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This is a basic AI (in c# 9.0 using .NET 5.0) that can play chess in a terminal.
This game doesn't support the en passant capture move.


The board is displayed really simply. There are no colors for the diagonals.
Below is a summary table of the different symbols:

symbol signification
p pawn
r rook
n knight
b bishop
q queen
k king

The uppercase letters are for the black player and the lowercase ones are for the white player.

You will also see different colors. The table below explain each color in importance order.

color signification
red king is check
green possible moves of the selected piece
purple last move (piece and previous tile)
blue black pieces

If a black piece move, it will be colored in purple (purple is more important than blue).

How to use it

After compiling the program, you can execute it with arguments or not.
The following table will show you the available arguments.

argument signification
--vs you can play against an another player
--vsBot you can play against the AI
--bot the AI will play against itself
--withoutEnter You don't need to press enter before playing your turn

The 3 first arguments can't be used simultaneously. If you used 2 arguments, the order isn't important. If you launch it without argument, the program will be launched as you used the first argument.

Basic modifications

Some basic modifications can upgrade the AI.

You can add some heuristic functions or modify the values (in the heuristics.cs file).

You also can increment the maxDepth value in AI.cs.

You also can add the en passant capture move or add the possibility for the AI to choose between a queen and a knight when a pawn is promoted.

Finally, you can add some options using the difficulty argument in the AI constructor (like change maxDepth or heuristic attributes).


Everyone can contribute to this project. However, I will ask every contributors to use explicit variable and function name, add comment if it's not simple to know what is done, and to precisely explain what modification was done in the commit section (what is added, deleted, changed, where it is, how it's use and how to use it, potentially why).

To become a contributor, please contact me explaining me what you are going to do on the project and giving me your github account name or email.


This project is free to use !

Contact me

If you have a trouble (after research obviously) or for anything else about this project, you can contact me at [email protected] or on discord via private message at AyAztuB#2419. When you contact me, please use a specific subject (like basic chess AI) and precisely explain what your problem with.