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The application LocApp is a command line interface (CLI) application. LocApp recursively collects all available * .properties files from a root directory and imports the path and value information into an h2 database.

List of commands:

    (q)uit:                                 Quit the program.
    (ip)import-properties:                  Iterate known properties and save into database.
    (ep)export-properties DIR:              Iterate known properties and save into directory.
    (ee)excel-export DIR [L] [E]:           Export properties into an excel file (all or by language ISOCODE[L], search for empty values [E=1])
    (ei)excel-import DIR:                   Import properties from an excel file
    (ed)export-delta DIR:                   Export delta (properties vs. excel) into an excel file
    (id)import-delta DIR VERSION:           Import delta and merge with selected version
    (sdl)select-default-language LANG:      Set default language for excel export (LANG=[en,de...]).
    (pc)properties-count SRC|XLS [L] [E]:   Count the amount of properties (all or by language ISOCODE[L], search for empty values [E=1])
    (mp)merge-properties SRC|XLS:           All known properties will be merged with their latest version to a new data set.
    (ci)check-integrity [L]:                Check if all SRC properties provided by XLS properties with all or specified languages(all or by language ISOCODE[L]).
    (cl)ear-loc:                            Delete all(!) entries for Localization!
    (f)iles DIR:                            Read recursive down for properties files and save fileinfo.
    (iil)import-ignore-list:                Import list of files that are to be excluded from the translation process.
    (cil)clear-ignore-list:                 Clear list with ignored files.
    command options mandatory:              Command parameters without brackets are mandatory
    command options optional:               Command parameters inside brackets are optional
    (h)elp:                                 Print this!


  • Java 8.x
  • Apache Maven 3.0.5 or higher
  • All properties files should be formatted as utf-8 without BOM (byte order mark)

Install and run:

  • Clone the project
  • Build the project with maven
  • Start application with: java -jar target/locapp-x.x.x-XYZ-jar-with-dependencies.jar


Localization Helper Application







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