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USD/BTC Converter

USD/BTC converter app using coingecko

Development Environment

App was developed using VS Code , Flutter 2.2.1 and Dart 2.13.0


Mobile UI Web UI
mobile ui web ui

Getting Started

After cloning this repository, perform the following steps before building your project.

Get packages:

flutter pub get

when you open the project you will see tones of errors due to AppLocalizations is not generated yet. flutter run will generate AppLocalizations and run the app to your emulator.

User Requirements

  • User shall get the exchange rate with the fetching time.
  • User shall enter numeric values only.
  • User shall get currency exchange values in real-time.
  • User should switch between the base currency and converted currency.
  • User should get values in real-time when editing converted amount or base amount.

System Requirements

  • The app shall only accept numerical values.
  • The app shall not accept more than 8 decimal places.
  • The app should have responsive design.
  • The app should support dark and light themes.
  • The app should render app theme based on system theme.
  • The app shall appropriately formate amounts based on the amount currency.
  • The app shall update the amount text fields in real-time if the value changed in one of them.
  • The app shall have a max BTC amount user can't exceed.
  • The app shall adjust all text fields amount if the user enters a value bigger than max BTC amount.
  • The app shall get rates from web API periodically.
  • The app shall get rates from the cache if rates are still valid.
  • The app shall get rates from the cache even if rates are not valid if they can't reach the web API.
  • The app should invalidate the cached rates after it consumes its left time.
  • The app shall have a global state.




to run all available test cases:

flutter test


USD/BTC converter






No releases published


