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Full finite-element code from scratch with SIMD-accelerated equation solver based on conforming finite elements with tests and example solution to Laplace equation.


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Finite elements

This is an example code (VS 2019 without Windows specifics) on how to write approximation and solution to a partial differential equation with conforming linear finite elements. Everything from scratch, no third-party code.

These are useful classes here which can be used separately :

  • Vector4 - SIMD-accelerated 4 component vector based on 4-byte floats
  • Matrix - 2-dimensional matrix with operators and inversion of 2 x 2, 3 x 3 and 4 x 4 matrices
  • FEMVirtMatrix - SIMD-accelerated banded matrix to solve FEM systems - real code speedup
  • Conforming3D - conforming linear finite element with all formulae well tested

Conforming linear finite element

K.-W. Cheng, T.-P. Fries. XFEM with Hanging Nodes for Two-phase Incompressible Flow. The element with all associated code is here in Conforming3D.h. "Conforming" means that you do not have to use a conformal mesh but build approximation on such constructions like balanced octrees. The element provides continuous approximation across element faces, its shape functions are far from being trivial.

       /|                        /|    
      / |                       / |    
    19  |         25           17 |     
    /   |                     /   |          
   /   15           23       /    14         
 (4)-----------16----------(5)    |    
  |     |                   |     |     
  |  24 |                   |  22 |    
  |     |                   |     |
  |    (3)----------10------|----(2)
 12    /       21           13   / 
  |   /                     |   / 
  |  11          20         |  9
W ^ /V                      | /
  |/                        |/

Any node from 8 to 25 (18 nodes in all) may not exist. That is, 8 standard and 18 hanging. The element provides C0-continuous approximation across faces of neighbour elements. Parameters U,V,W change from 0 to 1 from the node 0.

  • T - class for real numbers
  • Tvector - class for 3D vector with up to 4 components


Derivatives are not continuous across parametric value of 0.5 due to e.g. 

T c0a = T1 - std::abs(c0); in shapeFunctionsConforming() - abs value function expressions, derivatives at and near hanging nodes with a parameter 0.5 are not well defined as abs() is discontinuous, therefore the two functions shapeDerivativesConformingSimple() based on finite differences and shapeDerivativesExact() - exact expression MAY GIVE VERY DIFFERENT results. Because the derivative does not exist at x = 0 for function y = |x|. In general, first derivatives for a linear approximation must be constant, so the use of shapeDerivativesConformingFromSubOctant() which calculates derivatives at centres of sub-octants looks most consistent.


This class is for operations with not very large matrices but mainly for manipulations with finite element shape functions. The class does not contain any special features for speedup, it is a regular code for matrix ariphmetics and inversion for 2 x 2, 3 x 3 and 4 x 4 matrices. These formulae are 100% reliable. The class does not contain any coordinate transforms for 4 x 4 case.

Solution to a system of equations

A FEM system is banded and the code stores matrix by rows taking into account its banded nature with the solution by Gauss elimination. The built-in SIMD makes the code sufficiently faster. But multithreading does not make any good. I do not know why, did not try to understand why. The maximum reasonable size of the system is something up to 70..100 thousands with 1/10 band width; the bigger solution will be destroyed by roundup errors, storage probems and time of solution. A better parallelisation and a more sophisticated algorithm is necessary for a good commercial code.


A group of tests, define/undefine TEST_MATRIX, TEST_ELEMENT, TEST_SOLUTION below. You can select various types for templates, all variants are possible :

#define T float     - float variables are 4-byte floats
#define T double    - floats are 8-bytes long

#define Tvector Vector4           - SIMD-accelerated 4-component vector based on 4-byte floats
#define Tvector TVector<float>    - plain 4-component vector on floats
#define Tvector TVector<double>   - plain 4-component vector on doubles

When testing solution to the system of equations, the matrix is not quite well positive definite, so it would be much better to use doubles, like this :

#define T double
#define T TVector<double>

If T and Tvector have different basic types, the code produces some type-conversion warnings, I left them as they are.

List of tests : disabled/enable by #define TEST_... :

  • Tests of Matrix class : ariphmetics, multiplies, inversion etc.

  • Tests of finite element shape functions : sum must be 1, for derivatives 0 etc. Some tests may fail due to random nature of data when inconsistent with tolerance value currently set.

  • Tests of parallel solution to a banded system of equations. The matrix is not well positive definite, so residuals maybe not very good with 4-byte float types. Another thing is that the increase in the number of threads does not help or even makes the code slower.

  • ... and finally finite element test. Mesh is not generated here; it is a matter of further publications. It is as follows :

             (3)-----------------------(12)---------(21)--------(30) Z=1.0
             /|                        /|           /|          /|
            / |                       / |          / |         / |
           /  |                     (11)---------(20)--------(29)|
          /   |                     /|  |        /|  |       /|  |
         /    |                    / | (9)------/-|-(18)--- /-| (27)
       (2)-----------------------(10)---------(19)--------(28)| /|
        |     |                   |  |/ |      |  |/ |     |  |/ |
        |     |                   | (8)------- |-(17)----- | (26)|
        |     |                   | /|  |      | /|  |     | /|  |
        |    (1)------------------|/-|-(6)-----|/---(15)---|/-|-(24) Y=1.0
        |    /                   (7)----------(16)--------(25)| /
        |   /                     |  |/        |  |/       |  |/
        |  /                      | (5)--------|-(14)------|-(23)
      Z ^ /Y                      | /          | /         | /
        |/                        |/           |/          |/
           X                     X=1.0                    X=2.0

This is one big conforming finite element with five hanging nodes (5,7,8,9,11) and eight non-conforming small finite elements each with 8 nodes. The "non-conforming" plane is X = 1.0 to achieve continuous approximation across it with our conforming finite element Confroming3D.

The problem is formulated as follows : solve Laplace equation with essential boundary conditions at plane X = 0 (potential is 0.0) and at plane X = 2.0 (specify potential 1.0). On all other planes natural boundary conditions will be automatically satisfied. Read J.J.Connor, C.A.Brebbia Finite Element Techniques for Fluid Flow. Very good about weak formulations, stiffness and mass matrices etc.

So we expect that potential value will grow linearly from 0.0 at X = 0 to 1.0 at X = 2 with the derivative of potential (velocity) along X equal everywhere to 1.0 / 2.0 = 0.5 and zero velocity components in Y and Z.

A test printout

  Seed 1609068822

  ===== Tests of matrix =====


  Multiply (AB)T = BT AT



  ===== Tests of 3D conforming finite element =====

  Testing incorrectly defined elements (arbitrary hanging nodes), shape function value at a node must be 1, at all other nodes 0

  Testing correctly defined elements (whole faces with hanging nodes), shape function value at a node must be 1, at all other nodes 0

  Calculation of shape function derivatives by four methods must yield close results

  Calculation of values at some specific cases (correct hanging nodes on two faces)

  Derivatives on real coordinates, element 2 x 0.5 x 0.75

  Derivatives on parameters and real coordinates, random tests :
(1) element derivatives on X,Y,Z must be units (identity matrix)
(2) element derivatives on parameters must be equal to box sizes
(3) element volume must be equal to Jacobi matrix determinant

  ===== Solution to banded system with SIMD and multiple threads  =====

Allocator stored file : FEMVirtMatrix.bin, size 40000000
Solving system of size 5000 by 500
1. solving with simple C solver...
4900 of 5000
2. solving with parallel solver...
Time : simple solver 2.75633 sec, SIMD parallel solver 0.374472, acceleration 7.36059
Tesing results
Comparing solutions...
Max difference b/w solutions is 9.19168e-13, max solution value 0.109975, min value -0.110092, residual 8.99503e-13, parallel residual 1.33116e-12
Allocator stored file deleted : FEMVirtMatrix.bin

  ===== Solving Laplace equation with conforming finite elements =====

Allocator stored file : FEMVirtMatrix.bin, size 6944
Max residual 1.4988e-15
        X       Y       Z       potential       gradient

        0.5     0.5     0.5     0.25            0.5     5.55112e-17     -5.55112e-17
        1.25    0.25    0.25    0.625           0.5     -5.55112e-17    5.55112e-17
        1.25    0.75    0.25    0.625           0.5     -5.55112e-17    -1.66533e-16
        1.25    0.25    0.75    0.625           0.5     -1.11022e-16    0
        1.25    0.75    0.75    0.625           0.5     -2.77556e-17    -2.77556e-17
        1.75    0.25    0.25    0.875           0.5     0       0
        1.75    0.75    0.25    0.875           0.5     -1.11022e-16    -1.11022e-16
        1.75    0.25    0.75    0.875           0.5     -1.11022e-16    -1.11022e-16
        1.75    0.75    0.75    0.875           0.5     -1.11022e-16    -1.11022e-16
Allocator stored file deleted : FEMVirtMatrix.bin

What is good and what is bad

  • Ready 100% reliable code for conforming finite element. Remember that derivatives of shape functions are discontinuous within the element.
  • Matrix class for small matrices with 100% reliable inversion formulae. If you run into a problem, you might have forgotten to transpose a matrix somewhere. Matrix operations are slow, no special attention to code speed.
  • Vector class for 4-component vectors Vector4 is accelerated by SIMD, but it cannot help much without reorganisation of the whole code.
  • FEMVirtMatrix is SIMD accelerated with normal speedup 4 times or more, but multithreading does not help very much, maybe because of my computer with just a single hardware set of XMM registers.
  • The last test - solution to a Laplace equation is very very simple and produces correct results. We need a mesh generation code for proper testing (to come).


  • J.J.Connor, C.A.Brebbia. Finite Element Techniques for Fluid Flow (very comprehensible, about finite elements).
  • K.-W. Cheng, T.-P. Fries. XFEM with Hanging Nodes for Two-phase Incompressible Flow (shape functions for conforming finite element).


Full finite-element code from scratch with SIMD-accelerated equation solver based on conforming finite elements with tests and example solution to Laplace equation.








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