechiffrer: avec Js


mini projet : Un système de commentaires ZendFramework


Intro to Information Security from Georgia Institute of Technology Partie 4


Intro to Information Security from Georgia Institute of Technology Partie 5


Intro to Information Security from Georgia Institute of Technology Lesson 6 P1L5 Access Control


Building AR/VR with Javascript and HTML


LocalStorageCollapse : stocker la position des elements du menu pour avoir tjs les meme elements ouverts apres fermeture de la page


Intro to Information Security from Georgia Institute of Technology P1:L6 Mandatory Access Control


Cours: Linux Command Line Basics by Udacity


Intro to Information Security from Georgia Institute of Technology Lesson 9: P2:L1 Malicious Code


Revisions javascript Creation d'un jeu: le morpion


Front End Libraries Certification (300 hours) Bootstrap


Front End Libraries Certification (300 hours) jQuery


Front End Libraries Certification (300 hours) React JavaScript: Arrow Functions for Beginners


Défi: coder au moins une heure tous les jours pour les 100 prochains jours.






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