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Docker Image CI


Click the front-end demo in here to see what this project does.

or check the screenshot below. image image

Running / Building PART1/2 (for front-end)

Installing Bun (the front-end package manager):

  • Install dependencies(only need to run once) : bun install
  • Run for development: bun run dev
  • Build for production: bun build

Fork this repo and you can easily deploy it for free in Cloudflare Page, Vercel and etc.

Running / Building PART2/2 method1 RECOMMENDED (for backend-end)

Installing Docker and Docker-compose

  • modify your configration in docker-compose.yml file if needed
  • copy the to .env, modify in .env
  • docker-compose up

Running / Building PART2: method2 (for backend-end)

Installing peotry (the back-end package manager for python):

  • copy the to .env, modify in .env
  • Install dependencies(only need to run once) : poetry install
  • Install your postgresDB and rabbitMQ
  • In one shell: ./ runserver
  • In another new shell: celery -A uptimemonitor worker --loglevel=INFO
  • In another new shell: celery -A uptimemonitor beat -l info --scheduler django_celery_beat.schedulers:DatabaseScheduler
