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Testing Instructions

To test the simulation, run python3 The default number of players in a game is configured to 3. That can be changed using the num_players attribute in the file.


  • Add challenge and blocking effects [DONE]
  • Different player identities through prompt variations (riskier, safer, random)
  • Block failure safety [DONE]
  • Enforcing game rules which include enforcing coup once you have more than 10 coins, although that happens naturally.
  • Making sure the agent understands the repercussion of challenging [DONE]
  • Add challenges, blocks and card losses to history


Steps used for creating an agent capable of playing the game "Coup." The agent will be able to:

  • Play valid moves.
  • Challenge other players' moves.
  • Challenge blocks.
  • Drop cards smartly.

Game Overview

Basic Rules

Coup is a game of deception and strategy where players aim to eliminate each other's influence until only one player remains. The game includes:

  • Characters (Influences): Duke, Assassin, Captain, Ambassador, and Contessa.
  • Actions: Income, Foreign Aid, Coup, Tax, Assassinate, Steal, Exchange.
  • Counteractions: Blocking Foreign Aid, Blocking Assassination (Contessa), Blocking Stealing (Captain or Ambassador).

Turn Phases

  1. BeginTurn: The current player performs an action.
  2. ChallengeAction: Other players may challenge the action.
  3. BlockAction: The targeted player may block the action.
  4. ChallengeBlock: Other players may challenge the block.

Agent Decision-Making Logic

1. Playing Moves


  • Early Game: Collect coins (Income or Foreign Aid) to avoid drawing attention.
  • Mid Game: Use character-specific actions to gain an advantage.
  • Late Game: Prepare for Coups by collecting coins or eliminating threats.


  1. Determine Action Priority: Based on the number of coins and the cards in hand.
  2. Assess Risk: Consider the likelihood of being challenged or blocked.
  3. Select Action: Choose the action that maximizes advantage and minimizes risk.

2. Challenging Moves


  • Bluff Detection: Analyze the history of moves and revealed cards to detect possible bluffs.
  • Risk Assessment: Weigh the risk of losing an influence against the potential benefit of removing an opponent's influence.


  1. Analyze Move Legitimacy: Check the probability that the opponent has the claimed card.
  2. Evaluate Risk vs. Reward: Decide whether the potential reward of a successful challenge outweighs the risk.
  3. Make Decision: Challenge if the move is highly suspicious and the risk is acceptable.

3. Blocking Moves


  • Protect Resources: Block actions that directly harm the agent (e.g., Assassination, Stealing).
  • Consider Challenge: Assess the likelihood of the block being challenged and the agent's ability to defend the challenge.


  1. Identify Blockable Actions: Determine if the agent has the necessary card to block.
  2. Assess Opponent’s Likelihood to Challenge: Consider the game state and opponent behavior.
  3. Decide to Block or Challenge: Block if it significantly benefits the agent, otherwise consider challenging the move instead.

4. Dropping Cards


  • Card Value: Assess the strategic value of each card in hand.
  • Current Game State: Consider the current game phase and the remaining opponents.
  • Future Potential: Evaluate the potential future utility of each card.


  1. Rank Cards: Based on their utility in the current and future game state.
  2. Evaluate Risks: Consider which card’s loss would least impact the agent's strategy.
  3. Drop Card: Choose the card that is least valuable or most expendable.

Decision-Making Flow

Begin Turn

  1. Check Coins: If the agent has 7 or more coins, prepare to Coup.
  2. Select Action: Based on early, mid, or late game strategy.
  3. Execute Action: Output the action in JSON format.

Challenge Action

  1. Analyze History and Eliminated Cards: Determine the likelihood of a bluff.
  2. Weigh Risks and Rewards: Decide whether the potential gain is worth the risk.
  3. Make Decision: Challenge if the risk is acceptable.

Block Action

  1. Check for Blockable Actions: Determine if the agent can block.
  2. Assess Risk of Challenge: Consider the likelihood and consequences of a challenge.
  3. Make Decision: Block or prepare to challenge if the action seems suspicious.

Drop Card

  1. Evaluate Card Utility: Rank the cards based on current and future game states.
  2. Drop Least Valuable Card: Choose the card with the least strategic value.


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