lua-torch code to load KITTI dataset, run demo or extract patches of objects for training.
dependency lua--xml
git clone
cd lua---xml
luarocks make
You need to download images from:
- synced+rectified data
- tracklet
##For the demo:
The images folder ending with 'sync' has folders with images put tracklet_labels.xml in the same folder. Modify dspath, absolute path to sequence base directory (ends with _sync), in demo_kitti.lua.
qlua demo_kitti.lua
##For extracting patches of objects
Modify dspath, absolute path to sequence base directory (ends with _sync), in make_dataset.lua.
th make_dataset.lua -width 128 -height 128
will go through video and extract patches of the objects that are centered in a bounding box of 128x128 dimension and create folder in that name. For example, will create folder name car and save patches of cars with an increasing index. car1.png, car2.png....