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jsTween is a simple-to-use but incredibly powerful animations engine for ECMAScript 6. In short, it allows you to animate anything with a minimum of fuss and a maximum of flexibility. Create animation targets, which are values you would like to animate, and then you can make Tweens of those targets, which are the basic building blocks of animation. Tweens are a single transition over time, such as perhaps fading an item in, or making it drop down. You tell us where to start, end, and how long it should take. That's it. Et voilà, it animates. That's as much as you need to know in order to get started.

  • Check out the getting started section to get going right now.
  • Read the extensive documentation for more advanced usage hints.
  • See the support section for all those important details about browser support and so on.

But that's not all; we can easily go deeper. Easings based on Robert Penner's easing equations are also built right in. Need it to slide in a certain pattern instead of a straight line? There's probably already an ease for that, and it's built right into the library. Seek and ye shall find.

If you need something more complicated, then we can do that too. jsTween easily scales to the most complex of animation needs by offering Timelines, which are ways to add your Tweens together. A SeqTimeline is a sequential timeline in which Tweens happen one-after-another. First one, then the next, while a ParTimeline is a parallel timeline where all the Tweens happen together. An animation where a box flies out and to the left while fading out and changing color would be something for a ParTimeline whereas an animation of a duck bobbing around on a lake might require a SeqTimeline. Just as a note, Timelines can also be nested, but only the most complicated animations should ever need this feature.

Did we also mention that jsTweeen is wickedly fast? You should check out our unit tests, there's one that makes sure we can run timelines of 10,000 Tweens in under 10ms. That easily gets you silky-smooth 60fps for even the most complex of animations. Is jsTween not fast enough for you? Please file an issue, it's almost certainly a bug. 🥂

Getting Started

Try this:

var Tween = require('jstween')

//Create a new (numeric) animation target:
var target = new Tween.AnimationTarget(0)

//Create a tween
var tween =, 0, 1, 5)

//Go go go!

setTimeout(function() {console.log(target.value)}, 1000)
setTimeout(function() {console.log(target.value)}, 2000)
setTimeout(function() {console.log(target.value)}, 3000)

Would you like some timelines with that?

var Tween = require('jstween')

// Assume there is some code here that makes
// some Targets that we want to animate.

//Here is a 1 second long animation which:
// - moves from 0 to 50 in the x direction
// - moves from 0 to 50 in the y direction
// - blinks the target's alpha value
// assuming that the target has those properties.
var timeline = Tween.parTimeline(, 0, 50, 1),, 0, 50, 1),
  Tween.seqTimeline(, 1, .5, .5),, .5, 1, .5)



The source for jsTween is annotated with typedoc-formatted comments, so there's clean documentation of the entire library available right away. There should be an accompanying documentation package with each jsTween release, while you can also compile the documentation at any time using the typedoc tool on its own, or run npm run doc to build the docs using our package script. Using the package script will output the docs to doc.


jsTween's initial release focuses on blazing-fast and feature-complete support for ECMAScript 6. This means it will work well in Node.JS, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and anything else that has a modern JavaScript, but might have compatibility issues with IE. We've tried to get the library to work with older JavaScript engines by building with the babel transpiler, so it should work with some older versions of IE, but as of yet, this hasn't been tested. You can try it out, but you have been warned.

jsTween's initial release ships with support for animating simple numeric properties out-of-the-box, however, jsTween can be easily extended to support animating any other data with a quick extension. This means animating CSS properties like color or position, or your own custom datatypes. More default interpolation types should be included in the library in the future.


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