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Dijkstra Planner Plugin

Switch to the branch with Dijkstra Planner

cd ~/ros2_ws/src/path_planning_checkpoint
git switch project-work

Terminal 1

export MY_ROBOT=mp_400; export MAP_NAME=neo_track1
export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=/home/user/ros2_ws/src/neobotix_ros2/neo_simulation2/models:/home/user/ros2_ws/src:/home/user/ros2_ws/src/neobotix_ros2
ros2 launch neo_simulation2

Terminal 2

ros2 launch neo_nav2 neo_nav2_full.launch.xml

For pushing branches:

git push -u origin project-work

Dijkstra Class

Method Description
configure Configures the planner. It's called when the planner is being initialized.
cleanup Cleans up the planner. It's called when the planner is being shut down.
activate Activates the planner. It's called when the planner is being activated.
deactivate Deactivates the planner. It's called when the planner is being deactivated.
createPlan Given a start and goal pose, it computes a plan (path) and returns it.
dijkstraShortestPath Performs Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm on a costmap to find the shortest path from a start cell to a goal cell.
fromWorldToGrid Converts world coordinates (in meters) to grid map coordinates.
fromGridToWorld Converts grid map coordinates to world coordinates (in meters).
gridCellxyToIndex Converts grid cell coordinates to a linear index value.
fromIndexToGridCellxy Converts a linear index value to grid cell coordinates.
find_neighbors Identifies neighbor nodes by inspecting the 8 adjacent nodes.
print_map Prints the contents of a map. Useful for debugging.
Member Variable Description
node_ Shared pointer to the lifecycle node.
costmap_ros_ Shared pointer to the ROS costmap.
tf_ Shared pointer to the TF2 buffer.
interpolation_resolution_ The resolution for interpolation.
global_frame_, name_ The global frame of the costmap and the name of the planner.
costmap_ Pointer to the values in the occupancy grid.
origin_x_, origin_y_ The x and y values of the origin of the costmap.
resolution_ The resolution of the costmap.
width_, height_ The width and height of the costmap in number of grid cells.
map_size_ The total size of the costmap in number of grid cells.
initialized_ The initialization status of the instance variables.


Part 1

Repeat the following while open_list is not empty:

  1. Extract the node with the smallest g_cost from open_list and call it current_node
  2. Mark it as visited by adding it into closed_list
  3. Check if current_node is the target node, and if so, go to phase II; otherwise, continue with step 4
  4. Find the neighbors of the current_node

For each node in the list of neighbors of current_node:

  1. If a neighbor is inside closed_list, skip it and pick the next neighbor
  2. Case I: If a neighbor is inside open_list:
  • If the new g_cost value is smaller than the current g_cost value:
    • Update its g_cost
    • Update its parent node
  1. Case II: If a neighbor is not inside open_list:
  • Set its g_cost
  • Set its parent node
  • Add it to open_list

When we are done considering all neighbors of current_node, go to step 2.

Part 2

Build the path from start to end.

  • Trace back from the target node to the start node, using each node's parent node.


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