Scale down or delete unneeded workload after work hours based on conditions
Kubernetes objects api-version compatibility checker and provides migration path for K8s objects and prepare it for cluster upgrades
A simple react calculator web app to demonstrate react hooks powered by tailwind css and typescript.
A School Attendance Management System where there are three entities Principal, Teacher and Students where all of them will have different functionalities.
FLOCAST is a NextGen web application developed by Team Nexalus that aims to serve as a solution for Two-way mobile communication (G2C and C2G) for the dissemination of flood forecasts to end-users …
A minimal FARM stack boilerplate / template project to get you started with a Python FastAPI backend, React frontend, MongoDB, and JWT user authentication (via FastAPIUsers).
Anthropometric measurement extraction using single image
Project page for End-to-end Recovery of Human Shape and Pose
Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) system implemented with TensorFlow.
Used for reading medical prescription and coverting it in digital form
OCR software for recognition of handwritten text
Remembering numerous passwords from various different sites can be difficult for a user. So to provide some flexibility we can provide users a graphical password authentication system where instead…
A fully functional python script to generate past meetings report containing Attended Sessions And Missed Sessions of every user for a given range of dates
Craft is a freelance team of some skilled and passionate creators and developers, who serves the brands to help their business stand out and turn their ideas into digital realities.
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A MERN stack based Discuss-Thread website for issue resolving.