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- UG Group 20 | The Fellas

Group members

+ Aqmal Pulle (a1720825)
+ Haard Shah (a1797163)
+ Shae Haggis (a1747701)
+ Vinay Kumar (a1802961)

$$ For testing $$ + Use email and password that has been provided in the comments section of the submission. - This account has access to all 3 login types. + Alternatively create a new account, try signing up as a venue manager (optionally) + Admins cannot sign up using typical create account process, their account must be created via already signed up admin + Some venue ID to test: - 1000, 1001, ... , 1011 - You can see the address and venue names via check-in history and or hotspots - You can test these venues by using the ID's to check-in (for user), create and manage hotspots (for admin).

App description/features

+ A fully fledged web application which features a robust COVID-19 tracing system.

+ Ability to sign up and log in as a user in order to:
	- Manage their user information
	- Check-in to locations by entering check-in code (venue id) that is supplied by the venue. (code is synonymous with venue ID in database).
	- View their check-in history in a table
	- Filter their check-in history results using provided toggles
	- View their check-in history on a map
	- See current hotspots on a map

+ Ability to sign up and log in as a venue manager in order to:
	- Manage their venue information
	- View the check-in history for their venue
	- Filter these check-in results using the provided filters
	- View active hotspots on a map

+ Ability for an admin/health official to log in, to:
	- Manage their personal user information
	- Create and manage hotspot areas/venues & timeframes
	- View the check-in history for users and venues
	- See current hotspots on a map
	- Manage Users/Venues (delete accounts and venues that are inactive)
	- Sign-up other Health Officials and give them permissions

+ Ability for users/venue managers to choose to link their Google account for authentication

+ Accessibilty feature
	- Tooltips are provided when doing check-in history for admin, while hovering over user and venue IDs

Special feature

+ Users can request that email notifications be sent to them that includes the list of current hotspots
+ The email comes from > [email protected]
+ The frequency of these emails is decided by the admins via the 'send alerts' button

How to use?

+ How to start the web application?
	- Ensure server is running
	- Ensure .sql file --> covidDatabaseFinal.sql has been imported into mysql server
		> If any issues occur with this database, use covidDatabaseFinal_Backup.sql
	- Navigate to the login page, via the link

+ How to operate as a user?
	- Signing up
		> Click "create account"
		> Fill in your details within the given input fields. All input fields must be filled in, in order to successfully create an account.
		> Tick the "receive email notifications for current hotspots" checkbox. (optional)
		> Leave the "sign up as a venue manager" box unchecked.
		> Read through the terms and conditions and agree to the terms and conditions by clicking the respective checbox.
			> This checkbox must be ticked in order to successfully create an account.
		> Click the submit button.
		> The new user will be redirected to the user home page
	-Logging in (with email and password)
		> Fill in the email and password box with the credentials you used when signing up.
		> Select the "user" radio box.
		> Click the login button.
	-Logging in (with Google)
		> Select the "user" radio box.
		> Click "sign in".
		> Enter in your credentials for your Google account.
		> Click next.
	- Navigating through the homepage
		> The map displayed shows all the different hotspots that are currently active
		> The dashboard on the left ensures swift navigation throughout the application.
			> Home icon takes you to the user homepage.
			> Profile icon takes you to the page for updating and viewing personal information.
			> History icon takes you to a page where recent check-ins can be viewed either by map or in a table format.
			> Logout icon signs you out of the application.
		> The FAQs on the right display link to various government websites for assistance in finding important information related to COVID-19.
		> Check-in
			> Enter the venue ID supplied by the venue into the input field.
				>venue ID must be 4 integers and must be a valid ID, if not, the system will not register the check in.
			> Venue managers will be supplied with this ID by the admins of this application. They must give this ID to customers/visitors.
			> Click check in.
	- Edit profile
		> Click on profile icon on the dashboard.
		> Currently displays the current personal information
		> Information currently in the database is pre-entered in the fields.
		> To edit, simply amend the desired field and click submit.
	- Check-in history (table)
		> Click on history icon on the dashboard.
		> Currently, it will show you all your check-ins in a table.
		> Use the toggles and input fields provided to narrow down information, and click refine search. Check-in results will update respectively.
	- Check-in history (map)
		> Click on history icon on the dashboard.
		> Click "view all check-ins on map". This will show you all your check-ins represented by blue pins.

+ How to operate as a venue manager?
	- Signing up
		> Click "create account"
		> Fill in your details within the given input fields. All input fields must be filled in, in order to successfully create an account.
		> Tick the "receive email notifications for current hotspots" checkbox. (optional)
		> Tick the "sign up as a venue manager" checkbox.
		> Read through the terms and conditions and agree to the terms and conditions by clicking the respective checbox.
			> This checkbox must be ticked in order to successfully create an account.
		> Click the submit button.
		> This new venue manager account also has access to a user account.
	-Logging in (with email and password)
		> Fill in the email and password box with the credentials you used when signing up.
		> Select the "venue manager" radio box.
		> Click the login button.
	-Logging in (with Google)
		> Select the "venue manager" radio box.
		> Click "sign in".
		> Enter in your credentials for your Google account.
		> Click next.
	- Navigating through the homepage
		> The map displayed shows all the different hotspots that are currently active
		> The dashboard on the left exists for navigation throughout the application.
			> Home icon takes you to the venue manager homepage.
			> Profile icon takes you to the venue manager personal information.
			> History icon takes you to the check-in history for the venue.
			> Logout icon logs you out of the application.
		> The FAQs on the right display link to various government websites for assistance in finding important information related to COVID-19.
		> Manage venue information
			> Click "manage venue information"
			> Currently, it will show the current venue information.
			> To edit, simply amend the desired field and click submit.
			> The venue ID will also be shown, which you cannot edit.
	- Edit profile
		> Click on profile icon on the dashboard.
		> Currently displays the current personal information
		> To edit, simply amend the desired field and click submit.
	- Check-in history for the venue
		> Click on history icon on the dashboard.
		> Currently, this shows the all customers who have checked-in/visited your venue.
		> Use the toggles and input fields provided to narrow down information, and click refine search. Check-in results will update respectively.

+ How to operate as an admin/health offical?
	-Logging in (with email and password)
		> Fill in the email and password box with the credentials you used when signing up.
		> Select the "health official" radio box.
		> Click the login button.
	-Logging in (with Google)
		> Select the "health official" radio box.
		> Click "sign in".
		> Enter in your credentials for your Google account.
		> Click next.
	- Navigating through the homepage
		> The map displayed shows all the different hotspots that are currently active.
		> The dashboard on the left exists for navigation throughout the application.
			> Home icon takes you to the admin/health official homepage.
			> Profile icon takes you to the admin/health official personal information.
			> History icon takes you to the check-in history, in which you can search for all check-in history for any person or venue.
			> Logout icon logs you out of the application.
		> Manage hotspots
			> Click "manage hotspots"
			> Onload, it will display all the currently active hotspots.
		> Create hotspots
			> Click "create hotspot".
			> Enter in the venue ID, start date and start timeframe and click "create hotspot".
			> You should now be able to see the hotspot on the map on the homepage.
		> Send alert
			> Click "send alert"
			> This will send an email to all registered users of this app, who have the "receive email notifications for current hotspots" checkbox ticked.
		> Sign-up admin/health official
			> Click "sign up admin"
			> Fill in the details within the given input fields. All input fields must be filled in, in order to successfully create an account.
			> Tick the "receive email notifications for current hotspots" checkbox. (optional)
			> Read through the terms and conditions and agree to the terms and conditions by clicking the respective checbox.
				> This checkbox must be ticked in order to successfully create the account.
			> Click the submit button.
			> Once the health offical account has been created, this new health official account has privileges for both a user and a health official.
		> Manage venue/users
			> Click "manage venue/user
			> If you want to delete a venue, you can put in the respective venue ID, and click "delete venue".
			> Similarly, if you want to delete a user, click "switch to user", and then you can put in their respective user ID, and click delete user.
			>>NOTE: Admins and health officials are only allowed to delete users and venues when they are unused.
				The  user account cannot be deleted off the system if a user has used that account to check-in to any venue,
				the venue account also cannot be deleted off the system if a user has checked into that venue or that venue has
				been made a hotspot. This is done so that any checkin or hotspot information is stored for tracing purposes
				if necessary.

	- Edit profile
		> Click on profile icon on the dashboard.
		> Currently displays the current personal information
		> To edit, simply amend the desired field and click submit.
	- Check-in history for users and venues
		> Click on history icon on the dashboard.
		> Here you can search for check-in history for any person or venue.
		> Additional search filters can be revealed that relate to address information by clicking the "search by address button".
			>>NOTE: The original toggles that were filled in will still remain in the seach query even though they are hidden by pressing the button.
		> When results are displayed, hover the mouse over the user ID and venue ID to reveal more information about the check-in.

+ Receiving emails
	- If the user, venue manager and admin/health official has opted in to receive emails about current hotspots
		> They should receive an email with current hotspots everytime the admin/health official clicks "send alert" on their homepage.


+ Copyright © 2021 The Fellas Inc. All Rights Reserved.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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Contributors 4
