An artwork distribution platform where artists are given ownership and fair compensation
Great Thanks to ❤️ @LittleSound ❤️ for contributing this project
Live Permaweb for ArcLight
Now 1.2.0 Online
the goal of project ArcLight is to create a truly free artwork distribution platform.
We use Arweave’s permaweb, a permanent and decentralized type of data storage built with blockchain technology. By encrypting your artworks to an unreadable source on the Arweave network, you are given full ownership of your intellectual property. Artists define the price for downloading their work, and users are able to support them directly.
With ArcLight, we cut out the middleman so that we can give the power back to the artists.
we support singles, albums, podcasts, and sound effects, event paintings
Upload your artwork in multiple different formats! ArcLight supports singles, albums, podcasts, sound effects, and paintings in digital format Express your creativity in whichever medium suits you best. ArcLight will give you the means to store and monetize your creations.
a secure way to store your artwork
Through encryption and the decentralized storage mechanism of Arweave, the only way your follower has access to the source file is by payment. Payments are facilitated in Ar token, the native currency of the permaweb. Once the payment is made, we will generate a receipt including the UNIX timestamp, the price paid to you, the target artwork purchased, and your address.
Thank you for choosing ArcLight!
@LittleSound - Major Developer
@Garfield550 - Major Developer
@LemonNeko - Major Developer
@KagurazakaIzumi - Localization for Simplified/Traditional Chinese, Japanese
yarn dev
arweave deploy-dir ./dist --key-file ./secrets/key.json
arweave interface
Arweave.js: A library for interacting with the Arweave network from web applications and node.js programs.
Arweave Deploy: A simple command line tool for deploying web apps, pages, and other files to the permaweb.
# install dependencies
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
yarn dev
# build for production with minification
yarn build
# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
yarn build --report
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