- Cloud environments: Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
- Web development: restful apis, caching, async job queues, database queries optimization, real-time communication with websockets and internationalized responses
- Databases: MySQL, Postgres, MongoDB, etc.
- Queue Systems: BullMQ, RabbitMQ, AWS SQS
- Message Brokers: Kafka, RabbitMQ
- Caching: Redis, Memcached
- External Filesystems: AWS S3, MinIO
- Auth: OAuth2, JWT, Cookies, etc
- Architectures: MVC, MSC, Clean Architecture, Microservices, Monorepo
- DevOps: pipelines, horizontal scaling, vertical scaling, regions, infrastructure as code
- Development strategies: Using Design Patterns and some principles like "decoupling", "don't repeat yourself" and "keep it simple, stupid!"
- Programming paradigms: Imperative, Declarative, Functional and OO
- Programming Languages: Javascript/Typescript (nodejs), Ruby, C and PHP
- Game Development with C++
- High-Performance Languages: Rust, Golang and Elixir
- Mobile app development with Java/Kotlin for Android and Swift for iOS
- Quick task scripts with Python